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  • Примеры тренировочных упражнений при обучении говорению по английскому языку

Примеры тренировочных упражнений при обучении говорению по английскому языку

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слушательница курсов ПК

учителей английского языка


Сроки выполнения 6 апреля-18 сентября.

г. Феодосия

2015 год


(на примере темы Festivals 9 класс учебник Spotlight)


Рецептивные упражнения

После фонетической отработки фраз по теме выполняется ряд тренировочных упражнений. Часть фраз известна учащимся из пройденного курса английского языка, часть является новой лексикой для активного употребления (выделена красным шрифтом).

Упражнение 1.

Translate from English into Russian and vice versa

  1. using the list of phrases in the self-study card;

  2. in pairs, having a look on the SSC;

  3. name all the phrases you remember well so that your partner could translate them (R E).

Те фразы, которые учащийся вспоминает легко, отложились в его памяти, как необходимые для осуществления речевого акта, те фразы, которые тяжело вспомнить отмечаются им для отработки дома.

Self-study card (SSC)

To wear fancy dress costumes

Одевать карнавальный костюм

To have a fancy dress party

Устраивать карнавал

To throw a party

Устроить вечеринку

To include street parties

Включать уличные парады

Treasure hunts

Охота за сокровищами

Watch fireworks display

Смотреть салют

Celebrate a change of season

Отмечать конец времени года

To experience life as a pirate

Побыть пиратом

To attract tourists

Привлекать туристов

To let off fireworks

Запускать фейерверк

To raise money for local charities

Собирать деньги на благотворительность

Eat until you burst competition

Соревнование «Кто больше съест»

A cooking contest

Состязание поваров

To throw rice/ tomatoes

Бросать рис/ помидоры

A strong tradition

Крепкая традиция

To take place


Упражнение 2.

Add words to make up phrases.

Students can do it orally or in written form (it depends on the aims of the teacher).

rice see watch

throw a ball fireworks

a party let off display

street parade street march

street parties include music

cooking contest huge fireworks display

treasure hunt dancing

to wear party

fancy dress

to have costumes

Упражнение 3.

Complete the sentences using the words below. Make some changes if you need.

  • include

  • burst

  • display

  • raise

  1. The organisers hope to ___________enough money to put one more screen on the square.

  2. The lunar festival of Chinese New Year __________great amount of fireworks displays.

  3. A lot of American festivals include an "eat until you _______"competition.

  4. Have you ever watched a fireworks_________ on the Day of the City?


Условно-речевые упражнения

Упражнение1 (подстановочное).

Use the table to make up the sentences.


Garlic Festival

is a colourful event that takes place in


in July.

St. Patrick's Day


in the end of January.



on 10th of February.

Pirates of the Caribbean

the Cayman Islands

around the end of February.

March of Scarecrows


on 6th of October.



during the last week of August.



on the 17th of March.

Lunar Festival of New Year


in November.

It lasts for

10 days.

a week.

full weekends.

I find

La Tamatina

extraordinary fest

that is held





a popular event


Tatiana's Day

a colourful event


Sweet sixteen party

a popular tradition


Упражнение 2.

Add information about the festivals.

  • La Tamatina is …..(a huge food fight that has been a strong tradition since 1945).

  • March of the Scarecrows is….(a festival that raises money for local charities).

  • Maslenitsa Carnival is….(an open-air theatre performance where festival-goers eat blini).

  • Preston City Medieval Festival is….(a 2 day fun which includes best medieval costume competition).

Упражнение 3.

После просмотрового чтения текстов учебника (Ex.3, p.10-11) на доске написаны слова и цифры.

What do they refer to?






the beginning of spring

Предполагаемые ответы:

  • 30,000 people throw tomatoes at each other when they participate in La Tamatina Fest in Spain.

  • 100,000 kg of tomatoes are thrown by people at each other for one hour.

  • March of the Scarecrows raises money for local charities.

  • 2001 is the year when the March of the Scarecrows was held for the first time.

  • The Garlic Festival in California has raised $ 7,500,000 since it was first held in 1979.

  • Maslenitsa celebrates the end of winter and the beginning of spring.


Речевые упражнения

Упражнение 1.

В слабой группе целесообразно сначала обсудить и записать вопросы для организации сокращенно-выборочного изложения материала.


  1. What festival are you going to talk about?

  2. Why have you chosen it for discussion?

  3. When and where does it take place?

  4. How long does it last?

  5. What does it include?

  6. Why is it so popular with tourists?

  7. What makes it so special?

Retell the chosen text.

Упражнение 2. Групповой рассказ.

Учащиеся воспроизводят содержание любого текста по 1 предложению по цепочке. Учитель начинает, вводя первое предложение.

T.: A lot of people enjoy travelling around Spain especially Valencia during the last week in August.

P1: It is the time when….

Упражнение 3.

Как правило, это упражнение - домашнее задание. Его можно прослушать в мини-группах с вопросами к теме или как презентацию или как доклад.

Make up a story about a festival in the Crimea.

For example, Koktebel Jazz Festival.

Koktebel Jazz Party is an annual festival of contemporary world jazz music that has become a strong tradition since 2003. It is held in the third weekend of September in a small Crimean town Koktebel, which has become a popular destination for musicians, poets and artists. The festival lasts for 4 days. During these days, the townlet becomes crowded with performers and music fans.

I find the festival quite important because you can listen to live music played by both the world's famous musicians and young talented composers.

Many music lovers are attracted to the festival because they can combine the pleasure of swimming in the Black Sea and listening to their favourite jazz melodies.

The best jazz bands from Brazil, the USA, Israel, Great Britain, India, Armenia, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and other countries were invited to take part in the fest this year and they arrived paying no attention on sanctions. The main stage in the open air gathered the brightest stars of jazz.

In the yard of the Voloshin House-Museum, there was another stage where fans could listen to classic blues and jazz. They could either have seats at the small tables close to the stage or just sit on sand or grass watching the concerts transformed on huge screens.

It is an extremely popular event. One can buy souvenirs, take a lot of photos and taste local dishes in one of the numerous cafes located on the embankment. As a rule at the end of the festival, there is a huge fireworks display!


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