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  • Разработка урока английского языка по теме: Natural Disasters - Natural Killers of Humanity

Разработка урока английского языка по теме: Natural Disasters - Natural Killers of Humanity

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предварительный просмотр материала

Открытый урок по теме: "Natural Disasters - Natural Killers of Humanity"

Класс: 10

Цель: развивать коммуникативные навыки по теме: "Natural Disasters" с целью дальнейшего использования полученной информации при составлении доклада для конференции, а так же формировать умение четко выражать свое мнение, формировать целостное представление о проблемах стихийных бедствий, возможных путях их решения; развить навыки просмотрового чтения; развить навыки аудирования и последующего анализа услышанного.

Задачи урока:

1. Практическая: совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Nature disasters»; навыков просмотрового чтения; навыков и умений всех видов речевой деятельности: обучение аудированию незнакомого текста по теме и высказыванию своего мнения по ним.

2.Развивающая: развитие способности обобщать, делать выводы, предвидеть; формулировать выводы из прочитанного и услышанного, развивать фонематический слух, способность к самостоятельному творческому труду; развитие познавательной активности, речевой реакции, внимания, логического мышления, оперативной памяти.

3. Воспитательная: любовь к природе, ориентировать учащихся на взаимопомощь в экстренных случаях , экологически обоснованную деятельность; самостоятельность, умение слушать, работать в группе и парах.

Тип урока: Комбинированный.

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая, по парам.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент

  2. Видео (тема урока, вопрос для обсуждения, конференция)

  3. План урока (таблички для заполнения, инд. дом. зад.)

  4. Актуальность проблемы (график) д/з (график)

  5. Вопрос для обсуждения на уроке

  6. Актуализация лексического материала (определения катастроф) д/з (определения)

  7. Видео материал о вулкане (причины и последствия, название) д/з (перевод статьи)

  8. Актуализация лексики по теме вулканы

  9. Совершенствование навыков чтения и работы с текстом (тема "Торнадо"), причины и последствия

  10. Совершенствование навыков аудирования (тема "Лесные пожары"), причины и последствия

  11. Совершенствование навыков говорения в формате ЕГЭ (сравнение картин)

  12. Подводим итог, отвечаем на поставленный вопрос

  13. Рефлексия

  14. Оценка результатов

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент

Warming up.

Good morning, my dear friends. How are you today? Alena, why are you sad? Have you got any problems? Jane, you look wonderful, a new dress? Ann, who is absent today? Dasha, How are you today? Why were you absent yesterday? Were you ill? Any problems? You see we have guests today, don't be afraid, you are the best, everything will be all right. Don't forget our motto: "Do everything you can and a little more"

  1. Постановка цели и задачей урока

I want you to watch some video. While watching, try to formulate the problem of our today's discussion, give me the topic of our lesson,, from your point of view.


Well, what ideas have you got? What are we going to speak about?

P - s

So, I decided to name the lesson: "Natural disasters - Natural Killers of Humanity"

Will you comment on the tittle? Why do I compare disasters and killers? What do they have in common?

  1. План урока

First of all here you can see the steps we are going to move. Firstly … (the plan of the lesson)

P - s

I'm sure you have a question: "Why are we to discuss this very problem?"

I shall answer the question. Next week we are going to have a city conference on the problems of ecology. Our class, I mean, our group will have to take part in this conference. So, we must prepare for it. We are to revise some facts and make a report for this event. Do you understand? So, let's get started!

Have a look, at your desks you see white sheets of paper, look them through, during today's discussion you'll have to fill them in. Of course, it's impossible to speak about all the catastrophes which exist in the world, so today we will draw our attention to some of them. Fill in the columns with the disasters we'll discuss today, their reasons, the consequences and the places where they happen. Do it during the lesson.

  1. Актуальность проблемы

Firstly we are to understand if the problem of Natural Disasters is urgent or not. To do it let's analyse the graphic you see on the screen.

P - s

Do you really think that this topic is necessary for humanity?

P - s

Ok, you see our graphic ends with the year 2010, but now it's the year 1016.

Alena, please collect all necessary information and make such a graphic beginning with the year 2010 up to the present time, up to the year 2016, will you?

  1. Вопрос для обсуждения

Today it's our first step of preporation for the conference, so, let's answer the question" Will natural disasters kill humanity or not?" during today is lesson.

  1. Определение катастроф

Well, it's high time to name the most dangerous disasters of the world. Look at my pictures and just name the disaster. (слайды 11 - 19)

P - s

Now you see some words and phrases taken from the definitions of the disasters. Please, give me a full definition, using all the words offered to you. All the rest will try to guess what catastrophe it is.

(слайды 20 - 21)

  1. Видео

Now I am sure you will be a little shocked by the video we are going to watch. Nevertheless, be very attentive, be patient, don't be afraid, it's life, such facts do happen in the world, watch the video, and get ready to discuss it while watching.

  1. What emotions do you feel?

  2. What are you thinking about?

  3. Give me only nouns and adjectives to describe the video

  1. Лексика по теме «Вулканы»

Have a look at the screen , you see some words, your task is to fill in these words into the sentences, there is one extra word, be attentive.

P - s

Please name some reasons and consequences of a volcano

Don't forget to fill in the necessary information in your tables.

  1. Чтение

Look through the text , try to understand it, it's rather easy and give me 4 adjectives to describe a tornado.

P - s

Yes, well done, have a look, choose the right answer, be quick, please.

Please name some reasons and consequences of a tornado (слайд 24 - 27)

  1. Аудирование

It's high time to train our listening skills. Listen to the text and try to answer 4 questions

(слайд 28)

Work in groups of three.

P - s

The second task for you is look through the sentences, write true, false or not stated.

Let's start, be attentive. (слайд 29)

P - s

Let's check our work. Give me your copy books, take red pens or pencils, take a copy book of your classmate, let's check (слайд 30)

P - s

Well, what are the reasons and the consequences of a wildfire?

Don't forget to fill in the necessary information in your tables.

  1. Говорение

Now it's high time to train our speaking skills. Look at the task. You are to compare these two pictures (слайд № ).

P - s

  1. Ответ на вопрос урока

Well, I think it's time to answer our main question: "Will Natural disasters kill humanity?"

P - s

  1. Рефлексия

I think it's time to sum up everything. Look at the screen and choose the statement close to your ideas and finish the sentence. You are welcome with all your thoughts.

  1. </<font color="#000000">Оценка результатов, дом задание.

Well, during the lesson some of you got individual hometask, here you see all the homework to do for tomorrow. Are you satisfied with your work? How did you work during the lesson?

Thank you for your work, you worked hard!


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