- Учителю
- Вне классное мероприятие по английскому языку в 4 классе: «The play The Ugly Duckling»
Вне классное мероприятие по английскому языку в 4 классе: «The play The Ugly Duckling»
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 4 классе:
«The play The Ugly Duckling»
Внеклассное мероприятие проводится по следующим темам:
Seasons and weather.
Present Simple, Future Simple.
Обобщение и углубление изученного материала;
Развитие познавательного интереса, повышение творческой активности учащихся;
Воспитание социокультурной компетенции, чувства толерантности, умения работать в команде.
Музыкальный центр
Декорации к сказке:
Пейзаж с изображением фермы;
Осенний пейзаж;
Зимний пейзаж.
Костюмы героев сказки.
Ход мероприятия:
The Ugly Duckling
(Автор выходит под лирическую мелодию)
It is summer. Mother Duck has got six eggs. Five eggs break and yellow ducklings come out. But the sixth egg doesn't break.
(танец утят, поют песню «Six little duck»)
Six little ducks that I once knew
Fast once, skinny ones, fair ones too.
But the one little duck with the feather on his back
He led the others with his quack, quack, quack.
Quack, quack, quack- quack, quack, quack
He led the others with his quack, quack, quack.
Mother duck:
"Oh, dear! This egg is very big"
Later, the sixth egg breaks. A big grey duckling comes out.
(Появляется главный герой под песню «Six little ducks»)
Mother duck:
"Oh no! This duckling is ugly!"
"Come on, ducklings. Let's go and visit the hen"
Mother duck:
"Walk behind your brothers and sisters. I don't want anybody to see you. You're ugly!"
The ugly duckling is sad.
(Звучит грустная мелодия)
The hen sees the ducklings. She sees the ugly duckling too. The hen laughs.
The hen:
"Look! That ducklings. Is silly! He has got short legs. He's grey. His break is silly. He's an ugly duckling!"
Everybody laughs. The ugly duckling is very sad.
(Звучит грустная мелодия)
The next day, the ugly duckling leaves. He is crying because nobody likes him. He walks and walks. He sees some insects.
(Под веселую мелодию появляются бабочка, божья коровка и гусеница)
The ugly duckling:
But the insect don't talk to the ugly duckling.
The insect:
"Your funny! We like you"
There is a loud noise.
(Звучит лай собак)
The insect:
"It's a big dog!"
The ugly duckling is afraid. He hides in the grass. The big dog runs into the grass. It sees the ugly duckling. It smells the ugly duckling, but it goes away.
The ugly duckling:
"The dog doesn't like me because I'm ugly"
(Звучит грустная мелодия)
The ugly duckling walks and walks. He sees a house. An old woman lives in the house. She is cooking. The ugly duckling can smell the food.
The ugly duckling:
"Mmm. That food smells good! I'm hungry"
The old woman looks at the ugly duckling.
An old woman:
"You're a funny duckling. Are you hungry? Eat this food"
The ugly duckling eats the food. Now he feels happy.
But a cat and a hen live with the old woman. They are bad.
A cat and a hen:
"We don't like you"
"You're ugly!"
"Go away, ugly duckling"
The ugly duckling is sad again. He leaves the house.
(Звучит грустная мелодия)
Now it is autumn. It is cold. The ugly duckling walks and walks. He looks at the sky and he sees some white birds. They are beautiful. The ugly duckling likes the white birds.
(танец лебедей под мелодию Чайковского «Спящая красавица»)
The ugly duckling:
But the white birds don't hear the ugly duckling. They are flying in the sky. The ugly duckling wants to fly, but his wings are small. Now it is winter. It is very cold and there is lots of snow. The ugly duckling is tired and he is hungry.
(Звучит фонограмма метели)
One day, the ugly duckling sees a man.
The man wants to catch the ugly duckling.
(выходит охотник с ружьем под звук хруста снега)
The man:
"Come here, little bird. I want to eat you"
The ugly duckling jumps. Look! He can fly!
(Звучит грустная мелодия)
The winter months are long and cold. The ugly duckling is very sad and hungry.
But now it is sunny. It is spring. The white birds come back.
(танец лебедей под мелодию Чайковского «Спящая красавица»)
The ugly duckling:
"Those birds are beautiful, but I'm ugly"
The ugly duckling wants to talk to the white birds. He wants some friends.
The ugly duckling:
"Hello. I'm ugly, but please be my friends"
The white birds smile. They like the ugly duckling.
The white birds:
"Hello, little brother"
The ugly duckling:
"Brother? I'm not your brother. You're beautiful and I'm ugly"
The white birds:
"You aren't ugly. Look at your face in the water"
The ugly duckling looks in the water. He sees his face. He is very surprised. He isn't ugly. He is a beautiful white birds! The ugly duckling is a swan!
(на сцену выходят все герои пьесы)
"Look! Look! There's a new swan. He's very beautiful"
The new swam is shy. He hides his face under his wing.
Now the new swan smiles. The children like him. He isn't ugly. He's a beautiful
white swan!
The ugly duckling:
"I'm swan!"
(Звучит финальная песня "The more we are together")
The new swan remembers all the sad days, but he isn't angry. Everybody loves the new swan. He has got lots of friends. He is very happy.
(Под лирическую музыку поклон всех участников)
Подведение итогов внеклассного мероприятия, вручение грамот.