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- Разработка открытого урока на тему 'День рождения' (УМК 'Английский с удовольствием' 5 класс)
Разработка открытого урока на тему 'День рождения' (УМК 'Английский с удовольствием' 5 класс)
Разработка открытого урока английского языка в 5 «Б» классе
It's a birthday party!
I. Greeting. Приветствие.
Good morning, children. I'm glad to see you!
II. Введение в тему.
Dear children! Today we are having a special lesson. Besides you and me some more people are present. As you can see we're receiving guests. By the way, what associations do you have with the word "guests''?
presents\guests/tasty dishes
holidays / | \party(birthday party)
Well, children, you studied a lot about some holidays. What holidays do you know? (Christmas, New Year's day, St. Valentine's Day, birthday)
I'll show you some things connected with one of your favourite holidays and you'll say what holiday it is. (a present, an invitation card,a cake, a paper hat)
So, what are we going to speak about? (about birthday)
You're absolutely right, the topic of the lesson is "A birthday party!"
III. Создание проблемной ситуации. А чтобы говорить о празднике дня рождения самому и помочь другому, что нам нужно? (узнать новые слова, словосочетания, повторить грамматику, ответить на вопросы, послушать рассказ, уметь слушать себя и учителя)
IV. Аудирование.
Do you remember Julia Sherman? She had a birthday party and invited her Russian friends. Let's learn about that.
Please open your textbooks to page 122. In ex. 123 there is an invitation letter. Listen to the conversation and complete it. Please read her invitation.
V. Совершенствование грамматических навыков говорения.
Getting ready for the party Julia made a list of things. Look at her list and say what Julia has already done and what she hasn't done yet.
1. go shopping +
2. maкe a cake -
3. invite Oleg and Tanya +
4. lay the table -
5. decorate the garden +
6. ask Vicky to be responsible for the music -
7. buy small presents for friends +
8. cook tasty food -
VI. Знакомство с лексикой.
Of course, Julia's party had a lot of activities.
On p122 there are new word combinations. Read and repeat them after me, please.
VII. Высказывания уч-ся по опорам. Спросить у детей, в каком времени они будут говорить. Что подсказало?
VIII. Relaxation. Динамическая пауза. Игра «Передай Подарок».
There's no birthday party without а game. Imagine you are at the party. Let's play, everybody!
IX. Чтение диалога и заполнение пропусков.
Julia's party is over. Her friends share the impressions of the party. Read and complete the dialogue b/n Ann and Vicky about it. p 123, ex. 127.
X. p. 123, ex. 128.
XI. Составление своих диалогов. (самооценка. оценка класса)
Now I want you to speak about your birthday party.
Make up your dialogues using the questions of ex. 126. (один из учеников выполняет роль перевoдчика)
XII. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.
Let's turn back to our plan. Was the purpose achieved? Все ли мы сделали, что планировали? (ученик анализирует по - русски)
Children you were very active today. I liked your work at the lesson. Thank you very much. Now open your diaries and write down your homework. You'll get different tasks:
a) to find a poem about birthday and learn it;
b) to find and read the text about birthday;
c) to find and act out a story about birthday
Информационная карта урока английского языка
по учебнику «Spotlight. 5 класс».
Авторы: О. Е. Валиулина, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко
Тема: « Путешествие и отдых»
Учитель: Насонова Лариса Борисовна
Класс : 5 «Д»
Разработка открытого урока английского языка в 5 «Д» классе
"Travel and leisure"
I. Приветствие.
Good morning, young ladies. I'm glad to see you.
II. Создание проблемной ситуации.
Dear ladies! Today we're having a special lesson. Some guests are present here and they want to see what you have learned at our lessons of English. Shall we start?
Ladies, look at the screen and listen to the song. May be the pictures and the music will help you to understand what we are going to speak about. (about holidays)
By the way, what associations do you have with the word "holidays"?
(summer, travelling, sea, beach, swimming, sunbathing, different countries and cities)
III. Целеполагание.
Уважаемые сударыни, а чтобы говорить о каникулах, что нам для этого нужно?
1. Узнать новые слова.
2. Познакомиться с фразами по теме.
3. Уметь использовать фразы в речи.
4. Отвечать на вопросы.
5. Послушать информацию.
6. Читать информацию.
7. Уметь слушать себя и учителя.
(Слайд с планом после ответа учащихся)
You'll speak a lot today. Let's train our tongues!
Sea shell, sea shell,
Sing of the things
You know so well.
V. Введение и отработка Л. Е.
There are different types of holidays. Let's learn them:
beach holiday, cruise, safari, sightseeing tour, activity holiday.
a) What's your favourite type of holiday?
As for me, my favourite type of holiday is beach holiday. What's your favourite type of holiday? (Спрашивают друг друга по цепочке)
b) Where do you usually go?
I usually go to the Black Sea. And you? (Спрашиваю выборочно)
c) How do you like to travel?
There are different means of transport. You can see the pictures and the words in your SB on p 116, ex 2. So, ladies, take your SB and turn them to page 116.
Repeat the words after me, please.
coach, motorbike, train, car, ship, bike, plane, air.
Pay attention to preposition by with transport: by coach, by train, by plane BUT on foot.
Well, how do you like to travel? Ask each other according to the example. Read the example, please. (Спрашивают друг друга в парах)
VI. Аудирование и чтение с извлечением информации.
In the middle of pp 116 - 117 you can see some adverts. Listen and read them and do the task given in ex. 3a) p116.
VII. Физминутка.
VIII. Работа со словосочетаниями , обозначающими занятия, в группах. (делятся на 3 группы, задание: соединить картинки и карточки со словами на местах, потом показать на доске). Затем отчитываем словосочетания.
There are many things to do when you are on holidays. They are activities. I want you to work in 3 groups. You will be given pictures and cards with the words. Match the pictures to the words. I'll give you 3 min. to do this task. Let's check it up using pictures and cards on the board. (Well done! Fine! Right you are!) Repeat the activities after me, please! (Называю словосочетания, повторяет одна ученица, а потом группа)
What can you do on holidays?
IX. Ролевая игра «В турагентстве» Oh, you can see Travel Agency here. Who wants to visit it? You're welcome!
A: I'd like to travel abroad this summer.
B: What's your favourite type of holiday?
A: I like beach holiday.
B: How do you like to travel?
A: I like travelling by coach.
B: Why don't you go to Ireland?
A: To Ireland? What can I do there?
B: You can visit national parks and have a picnic by the lake.
A: O.K. Thank you.
B: Have a nice holiday.
X. Самооценка и оценивание диалогов.
XI. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.