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  • Урок английского языка в 5 классе 'Какие у тебя планы на выходные?'

Урок английского языка в 5 классе 'Какие у тебя планы на выходные?'

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Краткое описание:             Урок английского языка проводился в 5 классе по теме «Какие у вас планы на выходные?». Урок занимает промежуточное место в данной теме.          Цель урока – научить учащихся планировать свои выходные (составлять план-схему) и отработать грамматическую струк
предварительный просмотр материала

Швыдова Елена Владимировна,

учитель английского языка МКОУ СОШ №11 пос. Нового

Урок английского языка в 5 классе

«Какие у тебя планы на выходные?»

Цель урока - научить учащихся планировать свои выходные (составлять план-схему) и отработать грамматическую структуру "to be going to do smth".



  1. Формирование мотивации изучения иностранных языков

  2. Осознание возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка.


  1. самостоятельное выделение и формулирование познавательной цели;

  2. поиск и выделение необходимой информации; применение методов информационного поиска;

  3. осознанное построение речевого высказывания в устной и письменной форме.


  1. целеполагание - как постановка учебной задачи

  2. планирование - определение последовательности промежуточных целей с учетом конечного результата; составление плана и последовательности действий; прогнозирование ,контроль


  1. умение работать в группе - устанавливать рабочие отношения, эффективно сотрудничать и способствовать продуктивной кооперации;

  2. интегрироваться в группу сверстников и строить продуктивное взаимодействие со сверстниками и взрослыми.


  1. Порядок и хаос ( основная целевая линия урока - составление расписания на выходные, т.е. планирование своей деятельности),

  2. Модель и способ ( грамматическая структура "to be going to" используется в разных видах речевой деятельности - аудировании, чтении, письме и устной речи),

  3. Рисунок и схема (систематизация ранее изученной лексики с опорой на графический прием - кластер)

Оснащение: презентация Power Point, карточки со словосочетаниями, раздаточный материал.

Возрастная аудитория: учащиеся 5 класса.

Ход урока:

Good morning, boys and girls. Children, listen to a song and guess what our lesson is about. What words do you hear? Friday, Saturday and Sunday. How do we call them? Weekend. Right you are. We are going to speak about our plans for the weekend.


Звуки [ŋ] [æ] [ı :] [əʊ]

What are your plans for weekend?

Playing, dancing, reading.

What are your plans for weekend?

Shopping, drawing, swimming.

Речевая зарядка

Do you like weekend? What can children do at weekend? And I want you to make a magic trip to the Weekend Land.

Look at this map. It will help us to plan our weekend. In the Land To be going to there are many towns and cities? Let us visit them. But how can we travel? By car? By bus? By plane? By train? By bike?

No, we will fly on a dragon!


The name of our dragon is to be going to. He has three heads am, is, are. But our dragon is spelt. We must break the spell and say magic words. But before we are to put the verb to be in the right form.

Задание на карточках:

Card 1.

Put the verbs am, is, are.

  1. I … going to read a good book.

  2. We … not going to swim.

  3. Mike … going to visit his friends.

  4. Ann … going to cook dinner.

  5. Sam and Tom … not going to play computer games.

  6. I … not going to play tennis.

Read the sentences in turns. Let us check our answers. Correct them if you have some mistakes.

And now let us start our journey. I have a magic box let us look in it and guess what town we will visit first. (учитель достает из коробочки музыкальный ключ)

We are going to visit Music Town. What are we going to do in Music Town?

Listen to music

Sing songs

Play the piano, guitar


Крепим листки с фразами на название города

What are you going to do in this town?

I am going to …

And what town will be next? Look at the picture and guess. Right you are. Next town is Hobby City

Read books

Watch TV

Play computer games

Listen to music


Do you like to read? Do you know the characters of the English books? Look at the picture and name them. ( называют литературных героев произведений английских авторов). Who is your favourite character? I like Winnie, too. And I have a letter from Winnie to you. Let us read the letter and help Winnie to make a schedule for his weekends.

Dear friends,

I am Winnie-the-Pooh. I live in the forest.

Today it's Friday and I want to plan my weekend. I am going to go shopping

and buy a balloon for friend Piglet. In the evening I am going to visit my friend Rabbit.

On Saturday I'm going to clean the house. After that I'm going to visit Piglet. He has a birthday. I am going to read a comic book in the evening.

On Sunday I'm going to eat a lot of honey in the morning. After lunch I'm going to play football with my friend Tiger. In the evening I am going to listen to music.

And what about you? What are your plans for the weekend? What are you going to do?

Best wishes,


Make a schedule for Winnie's weekend. (письменно заполняют таблицу)




Say what is Winnie going to do on Friday (Saturday, Sunday)? ( работа по группам)

Winnie is going to …

And now we are in Sportstown. What can we do here? What are you going to do in Sportstown?

Play football…




Make a snowman

Play snowballs



If you are happy and you know it - clap your hands.

Игра "Snowball"

What are you plans for weekend? - I am going to …

(кидаем мяч по кругу)

Look at the pictures and say what town we will visit?

What are we going to do in House Town ?

Clean the room

Go shopping

Help about the house


Do you know this girl? (картинка с изображением Белоснежки и семерых гномов) Her name is Snow White . And these seven little men are seven dwarves. I have a list from their diary. Look it through and say what they are going and not going to do at the weekend.

They are going to ….

They are not going to ….

Seven Dwarves dairy


  • play

  • visit friends

clean the house

  • watch TV in the evening


cook salad

  • listen to music

  • dance

go shopping


The British children are going to visit Weekend Land at weekends. Listen to the texts and guess what towns can they visit.

  1. Hello. My name is Adriana. I am 11 and I go to school. I am in the fifth form. We study five days a week. So Sunday and Saturday are my days off. I am fond of tennis and I am going to go to the stadium on Sunday.

  2. Hi! I am Ron. I live in Canada. I am twelve and I go to school. After school I usually have musical classes. I play the piano. This weekend we will arrange a concert. And I am going to take part in it.

  3. Good morning! My name is John. I am a student of the first form. My friend and I like to watch films very much. This weekend a new film is on in our cinema. I want to watch it!

  4. My name is Diana and I am twelve. I want to have new shoes, a new T-shirt and jeans. I will go to London to buy them.

Who is going to visit ….

  1. Music Town

  2. Sportstown

  3. Hobby Town

  4. House Town

And what are your plans for weekend? Let us write our own diary. Write about your plans on the cards.

I am going to … .

Let us stick them on the blackboard. Say what are you going to do at weekend.

IV. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Ребятам предлагается написать ответ Винни-Пуху от лица литературного героя, используя шаблон:

Dear Winnie,

Thank you for your letter.

My name is … . I am … . I live in … . I'd like to tell you about my plans for the weekend.

On Saturday I …

On Sunday I …

I am waiting for your next letter.

Best wishes,

V. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление отметок. Рефлексия.

Помог ли тебе урок спланировать свои выходные?

Как ты думаешь, полезно ли вести дневник и планировать свои дела?

Card 1.

Put the verbs am, is, are.

  1. I … going to read a good book.

  2. We … not going to swim.

  3. Mike … going to visit his friends.

  4. Ann … going to cook dinner.

  5. Sam and Tom … not going to play computer games.

  6. I … not going to play tennis.

Card 3.

Example: They are going to go shopping on Saturday.

Seven Dwarves dairy


  • play

  • visit friends

clean the house

  • watch TV in the evening


cook salad

  • listen to music

  • dance

go shopping


Dear Winnie,

Thank you for your letter.

My name is … . I am … . I live in … . I'd like to tell you about my plans for the weekend.

On Saturday I …

On Sunday I …

I am waiting for your next letter.

Best wishes,


Dear friends,

I am Winnie-the-Pooh. I live in the forest.

Today it's Friday and I want to plan my weekend. I am going to go shopping

and buy a balloon for friend Piglet. In the evening I am going to visit my friend Rabbit.

On Saturday I'm going to clean the house. After that I'm going to visit Piglet. He has a birthday. I am going to read a comic book in the evening.

On Sunday I'm going to eat a lot of honey in the morning. After lunch I'm going to play football with my friend Tiger. In the evening I am going to listen to music.

And what about you? What are your plans for the weekend? What are you going to do?

Best wishes,





Winnie is going to …


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