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  • Сайыс сабақ 21 ғасыр көшбасшысы

Сайыс сабақ 21 ғасыр көшбасшысы

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

The theme: 'The leader of the XXI century'

The type: competition.

The aims:

1. to develop the children`s pronunciation in English;

2. to develop their thinking, speaking.

3. to check their knowledge.

The aids: an interactive board, papers, pens, the numbers.

Lesson procedure.

I. Organization moment.

-Good afternoon pupils and teachers. I am glad to see you! Today we have unusual lesson. We shall have a competition. You are welcome to our leader club and our party "The Leader of XXI century". Today we will define the best leader. And now I want to invite our participants. Let me introduce to you our players.



Question for participants:

1. What is your favorite subject?

2. Who is your favorite singer?

3. What your favorite food?

4. What is your favorite sport?

Our competition consists of 5 stages.

The 1-st stage is: 'Baiga' Each answer 1 point

The 2-d stage is: 'Do you know?' Each answer 1 point

The 3-d stage is: 'I`m fond of Math' Each answer 1 point

The 4-th stage is: 'Kokpar' Each answer 1 point

The 5-th stage is: 'Polyglot' Each answer 1 point

And we have dear jury that will marks our players We have got 3 experts. Let me introduce them to you.

……………………………….. - the teacher of …………….

……………………………….. - the teacher of …………....

………………………………… - the teacher of ……………

Players! Are you ready for this competition? Then let`s begin!

The 1-st stage - 'Baiga'. I`ll give you some words that you studied at the last lessons. You must translate them into English. 2 players who got less balls must leave our competition.

1. күз - autumn

2. таңғы ас - breakfast

3. гүл - a flower

4. шоколад - a chocolade

5. солтүстік - north

6. бұлтты - cloudy

7. тыңдау - to listen

8. футболка - T-shirt

9. шырын - a juice

10. ойнау - to play

11.қоқыс- rubbish

12. кесу- cut

13. көмектесу - help

14. табиғат- nature

15. өзен - river

16. қорғау- protect

17. қоршаған орта - environment

18. сүйікті - favourite

So, the 1-st stage is over.

The 2-nd stage, which calls "Do you know?" I ask questions to participants and each correct answer gives you 1 points. 2 players who got less balls must leave our competition.

1. What is the color of our state flag? (blue)

2.The translation of all the words you can find in this book. (Dictionary)

3. What day of the week comes before Sunday? (Saturday).

4.What day of the week comes after Wednesday? (Thursday).

5. Which month of a year is the shortest? (February).

6. What is the opposite of "big"? (small).

7.How many seasons are there in a year? (4).

8.What is the coldest season? (winter).

9.What colour is the sun? (yellow).

10.What animal has the longest neck? (the giraffe).

11. What colour is snow? (white).

12. The source of knowledge. (book)

So, the 2-nd stage is over.

The 3-rd stage : 'I`m fond of Maths'. I`ll give you some tasks for Maths. 2 players who got less balls must leave our competition.

1. five + seven = twelve

2. fifteen + two = seventeen

3. twenty one + four = twenty five

4. six + seven = thirteen

5. three + nineteen = twenty three

6. fifteen + fifteen = thirty

7. eight + nine = seventeen

8. zero + twelve = twelve

9. two + seventeen = nineteen

10. sixty + fourty = one hundred

The 3-d stage is over.

So, the 4-th stage, that calls 'Kokpar'. The task is for you: to put the sentences in the right order.

Are you ready, players? Let`s begin.

  1. Yes, I can.

  2. Can you swim?

  3. Then let`s go to the swimming pool!


  1. Yes, I have.

  2. What`s his name?

  3. Have you got a friend?


  1. Hello, Asem!

  2. I`m fine, thanks. And you?

  3. Hello, Mike! How are you?


  1. Can I take it?

  2. Where is your book?

  3. It`s there.


  1. I went to the theatre. Did you see me?

  2. Yes, I saw you.

  3. Where did you go yesterday?


The 5-th stage, which calls 'Polyglot'. I`ll say you some Kazakh proverbs, you must find the missed words and translate into Russian and Kazakh languages.

1. Өнерлі өрге ... . /жүзер//жүзу - плавать - to swim/

2. Алты ұл туған ...

«Ханым» десе болады. /ананы/ /ана - мама - a mother/

3. ... - балаға сыншы. /ата/ /ата - дедушка - grandfather/

4. ... көпті жау алмайды,

Ақылы көпті дау алмайды. /досы/ /дос - друг - a friend/

5. Ананың ... - бал,

Баланың тілі - бал. /сүті/ /сүт - молоко - milk/

6. Батыр туса - ел ырысы,

... жауса - жер ырысы. /жаңбыр//жаңбыр - дождь - rain /

So, the 5th stage is over.



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