Урок на тему 'Путешествия'.

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Муниципальная бюджетная общеобразовательная школа - интернат

Ямальская школа - интернат среднего (полного) общего образования

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7 класс

Учитель: Гуцун Светлана Борисовна, учитель английского языка МБОШИ Ямальская школа-интернат среднего (полного) общего образования с. Яр-СалеЯмальский район ЯНАО Тюменская область.

Яр-Сале 2012

Основные цели и задачи:

Введение новых лексических единиц.

Активизировать в речи учащихся лексические единицы темы "Travelling".

Ознакомление с употреблением модальных глаголов must, can'tдля выражения уверенности в каком либо факте или событии.

Развивать интеллектуальную, эмоциональную и мотивационную сферы труда.

Формировать умения и навыки интеллектуального труда.

Развитие умения осуществлять рефлексию пройденного материала, формирование навыков аудирования, диалогической речи.

Развивать умения чтения, аудирования, письма, диалогической речи.

Воспитывать бережное отношение к своему здоровью, избегать перегрузки учащихся.

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал .

Формы работы: индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная.


1. Орг. момент. Приветствие, проверка готовности к уроку.Самооценка эмоционального состояния.

2. Целеполагание:

а. Научиться правильному использованию стратегий прослушивания


б. Повторить грамматический материал "must", "can't";

в. Познакомиться с упражнениями необходимыми для поддержания

концентрации внимания.

Фонетическая заряда и психологический настрой на работу на уроке:

T: Good day, dear friends! I am glad to see you again.

I want to draw your attention to the blackboard where the words from John Clarke is written

"He that travels far knows much". I think these words can be motto of our lesson. What do you think about these words? Was John Clarke really right? What is your opinion?

P1. I think it's true. Travelling develops our outlook.

P2. To my opinion, travelling helps us to make friends.

P3. It seems to me it helps us to study foreign languages.

P4.. I think travelling develops our imagination.

P5. Travelling gives us knowledge about the countries, traditions and customs.

T: That's right, when we travel; we move from one place to another, so traveling gives us movement and keeps us from growing stale and old. Why did I begin our lesson from these words? What do you think, what will we speak about at our lesson?

P1. May be we shall travel?

T:Yes, you are right. We'll make an imaginary trip with Sandra and David to the shore of the South Pacific.

Are you ready? Let's start our lesson.


Look at the screen, read and remember the new words.







Dark complexion

The South Pacific.

4. T:Mike, the editor of The Morning Star, has sent Sandra and David to the village of Kontu in

The South Pacific. They are going to investigate the story of a man, Senan who has the power to call sharks.Let's listenthe story about their trip.

5. Т:Look at the pictures, then read the sentences and circle the correct item.

1. David and Sandra are in_____

a) a village

b) a city

c) a big town

2. They are looking for______

a) boy

b) man

c) woman

3. The man takes them to his_____

a) hut

b) flat

c) cottage

4. The man gives them a bowl of_____

a) soup

b) milk

c) sweet potatoes

5. The man beats the water with coconut___

a) shells

b) balls

c) stones

6. T: Look at the pictures, then answer the questions. Write S for Sandra, DforDavid or Se for Senan.

1. Who's got long fair hair? _______

2. Who's got a dark complexion? ________

3. Who's got green eyes? _______

4. Who's got short straight hair? ________

5. Who's got wrinkles? _____

7. Listen and write S for Sandra, D for David or Se for Senan.

1. No, it can't be him. _____

2. He's got marks on his arms. _____

3. You must prepare for tomorrow. ______

4. But what is all this for? ______

5. There are shark fins over there. ____

8. Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

ask, call, coconut, get, go, look, sweet, shark

1 to______sharks 5 to______angry

2 ______potatoes 6 to______ready

3 to_______to sleep 7 ______shells

4 to_______questions 8 ______fins

9. Введение упражнения «Сова» необходимого для снижения напряжения при долговременном сидении и для поддержания концентрации внимания. (25-аямин. урока).

«The Owl» Squeeze the muscles of the left shoulder with your right

hand while looking over the left shoulder, pulling your shoulders back and

breathing deeply. Drop your chin to your chest, breathe deeply again. Reverse the


10. Answer the questions.

1. Where exactly are David and Sandra?

2. How does Senan know who they are?

3. What does Senan ask them to do?

4. Why does Senan go to the forest?

5. What does Sandra say is under the canoe?

11.T: Expressing certainty.

We use must+infinitive without to to say that something is logically true.

We usecan't+ infinitive without toto say that something is logically untrue.

Fill in must or can't.

1. They look the same. They ____be twins.

2. He's got black hair. He ____be from Norway.

3. This car _____be Susan's. She hasn't got one.

4. This______be his. He doesn't like classical music.

5. Julie is an excellent student. She____study hard.

12.Put the events into the correct order, then listen and check your answers.

  • MosancursesSenan.

  • Senan takes them to his hut.

  • Senan goes to the forest to begin his magic.

  • Senan beats the water with coconut shells.

  • Sandra and David reach the village of Kontu.

  • Senan gives them sweet potatoes to eat.

  • Sharksappear.


We use will+infinitive without toto make predictions(предсказания) based on what we believe or think. We usually use will

I think -ядумаю

I expect - яполагаю

Probably -вероятно

Your home task will be answer the question:

What do you think will happen in the next episode? Makepredictionswithwill.

14.Подведение итогов урока. Саморефлексия с использованием смайликов ивыставлением балла за то, как понят материал на уроке.

Окончание урока. Слова благодарности за отличную и дружную работу.

Оценка учителем работы каждого школьника (выставляется балл за работу на уроке).

T: Dear friends, it seems to me, you had a very good time today. I'd like to thank you for our lesson. You've worked very hard today. You have done many tasks, I liked your answers. What can you say about our lesson?

Teacher: Good and now complete the sentences in Russian, please.

  1. Я узнал…

  2. Я удивился…

  3. Я вспомнил…


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