- Учителю
- Открытый урок по теме May I come in
Открытый урок по теме May I come in
№11 secondary school
Theme: «May I come in?»
Done by: Khodzhaeva A.
Checked by: Myzhykova O.
Date: 25.11.2015
Form:3 «A»
Theme: «May I come in? »
The aim of the lesson: 1. ph қосарланған әріптерінің оқылу ережесімен,
May және Can модалдік етістіктерімен
таныстыру .
2 . Оқушылардың білімдерін, сөздік қорларын,
сөйлеу мәнерін, қызығушылықтарын,
ойларын дамыту.
3. Шапшаң болуға, жүйелі сөйлеуге, сөздерді дұрыс
жеткізе білуге тәрбиелеу.
Visual aids: interactive board, pictures
Plan of the lesson:
1. Organization moment
2. Checking up the homework
3. 3. Phonetic exercise
4. To explain the new theme
5. New words
6. Doing exercises
7. Physical exercise
8. Homework
9. Marking
10. Conclusion
1. Organization moment
-Good morning pupils!
-How are you today?
-Very well thank you, sit down!
-Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
-Children, what day is it today?
- Who is absent?
-Good, boys and girls. Let's begin our lesson.
2. Checking up the homework
-Children, let's check up your home task.
-What was your home task for today?
-Who is ready?
-Who wants?
-Are you ready?
-Your home task was to learn by heart new words, yes?
Lake, stone, home, rose, kite, honey,
jaw, pencil. book , bag , pen,
3. Phonetic exercise
-Now pupils today we have a new phonetic-drill.
The diphthong ph give the sound [f].
Ph [f]
photo ['fəʊtəʊ]-фото pheasant['feznt]-қырғауылtrophy ['trəʊfi]-трофей alphabet['ælfəbit]-алфавитtelephone['telifəʊn]-телефон elephant['elifənt]-піл
phlox [flɒks]-флокс nephew['nefju:]-немере жиен
-At first I`ll read, you'll then repeat after me all together.
4. To explain the new theme
-Today we have a new theme about modal verbs May and Can.
Сan етістігі іс- әрекетті орындау мүмкіндігі не қабілетін білдіру үшін қолданылады.
Can етістігі ауызекі тілде іс-әрекеттің рұқсат етілуін де білдіреді.
May - модалды етістігі әлде бір іс -әрекеттің рұқсат етілуін және болжамды білдіреді.
Can we have a snack? Yes, you can.
Can we talk aloud? No, you cannot |can't.
May I come in? Yes, you may.
May I go out? No, you may not | mayn't
5. New words
Come in-[kᴧm in]-кіру
Go out-[gəʊ aʊt]-шығу
Talk aloud-[tᴐ:k ə'laʊd]-айғайлап сөйлеу
Have a snack-[hæv ə snæk]-жеңіл -желпі тамақтану
Help you-[help ju:]-көмектесу
6. Doing exercises
-Let's doing exercises. Open your books at p.49 ex.4
-Now, pupils I'll give you some cards. You must translate it and complete these sentences.
Complete the sentences using the modal verbs May| Can
1…………I help you? 4………….you see?
2………...I come in? 5…………we write?
3 ………… I go out? 6…………you read?
Ex; 6 p. 51
7. Physical exercise
</<img src="/prepod/_bloks/pic/6w0crqs-021.jpg" align="bottom" width="439" height="329" border="0" alt="Открытый урок по теме May I come in">
8. Homework
-Now pupils take your home task for the next lesson
- Your homework is to learn by heart the new words.
-Ex; 6 p. 38 (workbook)
9. Marking
-Your marks are : -excellent
10. Conclusion
-Now pupils, do you understand today`s our new theme?
- So, children, what do you do today at the lesson?
-Stand up
-The lesson is over
-Good bye
-You are free.