- Учителю
- КТП 7 класс Биболетова
КТП 7 класс Биболетова
Тема урока |
Количество часов
Оборудование |
Домашнее задание |
Дата |
Примечания |
1ч. |
Я, моя семья, мои друзья. 7ч. |
7 |
1 |
Чтение рекламы с полным пониманием прочитанного. Информация о ЮНЕСКО. |
1 |
П Mp3 WS
Ex.1,4 p.28 |
2 |
Чтение диалогов о международных соревнованиях подростков с полным пониманием прочитанного. Повторение простых времен. |
1 |
П Mp3 WS EE7
Ex.2,3 p.28 |
3 |
Знакомство со словообразовательными суффиксами прилагательных. |
1 |
П Mp3 WS EE7 |
Ex.6 p.28 |
4 |
Составление высказываний по образцу с использованием новой лексики. |
1 |
Ex.8,9 p.28 |
5 |
Составление монолога о себе. Введение наречий: once, twice. |
1 |
П WS EE7 |
Ex.10 p.28 Ex.11 p.29 |
6 |
Повторение грамматических времен. |
1 |
П WS EE7 |
Ex.12 p.29 Ex.13 p.29 |
7 |
Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений. |
1 |
Ex.14 p.29 Ex.15 p.29 |
Мир вокруг меня. Будущее нашей планеты.7 ч. |
7 |
8 |
Аудирование разговора двух студентов о будущем. Заполнение таблицы по тексту. |
1 |
Ex.16 p.29 Ex.17 p.29 |
9 |
Чтение и обсуждение текстов о будущем нашей планеты. |
1 |
П Mp3 WS EE7 |
Ex.18 р.29
10 |
Чтение и обсуждение текстов о соревнованиях с извлечением конкретной информации. |
1 |
WS EE7 |
Ex.20 р.30 Ex.34 р.15
11 |
Составление резюме о себе по плану. Тренировка чтения буквосочетания wh. |
1 |
Ex.23 р.30 Ex.26 р.30
12 |
Работа в группах: проект «Соревнование». |
1 |
WS EE7 Mp3 |
Ex.24,25 р.30
13 |
Тренировка чтения дат и сложных числительных. |
1 |
Ex. 40 p17 |
14 |
Чтение и обсуждение фактов о крупных городах. |
1 |
WS EE7 Mp3 П |
Ex. 27,28 р.30
Страны изучаемого языка и родная страна. 13ч. |
13 |
15 |
Аудирование и чтение диалога с извлечением конкретной информации. |
1 |
Ex.32 р.30 Ex.36 р.31
16 |
Чтение и обсуждение текста об Андрее Сахарове с общим пониманием прочитанного. |
1 |
Ex.61 р.21 Ex.33,34,35 р.31
17 |
Знакомство с герундием. Составление предложений по подстановочной таблице. |
1 |
WS Mp3 П EE7
Ex.38 р.31
18 |
Чтение информации о британских приметах. Контроль навыков чтения. |
1 |
WS П |
Ex.50 р.19 Ex.30,31 р.30 |
19 |
Чтение и выполнение заданий по тексту «Хэллоуин». Контроль навыков аудирования. |
1 |
Mp3 П EE7 |
Ex.39 р.31
20 |
Отработка чтения буквосочетаний ph, gh, f. |
1 |
Mp3 П WS |
Ex.40,41 р.31
21 |
Аудирование и введение новой лексики по теме. Контроль навыков письма. |
1 |
Mp3 П EE7 WS |
Ex.42,43,44 р.32
22 |
Введение и отработка взаимных местоимений each other/one another. Отработка звуков [s], [k]. |
1 |
Mp3 П WS |
Ex.45 р.32
23 |
Контроль навыков говорения. |
1 |
WS |
Ex.47 р.33
24 |
Знакомство с чтением номеров телефона. Чтение и обсуждение мнений четырех людей о компьютерах. |
1 |
WS |
Ex.47 р.33 Составить пересказ |
2 ч. |
Школьное образование. 21ч. |
21 |
25(1) |
Введение новой лексики. Аудирование диалогов Патрика и Марины и Патрика и Лизы. |
1 |
П EE7 WS Mp3
Ex.1 p.56 |
26(2) |
Знакомство с англоговорящими странами и их флагами. Определённый артикль. |
1 |
П WS Mp3
Ex.5,6 p.56 |
27(3) |
Аудирование и заполнение таблицы по тексту раздела. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.7 p.56 |
28(4) |
Составление монологических высказываний «Чем знаменита моя страна». |
1 |
П WS Mp3 ЕЕ7 |
Ex.8,9 p.56 |
29(5) |
Выполнение грамматических упражнений (артикль). |
1 |
Ex.10,11 p.57 |
30(6) |
Чтение и заполнение таблицы по тексту о языках |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.12,13 p.57 |
31(7) |
Чтение текста об Эсперанто с извлечением конкретной информации. |
1 |
Ex.14,15 p.57 |
32(8) |
Введение новой лексики. Чтение и обсуждение текстов по разделу. |
1 |
П WS Mp3
Ex.16,17 p.57 |
33(9) |
Аудирование текста и заполнение таблицы по тексту. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 ЦОР |
Ex.18 p.57 Ex.19 p.58 |
34(10) |
Аудирование и чтение диалогов по разделу. Правила оформления открытки. |
1 |
Ex.1 p.56 |
35(11) |
Введение словообразовательных суффиксов:-ist, -ian, -er(or), -tion/-sion, -ment, -ity, -ance/-ence. -ing; |
1 |
Ex.20 p.58 |
36(12) |
Введение новой лексики. Чтение и обсуждение текста по разделу. Вопросы с How …? |
1 |
П WS Mp3
Ex.21 p.58 |
37(13) |
Аудирование текста по разделу. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.23,24 p.58 |
38(14) |
Введение новой лексики to award, to collect. Аудирование английской версии стихотворения А.Пушкина «Зимнее утро». |
1 |
Ex.25 p.58 |
39(15) |
Страдательный/пассивный залог. Выполнение грамматических упражнений. |
1 |
Ex.26 p.58 Ex.27,28 p.59 |
40(16) |
Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений. |
1 |
Ex.29,30 p.59 |
41(17) |
Введение новой лексики. Составление предложений с новой лексикой. Контроль навыков чтения. |
1 |
Ex.21 p.58 Ex.32 p.59 |
42(18) |
Чтение тестов с целью извлечения конкретной Контроль навыков письма.информации. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.33,34 p.59 |
43(19) |
Аудирование диалога между учениками, выполнение упражнений. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.35,36 p.59 |
44(20) |
Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений |
1 |
П WS EE7 |
Повторить правила |
45(21) |
Написание сочинения на тему «Путешествия» с опорой на план. Контроль навыков аудирования. |
1 |
П WS EE7 |
Ex.1, 2, p.60 |
46(22) |
Контроль навыков говорения. |
1 |
Ex.5, p.61 |
47(23) |
Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений |
1 |
П WS EE7 |
Повторить правила |
48(24) |
Монологическое высказывание по теме: путешествия. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Повторить лексику |
3 ч. |
Школьная жизнь зарубежных сверстников: типы школ, учебные предметы.30 ч. |
50(1) |
Чтение текста о проблемах подростков. Составление монолога, опираясь на текст. |
1 |
Ex.1 p.92 |
51(2) |
Аудирование рассказа Джорджа. Заполнение таблицы. Употребление глаголов be, look, feel. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.4, 5,6 p.92 |
52(3) |
Презентация новой лексики. Выполнение письменных упражнений. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.7, 8, 9 p.92 |
53(4) |
Работа в группах: обсуждение темы «Школьная жизнь подростков». |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.10, 11 p.93 |
54(5) |
Предлоги места. Аудирование диалога полицейского и леди. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 EE7 |
Ex.13, 14 p.93 |
55(6) |
Знакомство с картой Лондона. Составление диалогов на заданные темы. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.15, 16 p.93 |
56(7) |
Аудирование рассказов посетителей из англоговорящих стран. Заполнение таблицы. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.17 p.93 Ex.18 p.94 |
57(8) |
Составление диалогов по плану. Чтение английских анекдотов. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.19 p.94 Ex.20 p.94 |
58(9) |
Аудирование интервью с Анджелой Браен Обсуждение профессии учителя. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.21,22 p.94 |
59(10) |
Модальные глаголы must, have to, should. Выполнение грамматических упражнений. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.23, 34 p.94 |
60(11) |
Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений на употребление модальных глаголов. |
1 |
П WS |
Ex.25, 26 p.94 |
61(12) |
Работа в парах: обсуждение темы «Хороший ученик - это…». |
1 |
WS Mp3 |
Ex.27 p.94 Ex.28 p.95 |
62(13) |
Аудирование, чтение и разучивание стихотворения «Школьные дни». |
1 |
П WS Mp3 ЕЕ7 |
Ex.29, 30 p.95 |
63(14) |
Глаголы to learn, to study. Правила оформления личного письма. |
1 |
Ex.31,33 p.95 |
64(15) |
Ударные слоги в английском языке. Аудирования истории англичанина. Ответы на вопросы. |
1 |
Ex.34 p.95 |
65(16) |
Чтение мнений участников конференции о совершенной школе. |
1 |
Ex.36, 37, 40 p.96 |
66(17) |
Притяжательные местоимения. Составление предложений по образцу. |
1 |
П WS |
Ex.38, 39 41 p.954 |
67(18) |
Выполнение письменных упражнений на употребление притяжательных местоимений. |
1 |
П WS |
Ex.42, 43 p.96 |
68(19) |
Типы школ в англоговорящих странах. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 ЕЕ7 |
Ex.45, 46 p.96 |
69(20) |
Составление диалогов на заданную тему, используя данную лексику. |
1 |
П WS |
Ex.47, 48 p.94 |
70(21) |
Пассивный залог. Контроль навыков письма. |
1 |
П WS |
Выучить правило |
71(22) |
Глаголы to hear, to listen. Чтение текстов о различных книгах и жанрах. Заполнение таблицы. Контроль навыков аудирования. |
1 |
Ex.49 p.97 |
72(23) |
Чтение текстов о наказании школьников в Британии. Контроль навыков чтения. |
1 |
Ex.50 p.97 |
73(24) |
Придаточное условия. Выполнение грамматических упражнений. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.52,53 p.97 |
74(25) |
Составление монологов по теме «Хороший или лучший друг».Сложное дополнение. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.54 p.97 |
75(26) |
Контроль навыков говорения. |
1 |
П WS |
Ex.55 p.97 |
76(27) |
Сложное дополнение. Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений. |
1 |
П WS |
Ex.56 p.98 |
77(28) |
Введение местоимений one/ones и их отработка. |
1 |
П WS |
Ex.134 p.90 |
78(29) |
Проосмотр видео «Back from school» |
Ex.4, 5, p.69 (wb) |
79(30) |
Пассивный, активный залоги. Диалоги « Тебя обижают…?» |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Выучить диалог |
80(31) |
Чтение текста о курении. Выполнение послетекстовых упражнений |
1 |
П WS ЕЕ7 |
Ex.54, p.97 |
4 ч. |
Мир моих увлечений. 9ч. |
9 |
81(1) |
Аудирование и введение новой лексики по теме. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.1, 2 p.120 |
82(2) |
Образование и классификация наречий. Работа с лексикой. |
1 |
Ex.3 p.120 |
83(3) |
Обсуждение в парах темы «Почему люди занимаются спортом». |
1 |
Ex.4 p.120 |
84(4) |
Чтение и обсуждение высказываний подростков о спорте с извлечением конкретной информации. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.5 p.120 |
85(5) |
Чтение и обсуждение отрывков из текстов. |
1 |
Mp3 |
Ex.6, 7 p.120 |
86(6) |
Составление монолога «Мой любимый вид спорта». |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.8 p.120 |
87(7) |
Чтение текста о здоровом образе жизни с общим пониманием прочитанного. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.9, 10 p.120 |
88(8) |
Наречия hard/hardly, late/lately, near/nearly, high/highly.Выполнение грамматических упражнений. |
Ex.11,12 p.121 |
89 (9) |
Денежные единицы Великобритании, США, России. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 |
Ex.13 p.121 |
Я, моя семья, мои друзья. 18ч. |
18 |
90(10) |
Чтение текста о бассейне. Ответы на вопросы по тексту. Составление диалогов на заданную тему. |
1 |
WS ЕЕ7 |
Ex.14 p.121 |
91(11) |
Аудирование, чтение и воспроизведение стихотворения «Робин-Боббин». Литературный перевод. |
1 |
П |
Ex.15 p.121 |
92(12) |
Чтение текста о витаминах с извлечением конкретной информации. |
1 |
П |
Ex.16 p.121 |
93 (13) |
Чтение и воспроизведение диалога брата и сестры. |
1 |
Ex.17 p.121 |
94(14) |
Работа с лексикой по теме «Медицина». |
1 |
П WS Mp3 ЕЕ7 |
Ex.18 p.121 |
95(15) |
Составление диалогов на заданную тему. Чтение английских шуток. |
1 |
П Mp3 |
Ex.19 p.121 |
96(16) |
Чтение текстов по теме с общим пониманием прочитанного. |
1 |
Ex.20 p.122 |
97(17) |
Чтение юмористической истории об опасных видах спорта. Ответы на вопросы по тексту. |
1 |
П |
Ex.21 p.122 |
98(18) |
Изучение истории Олимпийских игр. Контроль навыков чтения. |
1 |
П |
Ex.22 p.122 |
99(19) |
Чтение текста о Бароне Пьере де Кубертене. Ответы на вопросы по тексту. |
1 |
Ex.23 p.122 |
100(20) |
Монологическая речь о выдающихся спортсменах России. Контроль навыков аудирования. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 ЕЕ7 |
Выучить монолог |
101(21) |
Работа в парах: обсуждение предложенных тем с использованием данной лексики. Контроль навыков письма. |
1 |
П Mp3 |
Ex.24 p.122 |
102(22) |
Степени сравнения наречий. Выполнение грамматических упражнений. |
1 |
Ex.25 p.122 |
103(23) |
Чтение текста о Всемирных юношеских играх в Москве. Составление вопросов к тексту. |
1 |
П |
Ex.26 p.122 |
104(24) |
Контроль навыков говорения: защита проектов «Школьное соревнование». |
1 |
П |
Ex.27 p.122 |
105(25) |
Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений. |
1 |
Ex.28 p.122 |
106(26) |
Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений. |
1 |
П WS Mp3 ЕЕ7 |
Повторить правила |
107(27) |
Диалоги по теме «Здоровый образ жизни». |
1 |
П Mp3 |
Повторить времена английского глагола |
Формы и средства контроля.
чтение (20 мин.)
говорение (45 мин.)
письмо(20 мин.)
аудирование (20 мин.)
Listening comprehension (7/I)
School starts
Favourite subject
School uniform
Likes school?
Hi! I'm David. I'm 13 and in the third form at school. School starts tomorrow, yuck! I hate the first days back to school, but on the whole I like school. This year we have to study eleven subjects. My best are history, geography, English and biology, but my favourite are biology, history and of course PE with any sporting activity. I'm happy to be the captain of our school hockey team. I'm glad there's no strict uniform at our school. We have to wear just clean and neat clothing.
My name is Linda. I'm 12 and I'm in the second form of a large comprehensive school in Norwich. Our school isn't very strict but we have to wear a red and grey uniform. I think it's a waste of money. I'm sorry we are not allowed to wear jeans, they are so comfortable. School is my favourite place. I like most of the subjects, especially French and the English literature, but I hate maths, it's boring. Besides, I meet my best friends here every day. But there is one thing I'd like to change. I wish the lessons didn't start so early. We have to be at school by 8.30.
Listening comprehension (7/II)
Listen to a short extract from the book Then Again, Maybe I Won't by Judy Blume.
1) Was Tony happy or not when Frankie Bollino called him one day?
2) Which cities do Tony and Frankie live in at the present moment?
a) Jersey City b) New York c) Rosemont
3) Which of the following statements are true and which are false?
a) Frankie Bollino is Tony's old friend.
b) Earlier Tony lived in Jersey City, where Frankie Bollino lives now.
c) Frankie called Tony to invite him to come to Jersey City.
d) Tony's mother thinks that friends should see each other regularly.
e) Tony's mother doesn't want Tony to start up a friendship with Frankie again.
f) Tony's farther is not against Frankie's coming.
In February Frankie Bollino called. I couldn't believe it at first.
"Hey Frankie! Is it really you?" I asked.
"Yes," Frankie said. "Why don't you come back to see us some time?"
I said, "Why don't you come (to) see me?"
Then we both laughed, then Frankie said, "Okay. When?"
"When what?" I asked.
"When should I come (to) see you?"
I said, "Are you serious?"
He said, "Sure."
I said, "Hey, that's great! Why don't you come on Saturday and stay overnight?"
He said, "Well."
"My father will meet you at the station in New York, Saturday."
"What time?" Frankie asked.
"Oh… whatever time you say."
"How about eight?"
"In the morning?"
"Too early?" Frankie asked.
"Yeah … Better make it around ten."
"Okay, Tony. See you then."
"Right," I said.
I really felt good. I wondered why I haven't thought about calling Frankie. I went into the living room. "How about that?" I said. "Good old Frankie Bollino."
"You've got a lot of friends in Rosemont," my mother said. "I don't see why you have to start up with him."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I've got nothing against Frankie," she said. "But Jersey City is a long way off and you can't see each other very often so you might as well concentrate on your new friends."
Buts my father said, "There's no friend like an old friend! Right, Tony?"
Правильные ответы: 1) he was happy; 2) a) Frankie Bollino lives in Jersey City; c) Tom lives in Rosemont; 3) true statements - a), b), c), d), e), f).
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I've got nothing against Frankie," she said. "But Jersey City is a long way off and you can't see each other very often so you might as well concentrate on your new friends."
Buts my father said, "There's no friend like an old friend! Right, Tony?"
Правильные ответы: 1) he was happy; 2) a) Frankie Bollino lives in Jersey City; c) Tom lives in Rosemont; 3) true statements - a), b), c), d), e), f).
Listening comprehension (7/III)
You will hear five different speakers answering the question 'Do we recycle enough?'
Choose from the list A-F what each of them thinks. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter, which you do not need to use.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Speaker 5
A. Thinks that factories must also do something about pollution.
B. Thinks that it is necessary to have extra rubbish bins where possible.
C. Thinks that people who pollute should pay money.
D. Thinks that recycling can bring you extra money.
E. Thinks that recycling is very expensive.
F. Thinks that recycling is quite simple for anyone who thinks about nature.
- Do we recycle enough?
1. No. We should have bins placed along roads to make collecting cans and rubbish easier. What we have is not enough because we are still wasting natural resources.
2. We can never recycle enough. Empty cans are worth money, so why not save them - either for extra pocket money or for charity. Every little bit does help.
3. No. Recycling is important for the environment making the world a better place. We should introduce more schemes so that people have to clean up in and around their homes - or pay a fine.
4. There are lots of recycling bins at supermarkets and shopping centres for household waste. But industries should recycle their waste too. They often don't seem to care that they are polluting the planet.
5. We could all make a bigger effort to recycle. It's so easy to throw empty cans and bottles in the bin - we just have to stop and think what we are doing to the planet. I'm sure we could all make a difference.
Ключи: Speaker 1 - B; Speaker 2 - D; Speaker 3 - C; Speaker 4 - A; Speaker 5 - F.
Listening comprehension (7/IV)
Listen to the information about young people in Britain. As you listen, tick in the table if there is information about the following items.
Tapescript |
Most young people's leisure time is spent in their home with other members of the family, watching television or doing household work. Or they may spend it in their own rooms where they listen to music or read. Children also spend a lot of time with their friends in other people's homes. In common with young people all over the world, the young people in Britain have hobbies. Children are great collectors. They collect stamps, or postcards, or matchboxes, or stickers of favourite footballers or pop stars. Also in common with young people on other countries, life in the streets is important. Groups of friends meet together in streets and parks, visit town centres, do window shopping and 'see what's going on'. Many young people use some of their spare time to earn money by working in shops at weekends, delivering newspapers, or doing jobs such as gardening or car washing for people in their neighbourhood. Young people are also involved in a lot of different youth organizations such as the Guides and Scouts Associations, Venture Scouts, and Boys' and Girls' Brigades. Young people take part in sports such as football, rugby, cricket, swimming, horse-riding, tennis and a great many other games. Young people usually go out on Friday or Saturday evenings to a disco or to a concert.
Reading comprehension (7/1)
Упр. 64, 65 стр.22-23 в учебнике
Reading comprehension (7/II)
Summer schools in England for foreigners have become quite popular and there are many of them all over England. Why? Because England is a very good place to learn English. When the students leave the classroom they have many opportunities to practice the English they have learnt.
One of these schools is Stamford Summer School, situated 90 miles north of
The students live at the school or with a family in the town. Most students over 14 prefer to stay with a family.
Students going to the Summer School should have been learning1 English for at least* one year. At the beginning of each course every student does a test. The result of this test determines what class the student will be in.
There are three lessons (50 minutes each) every morning. The aim* of these lessons is to improve the students' English. At the same time the lessons try to give the students some knowledge of Britain, its people and history - and knowledge of daily life in Britain.
Stamford Summer School is especially for boys and girls who are interested in
Other activities are: discos, table tennis, competitions and films (video). During the course there are excursions to London, Cambridge and other places.
Students come from all over Europe. They have two things in common*. They are interested in sport and they want to improve their English.
* * *
*Should have been learning -должны были изучать; * At least - по меньшей
l.Here are some statements. Are they True or False ?
1.Students are at school 150 minutes every morning.
2.The lessons try to give the students knowledge of Britain's people and history.
3.Stamford Summer School is south of London.
4.Competitions are other activities.
5.Students come from all over the world.
6.Summer schools in England are for local (местный) people.
7.During the course there are different excursions.
8.The aim of the lessons is to improve students' English.
9.Students have a lot of opportunities to improve their English.
10. At the beginning of each course not every student does a test.
1. Find in the text.
1. Знания
2. Результат этой контрольной работы определяет (решает)
3. Другие занятия
4. Улучшать английский
5. Для иностранцев
6. Много возможностей
7. Повседневная жизнь
8. Со всей Европы
9. Класс (кабинет; классная комната)
10. Соревнования
The animal world of Florida is very rich. Read the article about it and find out the name of the animal on the photo.
Florida is rich in wildlife of all kinds. Of all the animals that are found in the United States, more than half of them are found in and around Florida. State laws protect some animals. Special attention is paid to the
manatee, bald eagle, pelican, sea turtle, and
The manatee is a large sea animal. It isn't afraid of people and often plays with swimmers. Its greatest danger is a motorboat. There are rivers where motorboats are not allowed so they are safe for the manatee. Bald eagles like the Florida climate, but as people population grows eagles have fewer places to build the nests where they live. The population of these large birds is becoming smaller. The Miami Audubon Society operates A Bald Eagle Hotel, where people take care of eagles that are hurt.
Sea turtles have a protected place on Hutchinson Island where they can lay their eggs and where their babies can grow. Each mother may lay as many as 150 eggs. After the mother goes back to the sea, workers from the Turtle Hatchery pick up the eggs and protect them until the babies come out of their eggs. The babies are protected until they can swim out to sea.
People who fish see a lot of pelicans. This large sea bird is an excellent fisherman. But
sometimes it doesn't want to fish, so it hangs out near docks where fishermen clean their fish. There it can eat the heads and insides that are thrown into the water.
Porpoises are hurt by fishermen who use large nets and trap them by accident. These fishlike animals are like dolphins. They are found in the wild, but they also do tricks in shows around the world. They are also used in many scientific projects. Sometimes scientists decide that the porpoises are more clever than the scientists who study them! Porpoises are playful animals; people can ride on their backs without fear.
1) The name of the animal is_.
2) Finish the sentences about the animals which are described in the article.
1. The creature that is often hurt by boats is a_.
2. The creature that eats parts of fish which are thrown by fishermen is a_.
3. The creature that is sometimes smarter than people is a_.
4. The babies of this creature are grown by people. It is a^_.
5. The creature that is in danger because it has problems with shelter. It is a_.
Ключи: 1. manatee, 2. pelican, 3. porpoise, 4. sea turtle, 5. bald eagle. На фото: manatees.
Reading comprehension (7/III)
Правильные ответы: 1) Yes. 2) The things Kelly can't help: she is too smart. The things Kelly could do something: about the way she dresses; she's innocent (like a little kid). 3) Последнее предложение в тексте. 4) Kelly.
Reading comprehension (7/IV)
People all over the world happily met the coming of the third millennium (тысячелетие). In Britain special buildings and attractions were built and special festivals took place.
1) What was built in Britain for meeting the third millennium? Who was designed it? Fill in the table, (note making)
The Millennium Dome in London was one of the largest buildings in the world. It was over 50 metres high and over 300 metres in diameter. It was built for the millennium celebrations. |
The Dome was designed by the architect Richard Rogers.
The construction of this project cost 758 million pounds! There were 14 exhibition zones in the Dome, and each of them had something interesting. In Home Planet zone, for example, you could go on a trip through space (космос). After the celebration the Dome was destroyed.
The London skyline (линия неба) has changed. The observation wheel (колесо обозрения) was built on the bank of the River Thames. It's called the London Eye (глаз) and it's higher than Big Ben! On a clear (ясный) day, visitors are able to see 7 counties (графств) from its top!
The wheel was started several years ago, it was the idea of the architects David Marks and Julia Barfield.
The wheel doesn't stop for passengers. A full trip takes 30 minutes.
On New Year's Eve (канун) the wheel started moving, with laser effects and fireworks.
London was not the only place where millennium celebrations took place. There were celebrations in other capital cities as well.
In Edinburgh about 200,000 people went out for a millennium street party. It was one of the greatest parties in the world!
At Cardiff's Millennium Stadium, Britain's biggest arena, there was a big rock show.
In Belfast visitors enjoyed a funfair, food festival, light parade and ice skating.
2) How did people celebrate the coming of the new millennium? Match the cities and the events. Write corresponding letters next to the cities. There is one extra event which you do NOT need to use. (matching)
A. London C. Cardiff
D. Belfast
B. Edinburgha) enjoying ice skating
b) enjoying (or taking part in) a parade
c) visiting the Dome
d) taking part in a funfair
e) watching a rock show
f) taking part in competitions
g) having a trip on the observation wheel
h) taking part in a food festival
i) enjoying a street party
Writing (7/1)
Write a message to your friend about your favourite kind of competition.
Writing (7/II)
" Passive Voice or Active Voice"
1. William Shakespeare ... Romeo and Juliet, a) write; b) wrote c) is written
2. "Oliver Twist" and "Domby and Son" ... by Charles Dickens, a) is written; b)are written; c)were written
3. In 1926 the theatre ... by fire.
a) is destroyed; b) was destroyed; c) destroyed
4. The shop ... at nine every day.
a) is opened b) was opened c) will be opened
5. William Shakespeare ... in Stratford-upon-Avon, a) were born b) is bom c) was bom
6. London is the place where many famous writers ... a) were born b) is born c) was born
7. Many great writers ... in Westminster Abbey, a) are buried b) buried c) were buried
8. The Poet's Corner .... by many people, a) was known b) are known c) is known
9. The English language .... all over the world, a)speak b) was spoken c)is spoken
10. Jane Austen ... in the Bath between 1800 and 1806.
a) lived and worked b) was lived and worked c)live and work
11. Burn's poems ....all over the world, a) recited b) are recited c) is recited
12. Shakespeare's works ...read all over the world, a) is read b) were read c) are read
13. Yesterday I ... a very interesting book. a)read b) am reading c) am read
14. The State Turgenev Museum ....in the author's native town of Oriol a) open, b) opened c) was opened
15. William the Conqueror ...the Tower of London in the 11th century, a) build b) built c) was built
16. St Paul's Cathedral .... by Sir Christopher Wren in the 17th century, a) build b) were built c)was built
17. Columbus ... America.
a) discovered b) discover c) is discovered
18. Italian ... in Italy.
a) are spoken b) is spoke c) is spoken
19. Da Vinci ... the Mona Lisa a) painted b) is painted c) paint
20. Penicillin ... by Fleming
a) is discover b) was discovered c) discovered
Writing (7/111)
Write your ideas to finish the letter:
Mi, Victor.
Writing (7/III)
Write your ideas to finish the letter.
Hi, Viktor you asked me to right a few words about my school
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .
But who knows what I realy can!
What I realy like about my school are …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .
Is your school much the same?
Take care!
Yours Alison.
Writing (7/IV)
If you go abroad on an exchange trip or to take up some course, your personal information is required in most cases.
How would you fill in this identity card?
First name:_:_
Address: ___
Main subject studied:_
Other interests: _
Speaking (7/1)
1) When talking with a foreign friend you hear the following information.
What would you say (if you didn't understand, if you asked for meaning, if you wanted to explain your cultural point of view)?
My mark in the maths test is 85.
At 9 I go to Sunday school.
In my country girls and boys go to school together. But there are also schools for girls and boys only.
2) What was the most enjoyable day/event at your school last year/ why do uyou think so?
3) A foreign delegation has come on a visit to your school. What would ypu tell them about your school and your school life?
Speaking (7/II)
1) Pair work. You are at the international Ecological Conference.
Ask your foreign friend about his/her attitude towards ecological problems, and express your opinion about them.
2) Some people believe that the Earth is damaged by people's activity. Others think that people's activity makes the earth a better place to live.
What is your opinion? Use examples to support your answer.
In common - общие; * The aim - цель;
Speaking (7/III)
Tell your friend about rules in your school, subjects, your classmates….
Speaking (7/IV)
Answer the questions:
Do you like to travel?
What plase do you want to travel and why