- Учителю
- Разработка урока английского языка в 4 классе
Разработка урока английского языка в 4 классе
Конспект урока английского языка в 4 «А» классе
Unit 5 Тема: «Having a good time with your family»
повторить лексический материал по теме «My family»;
повторить неправильные глаголы;
формировать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения;
ввести новые лексические единицы по теме «Being happy together».
развивать способности к логическому изложению, к догадке;
расширить кругозор.
воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка, культуру межличностного общения;
создать коммуникативную атмосферу на уроке
выполнить тренировочные упражнения
на слух воспринимать информацию и выражать свое понимание в требуемой форме (сказать, что делают члены семьи по выходным)
Литература: учебник «Enjoy English» 4 класс М.З. Биболетова, Unit 5.
Оборудование: УМК «Enjoy English», видеоразминка.
Ход урока
Этапы урока/
виды работ
Содержание урока
I.Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения.
1.Орг. момент
Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Will you sit down, please.
My name is Valeria Nikolaevna. I am your teacher for this lesson. And now I have some questions. Answer my questions, please.
2. Речевая зарядка
What the date is it today? (Today is the 14th of January.) Well done!
What day of the week is it today?(Today is Monday. ) Right!
What is the weather like today? You are absolutely right!
Look at the blackboard. What are we going to speak about? Will you make up a word.
(На доске буквы, надо составить из них слово FAMILY)
Family! Today we are going to speak about having a good time with your families.
3. Фонетическая зарядка
Firstly, look at the screen and repeat the sounds. Sound the symbol.
[ɑ:] father, grandfather, grandpa, grandma, star
[ʌ] mother, grandmother, brother, son, grandson, mum
[ᴂ] grandmother, grandfather, dad, grandma, grandpa, family
[ɔ:] daughter, granddaughter, for, draw, water
Well done! Very good!
3. Лексическая зарядка
Now let us repeat the words you know. A сейчас мы с вами повторим слова, которые вы уже знаете.
Look at the picture and tell me who they are.
(картинки членов семьи - учащиеся называют их)
father, grandfather, grandson, daughter, granddaughter, mother, grandmother, brother, etc.
mother -> mum [mʌm] мамочка
father -> dad [dᴂd] папочка
grandmother -> grandma [/ɡrᴂndmɑ:] бабушка, бабуля
grandfather -> grandpa [/ɡrᴂndpɑ:] дедушка, дедуля
son -> grandson [/ɡrᴂndsʌn] внук
daughter -> granddaughter [/ɡrᴂnd/dɔ:tə] внучка
II.Показ функционирования и использования усваиваемого материала.
1. Ввод новых лексических единиц
It is time to know new words and word combinations. You see them on your cards with transcription.
to watch the stars [wɔʧ ðə stɑ:z]
to play computer games [pleɪ kəm/pju:tə ɡeɪmz]
to make a toy [meɪk ə tɔi]
to take a photo of [teɪk ə /fəʊtəʊ]
to play puzzles [pleɪ pʌzlz]
to watch TV [wɔʧ ti:/vi:]
2. Развитие аудитивных навыков
Open your books at page 65 ex.1. Look at the picture.
Your task is to listen to Mag's story and tell me what her family likes to do on Saturdays and Sundays.
Let's listen to this story very carefully.
Answer my questions, please. What did Mag do yesterday? What did her grandmother do? What did Mag's mother do with her sister?
3. Релаксационная пауза
Let's have a rest!
Will you stand up and try to remember our poem.
Stand up! Clap! Clap!
Arms up! Clap! Clap!
Step! Step! Arms down!
Clap! Clap! Please, sit down!
Now I would like you to watch the short video!
4. Чтение текста c целью закрепления лексики
Will you open p.66 ex.3. let us read it, complete the text and translate.
III. Управление тренировкой в овладении материалом
1.Выполнение упражнения для развития навыков говорения
You are very active today. Let us move on.
Will you find the ex.5 on the page 66. Will you read these expressions and try to translate. Then you should say what you did last Sunday.
Well done!
2.Выполнение тренировочного упражнения
Let us play the game "Mime and guess!". One person should come out to the blackboard and show what is written on this sheet of paper.
Let us start!
3.Повторение неправильных глаголов
I would like to revise the irregular verbs. I will name the word in Russian, you will tell me three forms of this verb.
быть, приносить, резать, рисовать, падать, забывать, идти.
4.Домашнее задание
Your hometask for the next lesson on Thursday is p.82 ex. 1,2,3 in your books; you should learn new words by heart.
5.Итог урока
I like your work. You were very active today.
These are camomiles. You know these flowers are the symbol of the family. I give you camomiles and wish all the best wishes you and your family! Love you parents. Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!