• Учителю
  • Розробки конспектів уроків з теми 'Мистецтво', 11 клас

Розробки конспектів уроків з теми 'Мистецтво', 11 клас

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предварительный просмотр материала



Урок 1

Підтема: Живопис. Відомі художники.


- ознайомити з новою лексикою;

- розвивати навички аудіювання;

- формувати навички пошукового читання;

- продовжувати формувати комунікативні вміння учнів;

- виховувати усвідомлення важливості впливу мистецтва на естетичний

розвиток людини.

Обладнання: підручник, картки для самостійної роботи (НО1), (НО3), для

роботи в парах (НО2), аудіозапис пісні Дона Макліна «Vincent»,

репродукції картин Ван Гога.




T: How are you today?

Ps: We are fine, thank you!


T: At this lesson we'll start a new topic «Art»; so today we'll speak about the art

of painting, and get to know about some famous artists. Besides, we'll learn the song by Don McLean «Vincent» about Van Gogh.

Warming up.

1) Складання «Mind Map».

Учитель пише на дошці слово Art і за допомогою учнів складає «Mind Map».

Painting Sculpture Festivals

Theatre Art Cinema

Museums Galleries Exhibitions

2) Бесіда з учнями.

T: What is your attitude to the painting/cinema/theatre/festivals, etc.? Which

of these are you interested in?



1) Бесіда з учнями.

T: Today we'll learn a song by Don McLean called «Vincent». Do you know any artist

with this name? What do you know about Vincent Van Gogh? Have you ever seen

any of his pictures (reproductions of his pictures)?

2) Розповідь учителя.

Т: Vincent Van Gogh was born in the Netherlands in 1853. Van Gogh created selfportraits and paintings of flowers and scenery. His colours became even more brilliant after he moved to southern France in 1888. He portrayed his own room in Bedroom at Arles in bright yellow, blue, and red. However, no one liked his paintings. No other artist had painted quite like Van Gogh. He used vivid colours and thick strokes of paint to express his feelings about what he was painting. He didn't try to copy his subjects accurately. Often his work seems brooding and threatening. His landscapes are full of twisted shapes. Some of his most beautiful works were done while he was hospitalized for depression. Examples are Starry Night and Crows in a Wheatfield. Van Gogh died in 1890, after shooting himself. He left behind 750 paintings and 1,600 drawings. Gradually people began to appreciate these works. They became extremely valuable. In 1990, a Van Gogh painting sold for $82.5 million. This was the highest price anyone had ever paid for a painting at an art auction. But in 2004, a painting by Pablo Picasso set a new record of $104 million.

3) Ознайомлення з текстом пісні.

Учні отримують картки (НО1), самостійно читають текст пісні, з'ясовуючи значення нових слів за допомогою вчителя. Потім вони слухають пісню, а вчитель показує репродукції картин Ван Гога або проводить презентацію картин і пісні в Powerpoint. Далі учні відповідають на запитання вчителя.

Read the text of the song.


Starry, starry night.

Paint your palette blue and grey,

Look out on a summer's day,

With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.

Shadows on the hills,

Sketch the trees and the daffodils,

Catch the breeze and the winter chills,

In colors on the snowy linen land.

Now I understand what you tried to say to me,

How you suffered for your sanity,

How you tried to set them free.

They would not listen, they did not know how.

Perhaps they'll listen now.

Starry, starry night.

Flaming flowers that brightly blaze,

Swirling clouds in violet haze,

Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue.

Colors changing hue, morning field of amber grain,

Weathered faces lined in pain

Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.

Now I understand what you tried to say to me,

How you suffered for your sanity,T: What words and phrases does the singer use to describe Van Gogh's pictures? Doeshe consider these pictures to be beautiful? Do you like Van Gogh's pictures? Which one is your favourite?


How you tried to set them free.

They would not listen, they did not know how.

Perhaps they'll listen now.

For they could not love you,

But still your love was true.

And when no hope was left in sight

On that starry, starry night,

You took your life, as lovers often do.

But I could have told you, Vincent,

This world was never meant for one

As beautiful as you.

Starry, starry night.

Portraits hung in empty halls,

Frameless head on nameless walls,

With eyes that watch the world and can't forget.

Like the strangers that you've met,

The ragged men in the ragged clothes,

The silver thorn of bloody rose,

Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.

Now I think I know what you tried to say to me,

How you suffered for your sanity,

How you tried to set them free.

They would not listen, they're not listening still.

Perhaps they never will...

(By Don McLean)


1) Бесіда з учнями.

T: What is art? Do you like modern art? Do you think music and dancing are forms

of art? What famous painters do you know? What are they famous for? Do you like

to visit art museums? Do you enjoy your art class at school? Do you prefer using water colours or oil paint? What is the longest time that you have spent on a painting?

2) Робота в парах.

Учні в парах обговорюють твердження на картках (НО2), використовуючи подані словосполучення. По закінченні роботи по одному учню висловлюється з приводу кожного твердження.

Read the statements and discuss them in pairs. You may also use the following words and phrases.

to appreciate the work of art, to be interested in art,

to realize, superficial, to feel ashamed of, to attract,

to get better understanding of art, to view paintings,

portrayal, the rendering of the personality

1) No man would dare say he was born with a developed taste.

2) Sometimes a simple painting by a little-known artist is more moving than that of

a famous master.

3) Some people feel somewhat at a loss in an art museum.

4) The beauty of the work of art has to be felt.

5) One needs the ability to penetrate and share the vision of the artists; lacking such

ability, one may develop it.

6) The best way to gain better understanding and greater enjoyment of art is to view

many paintings, looking at them thoughtfully and earnestly.

7) Great works of art seem to look different every time one stands before them.НО2:


1) Reading. Етап читання.

Учні отримують картки (НО3), читають тексти і самостійно виконують завдання.

Read the text about Pablo Picasso and Claude Monet; then read the statemens aboutthese painters and divide them into two groups: those describing Pablo Picasso and the facts about Claude Monet.


Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) is probably one of history's most famous names. He was a Spanish painter and sculptor and perhapsНО3:

the most recognized figure in twentieth century art. He is best known for starting the Cubist style. Among his most famous works is the painting of the German bombing of the Spanish city of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.

Picasso was born into a middle-class family. He took after his father, who was also a painter and a professor of art. From the age of seven, Picasso had formal art lessons from his father. Picasso threw everything into art and his school grades went down. Aged 16, the family sent Picasso to study at Madrid's Royal Academy of Art.

Picasso moved to Paris in 1900. It was difficult for him to make a living. In 1911, he was questioned by the police for stealing the Mona Lisa. In the summer of 1918, Picasso married ballerina Olga Khokhlova. She introduced him to the rich people of Paris in the 1920s. He became a celebrity and a very respected artist. Picasso also acted in movies and always played himself in his film appearances. He became famous for his anti-war views. His painting Guernica showed the horror of war. He publicly opposed America's involvement in the Italian War. After his death, the French state kept many of his paintings. Today, much of his works hang in a collection at the Musée Picasso in Paris.


Claude Monet was born in Paris, but grew up in Le Havre. His first artistic output were caricatures when he was a little boy. Close to his home was a little shop owned by a marine painter, Mr Eugene Boudin. He recognized the talent of the boy and gave him his first painting lessons. Claude's family was not very happy about his

vocation for painting. In 1860 he was drafted and had to go to Northern Africa for two years. After his return from Africa he went to Paris and took painting lessons at Gleyre's studio in Paris. At the studio he got to know Auguste Renoir, Sisley, Bazille and others. The nucleus of the future Impressionist movement was born. Soon

Monet turned away from the traditional style of painting inside a studio. With his

new friends he went outside in the Fontainebleau forest to paint in the open air. But

the public and art critics ridiculed these new paintings that looked so different from

any conventional art style.

In a caricature published in a newspaper, they were mocked with the proposal of

chasing away the Prussian enemy by showing them Impressionist paintings - not

The nucleus of the future Impressionist movement was born. Soon

Monet turned away from the traditional style of painting inside a studio. With his new friends he went outside in the Fontainebleau forest to paint in the open air. But the public and art critics ridiculed these new paintings that looked so different from any conventional art style. In a caricature published in a newspaper, they were mocked with the proposal of chasing away the Prussian enemy by showing them Impressionist paintings - not very nice! When the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-1871 broke out, Monet chose to go to London with his friend Pissarro. There he saw the paintings of WilliamTurner in the museums of London. After 1880 the public slowly begun to recognize the value of impressionism. Claude Monet and his friends could finally get some solid income from the sales of their paintings. In 1883 Monet rented a house in Giverny

about 50 kilometers outside of Paris. Later, in 1890, he bought the house where he should stay until his death in 1926.

In 1890 Monet began to paint systematically the same subjects under different light conditions. The first subject were the haystacks behind his house. As the light changed during the day faster than he could paint, he worked simultaneously on several canvases. At the end he had painted 25 different versions of the haystacks. More of

the series paintings followed - the Rouen Cathedral, views of Venice or the Thames in London with the Houses of Parliament and other landmarks in London - often in the fog.

In his late years Claude Monet suffered from physical problems. After 1907 a bad eyesight and rheumatism made it more and more impossible for him to paint. But he continued until the year of his death. In February 1926, at the age of 83, he could finish the last great challenge of his life - a commission by the French

Government for 22 mural paintings of water lilies. On December 5, 1926 Claude Monet died from lung cancer.

1) He was born in Paris, but grew up in Le Havre.

2) His first artistic output were caricatures when he was a little boy.

3) He was a Spanish painter and sculptor.

4) His family was not very happy about his vocation for painting.

5) He spent two years in Northern Africa.

6) He is best known for starting the Cubist style.

7) At the studio he got to know Auguste Renoir, Sisley, Bazille and others.

8) His father was also a painter and a professor of art.

9) From the age of seven, he had formal art lessons from his father.

10) He became a celebrity and a very respected artist.

11) He also acted in movies and always played himself in his film appearances.

12) He turned away from the traditional style of painting inside a studio and went outside in the Fontainebleau forest to paint in the open air.

13) In 1890 he began to paint systematically the same subjects under different light conditions.

14) He worked simultaneously on several canvases.

15) He became famous for his anti-war views.

16) He had painted 25 different versions of the haystacks.

17) More of the series paintings followed - the Rouen Cathedral, views of Venice or the Thames in London with the Houses of Parliament and other landmarks in London - often in the fog.

18) He publicly opposed America's involvement in the Italian War.

19) After his death, the French state kept many of his paintings.

20) Today, much of his work hangs in a collection at the Musée Picasso in Paris.

21) In his late years he suffered from physical problems.

by the French government for 22 mural paintings of water lilies.

22) At the age of 83 he could finish the last great challenge of his life - a commission by the French government for 22 mural paintings of water lilies.

Pablo Picasso

Claudе Monet



2) Post-Reading.

Один з учнів зачитує речення про Пікассо, другий - про Моне.


Homework .

Знайти матеріал і підготувати презентацію, присвячену життю й творчості одного з відомих художників.


Бесіда в режимі T→P1→P2→P3.

T: What did you learn to speak about today? What new word have you learned today?What task was the most interesting?

Урок 2

Підтема: Відвідування музею. Опис картини.


- повторити й активізувати ЛО.

- ознайомити з новою лексикою.

- розвивати навички аудіювання.

- формувати навички пошукового читання.

- продовжувати формувати комунікативні вміння учнів.

- виховувати усвідомлення важливості впливу мистецтва на естетичний розвиток людини.

Обладнання: підручник, картки для самостійної роботи (НО1), (НО2), (НО4), для роботи в парах (НО3), (НО5), репродукція картини Н. Роквелла «Glen Way Canyon».




T: Good morning, children! How are you getting on?

Ps: We are very well, thank you!


T: Today we are going to speak about artists, their paintings and museums; we'll learn how to describe a picture and read about Madam Tussaud's Museum.

Check on Homework

Кожен з учнів розповідає про одного з відомих художників.

Warming up.

1) Повторення пісні Дона Макліна «Vincent».

Учні хором співають пісню.

2) Аудіювання й обговорення.

Учні отримують картки (НО1), слухають текст і заповнюють пропуски. Потім клас обговорює запитання з карток.


This story is about two friends, Joe and Bill, who were fond of modern art very

much. After his girlfriend left him, Joe asked Bill to fix him up with a blind date. Bill obliged. The next day Joe called up Bill and shouted at him angrily: «Bill, what kind of a guy do you think I am? That girl you fixed me up with was cross-eyed; she was almost bald; her nose was long, thin and crooked; she had hair growing on her face; she was flat-chested; and her ankles were as thick as her thighs». Bill answered: «Either you like Picasso, or you don't like Picasso».

Listen to the joke and complete it with the words which are missed. Then tell what Bill meant by saying «Either you like Picasso, or you don't like Picasso».


This story is about two friends, Joe and Bill, who were fond of modern art very much.

Аfter his girlfriend left him, Joe asked Bill to fix him up with a ________. Bill obliged. The next day Joe called up Bill and shouted at him __________: «Bill, what kind of a guy do you think I am? That girl you fixed me up with was _________; she was almost bald; her nose was long, thin and _________; she had hair growing on her face; she was ________; and her _________ were as thick as her thighs».

Bill answered: «Either you like Picasso, or you don't like Picasso».НО1:



1) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

Бесіда з учнями.

Т: Have you ever visited an art museum? When was the last time you went to an art museum? Do you visit museums when you go to another city? Have you ever been to any famous art museums? What art form do you like best? What art museums have you visited? Which did you like best? Why? Which did you like the least? Why?

2) Reading. Етап читання.

Учні самостійно читають текст на картках (НО2) і виконують завдання.

1. Read the text.


Madam Tussaud's is the most popular and talked about wax museum in the world. Here are wax models of the famous and infamous, both living and dead, from every walk of life. There is no other place where you can see all the celebrities at once, even if they are only wax figures. So, if you want to rub shoulders with kings and queens or the latest pop stars, or probably with notorious criminals, this is the place to go. The museum is situated in Marylebone Road, not far from the street which is famous as the home of the first great detective in fiction, Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. There is usually a long queue in front of the museum. No wonder! Many tourists would consider their trip to London worthless if they didn't visit the famous Madam Tussaud's. There are several halls at Madam Tussaud's. Highlights include the Grand Hall, the Chamber of Horrors and «The Spirit of London» exhibition. The wax figures are standing and sitting, and sometimes even moving and talking. They are extremely

realistic and when they look at you, their eyes sparkling, you often feel uncomfortable in their company. Computer-controlled figures (they are called audioanimatronics) are especially popular with the visitors.

New models are being produced all the time while the old ones are quietly removed from display. Over the years hundreds of celebrities have made their way to Madam Tussaud's studio. Most people agree to be portrayed, but some refuse. Mother Teresa was one of the few who declined, saying her work was important, not her person.НО2:

2. Which of the statements are true and which ones are false?

1) The text describes some of London's museums.

2) Not everybody agrees to be created in wax.

3) The exhibits are on display in several rooms.

4) Only figures of dead persons are displayed in that museum.

5) Many visitors are eager to look at the figures of outstanding personalities, that's why there are always crowds of people near the entrance.

6) There's a wax statue of Mother Teresa in the museum.

3. Tell what you have found out about Madam Tussaud's museum.

3) Post-Reading Activity. Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.

Учні ланцюжком читають твердження завдання 2 карток, визначаючи, чи відповідають вони змісту тексту. Потім відповідають на завдання 3 карток.


1) Робота в парах.

Учні в парах складають діалог з реплік на картках (НО3) та інсценують його.


Match the questions and the answers in the dialogue. Then reproduce the dialogue in pairs.

How much is the admission?

What time does the next tour begin?

Is a Ukrainian guide available?

Are there any special exhibitions today?

When does the tour start?

Can I take pictures?

Excuse me. What time does the museum

open today?

Do you have a tour?

How much is the brochure?

Can I join a tour?

How long do they last?

It opens at 9:00.


Yes, there is a Renoir exhibition on.

Yes, we do.

It starts in an hour.

About an hour and a half.


It begins at 10:00.

It's free of charge.

I'm afraid, not.

No, sir. Taking pictures is prohibited.

Presenting and Practising Vocabulary

1. Робота з картками.

Учні самостійно доповнюють текст на картках (НО4), дивлячись на репродукцію картини Нормана Роквелла, а потім по черзі читають речення. Учитель допомагає з'ясувати значення нових ЛО.


Look at the picture «Glen Way Canyon» by Norman Rockwell and complete the text with the words from the box.

above (twice) at background

behind below beside

between beyond clothes dam

focus in(3 times) left

middle next on(3 times) painting right river rocks

shirt sky there (twice)

to towards

This ____________ by Norman Rockwell is an oil on canvas called the «Glen Way Canyon». It shows an Indian family, a dog and a horse ____________ top

of a canyon, ____________the bottom of which, ____________is a river which has been blocked by a dam. In the sky____________ it, ____________ are two eagles.

The main colours are the yellow, red and brown of the ____________and the Indians'____________ , the blue of the____________ , the____________

and the boy's____________ , and the white and grey concrete wall of the ____________, the dog, the horse and the eagles. The ____________is the Indian family composed of a man, a woman and a child. The father, who is wearing a red shirt, is standing ____________ a piece of land, on what seems to be a platform ____________ the river, ____________ to the edge of the canyon ____________ the foreground. His son is standing ____________ him while the dog is ____________ him. The mother is sitting ____________ a horse the right of both.

The dog seems to be looking at the river ____________ , while the man and his son seem to be looking at the dam ____________ the middle ground. The woman's gaze seems to stretch ____________ all this, ____________ the horizon ____________ the background.

The dam is in the ____________, ____________ the mountains in the ____________ and the family in the foreground. The two eagles

are in the top ____________ -hand corner of the painting, flying towards

the ____________.

Listening and Speaking

Учитель роздає картки (НО5) і читає діалоги. Учні слухають, заповнюють пропуски, а потім дві пари по черзі інсценують їх.


- Speaking of seascapes, how do you find this one?

- Wonderful! Though I think that the boat's rolling is depicted too realistically.

- «Too realistically» you say? But that is undoubtedly the strongest point of the canvas!

- You can never tell! It resembles high seas so much that I feel seasick each time I look at it.


- How do you find his new landscape painting?

- Mediocre, one wouldn't dub them otherwise.

- I don't care much of them either. I think something is going wrong with his brilliant technique and rich palette. Well, you might talk to him about it. You seem to be on friendly talks, don't you?

- Yes, we do, but my criticism will do more harm than good. He's become very nervous and obstinate. Besides, artists seldom hear anybody else but themselves.

Listen and complete. Then reproduce the dialogues in pairs.


- Speaking of seascapes, how do you ________ this one?

- Wonderful! Though I think that the boat's rolling is depicted too ________.

- «Too realistically» you say? But that is undoubtedly the strongest point of the ________!

- You can never tell! It ________ high seas so much that I feel seasick each time I look at it.


- How do you find his new landscape________?

- Mediocre, one wouldn't dub them otherwise.

- I don't________ much of them either. I think something is going wrong with his ________ technique and ________ palette. Well, you might talk to him about it. You seem to be on friendly talks,

don't you?

- Yes, we do, but my criticism will do more________ than good.

He's become very nervous and obstinate. Besides, ________seldom hear anybody else but themselves.НО5:



Вивчити діалоги (НО3), (НО5).


Бесіда в режимі T→P1→P2→P3.

T: What did you learn to speak about today? What text did we read? What did we listen about? Tell one new word you've learned today.

Урок 3

Підтема: Кіно і театр.


- ознайомити з новими ЛО;

- повторити й активізувати ЛО;

- продовжувати формувати комунікативні навички;

- тренувати у читанні;

- розвивати навички аудіювання;

- формувати навички писемного мовлення;

- виховувати інтерес до кіно й театру.

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, картки для роботи в парах (НО1), для роботи у групах (HO2), для самостійної роботи (НО3), (HO4), (НО5), (НО6), (НО7).




T: Hello, children! I'm very glad to see you!

Ps: We are glad to see you too!


T: Today we'll remember the words and expressions on the topic «Cinema and Theatre».

Check on Homework

Учні в парах розповідають діалоги за ролями.

Warming up

1) Повторення пісні «Vincent».

Клас хором співає пісню.

2) Робота з картками.

Учні працюють у парах. Учитель роздає картки, які містять частини діалогів-

жартів за темою «Кіно і театр». Завдання учнів - якомога швидше скласти чотири діалоги з восьми карток. Перемагає пара, яка першою виконає завдання. Потім учні в парах по черзі інсценують діалоги.

T: Make up four dialogues.


What did you hear in the opera


All sorts of things: Smith is going

bankrupt, Mrs Brown had dyed hair, the Whites had a quarrel on Tuesday.

It must be terrible for an opera singer

to realize that he can never sing again.

Certainly. But it's much more terrible if he doesn't realize it.

Mr Greene's daughter wants to go on stage.

Well, Mr Greene is rich enough to build

a theatre for her and hire the audience.

Did that new play have a happy ending?

Sure, everybody was glad it was over.



Учні в групах по четверо-п'ятеро обговорюють подані на картках (НО2) запитання. По закінченні роботи по одному представнику від кожної групи виступають з усними повідомленнями про театр або кіно.


Read and discuss in groups.

1) Theatre

Do you think people will always be interested in the theatre?

Why is the theatre important?

How often do you go to the theatre?

What do you like and dislike about the theatre?

Do you prefer watching a play at the theatre or a movie at the movie theatre (cinema)?

Have you ever been to the theatre in another country?

What questions would you like to ask a theatre actor?

Would you like to perform or act on stage at the theatre?

What are the differences between movies and plays?

2) Cinema

Would you like to work in the movie industry?

What's the best movie you've ever seen?

Do you prefer watching movies at the cinema or on TV?

Which country makes the best movies?

Who is your favourite movie star?

What movie genre do you like best?

What makes a great movie for you?


1) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.

Учні отримують картки (НО3) і самостійно поєднують ЛО з їх визначеннями. Учитель допомагає у разі необхідності.


Match the words with their definitions.

1) mainstream

2) premiere

3) film festival

4) blockbuster

5) art-house or arty

6) silent classic

7) director

8) film star

9) film maker

A. a big (often Hollywood) movie, which makes a lot of money

B. by independent or smaller film makers (often foreign language)

C. a film made for a big audience

D. opening night, the first night a film is shown to the public

E. the man who shouts «Action!»

F. lots of new films are shown for a week or two, prizes are given

G. someone who makes films

H. an old film with no sound that everyone knows

I. famous film actor

2) Reading. Етап читання.

Учні самостійно читають текст на картках (НО4), підбираючи підзаголовки до його частин, та відповідають на запитання.


1. Read the text below. Match choices (A-F) to (1-6).


  1. ______________

It can be difficult to go to the cinema in London, because there are too many films

and cinemas to choose from! Most of the central cinemas are around Leicester

Square, showing big blockbuster movies, you can wander around and see which

film takes your fancy. There's lots of information telling you what's on if you

look on the Internet or in «Time Out» magazine. But be warned - seeing a film

can be an expensive night out in the center of town!

2) ______________

The cheapest cinema in Leicester Square is «The Prince Charles». This cinema

often shows films a few weeks later than some of the others, so if you don't mind

being a bit behind the times and want to save a couple of quid this could be the

place for you. If you become a member (£5 per year), you can see films from as

little as £1.50, very good value for money!

3) ______________

Leicester Square is also the home to star-studded opening nights. People think

waiting (often out in the cold) is worth a glimpse of Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts

or Brad Pitt as they step out of their Limousines to attend the first night of their

new movie. Watch out for the screaming fans.

4) ______________

There are other smaller art-house cinemas in town; one of these is «Metro Cinema» on Rupert Street in Soho. It shows a wide variety of movies but tends not to show more mainstream films. These films are made by independent film makers and are not aimed at mass audiences. Every year it also has the Latin American Film Festival. Another art-house cinema is the «Curzon Soho»; «Time Out» readers recently voted this as London's number one cinema. It also shows a broad range of art-house films.

5) ______________

Every year London has its own film festival in November (www.rlff.com), you can

see lots of premieres, listen to directors discussing the film and maybe see some

stars too! There is also the lesbian and gay film festival, which runs in April (www.

llgff.org.uk). You usually need to book tickets well in advance.

6) ______________

London's oldest Cinema institution is the NFT (National Film Theatre). In October

2002 it celebrated its 50th birthday. It shows all kinds of films from silent classics

to film festival hits. Many big-name film makers have visited, from Woody Allen

and Quentin Tarantino to Jaques Tati (who couldn't find the toilet and was

photographed using the wall outside!). (www.bfi.org.uk).

As you can see, going to the cinema in London requires a lot of thinking about,

maybe you want to see a famous star, or perhaps a film by your favourite director,

or just sit, eat popcorn and enjoy the latest Hollywood action movie. If you take

the time to look, there's something for everyone.

A. See the Films First D. Arty

B. A London Classic E. A Big Night Out

C. The Stars Come Out at Night F. Films on a Budget

2. Answer the questions.

Where are most of the central cinemas in London concentrated?

What is the cheapest cinema in Leicester Square?

Why are there screaming fans in Leicester Square?

What types of films do smaller art-house cinemas show?

When and how often does London's film festival take place?

What does the NFT stand for?

3) Post-Reading Activity. Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.

Учні ланцюжком відповідають на запитання завдання 2 карток.

Listening Comprehension

1) Етап слухання тексту.

Учитель читає діалог. Учні слухають і заповнюють таблицю на картках (НО5).

T: Listen to Mr and Mrs Brandon's conversation about a performance they would

like to visit.


- Would you like to see the ballet «Carmen» next month?

- I'd love to. Is it going to be very expensive?

- A ticket is thirty-two pounds. So for two of us it will be sixty-four.

- And what about Becky?

- Becky? Becky hates ballet!

- No, our daughter simply doesn't understand it. OK, we'll take her to the theatre next time. Well, then sixty-four pounds for two tickets.

- When are we going to the ballet?

- When is it on?

- It's only on for two nights - on August the third and the fourth, it's at the weekend next month.

- Let it be Sunday the fourth.

- Fine. Where would you like to sit - stalls or circle?

- Definitely not the circle. Stalls.

- OK. Then I'm booking the tickets for Sunday the fourth.


Listen to the dialogue and complete the table.


Name of the performance

Price of the tickets

How many people are going

Date of the performance


2) Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.

Бесіда в режимі T→P1→P2→P3.

T: What sort of performance are Mr and Mrs Brandon going to visit? What is the

name of the ballet? How much are the tickets? When are they going to see the ballet? What places are they going to order?


Спираючись на інформацію, записану в таблицю (НО5), учні самостійно заповнюють пропуски в тексті на картках (НО6). Потім один з них читає текст, а решта перевіряють правильність виконання завдання.


Fill in the gaps.

Mr and Mrs Brandon are going to the theatre. They'll see a ________ . The ballet

is called ________. The tickets cost ________each. They are not going to take their daughter to the theatre, because ________.

The ballet is on only ________nights - it's________ , so they are going to books tickets for________ . They want to book seats in the ________ , they wouldn't like to sit in the________ .



Виконати завдання на картках.


Using the plan below, write a review for a film you have recently seen.



Para 1: Mention the title of the film, director, type of the film, place it's set, main characters, what the story is about.

Main body

Para 2: Name the main points of the plot.

Para 3: Write your comments on the acting, plot, sound effects, etc.


Para 4: Your recommendation.


Бесіда в режимі T→P1→P2→P3.

T: Was the lesson interesting? What new facts have you found out? What task did you like most?



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