• Учителю
  • Разработка урока на тему 'Are you a web user?' (9 класс)

Разработка урока на тему 'Are you a web user?' (9 класс)

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Данный конспект урока разработан по учебнику Т.Аяповой для 9-го класса  для школ с казахским языком обучения. В конспекте урока предлагаются упражнения на знание темы "Интернет",а также использованы различные приемы для развития навыков и умении учащегося. В данном конс
предварительный просмотр материала

Lesson plan of the teacher of English Dauletiyarova Akmaral,

conducted in the 9th grade


Form: 9 "B"

Subject: English

The theme

Are you a web user?


"English 9" textbook-А., «Mektep», 2013 y.

Internet resources


to form the students' concept of web, to introduce them with education sites; to develop pupils' skills of listening and speaking and critical thinking; to teach the students to realize the advantages and disadvantages of the internet

The expected result

Students will enrich their knowledge about the internet; they will practise working in groups and will understand the use and harm of the internet; they will express their opinion on the theme.


1. Warm-up

2. Catch the question

3. Think, pair, share

4. Group work

5. True/false activity

6. A hot chair

7. "2 stars and a wish" evaluation

8. "Feedback Sandwich"

Resources and aids

1. the textbook

2. PowerPoint presentation

3. computers and tablets

4. flipcharts

The stages of work

Teacher's activity

Students' activity

Organization moment

Teacher greets with the pupils and checks up the attendance of students

-greet with the teacher

Words Bank

Teacher gives words related to the theme

Google, Yandex, Facebook, WWW, Sports Sites, Hobby Sites, English Studying sites

They guess the theme of the lesson

-The theme of the lesson is connected with the internet










Catch the question

Teacher throws the first question to a student to answer

1. Are you a good web user?

The student who catches a question answer it and throws another question to the second pupil.

Pupil1 Pupil2 Pupil3 Pupil4 Pupil5

1. Yes, I am. -How often do you use the internet to find information?

2. I use the internet to find information.... -What do you use it for?

3. I use it for chatting with my friends, watching videos and films, listening to music, etc. -How often do you visit new sites?

4. I visit new sites ... a week. -Do you use any online encyclopedia?

5. No, I don't. -Do you regularly visit the English language learning sites?

6. I use them ...

Think, pair, share

Teacher asks the pupils to work in pairs and gives words to make a short survey

Google, BBC, English Studying sites, Fashion Sites, Hobby Sites, Sports Sites, Other Sites

They make up a short survey

1. Do you often use Google?

2. What does BBC mean?

3. How often do you use English studying sites?


Group work

Mosaic method

Divides texts about the internet into three groups and explains their task

I group-What is the Internet?

They create PowerPoint presentation consisting of 1-2 slides about the internet

II group-Advantages of the Internet

They make a poster

III group-Disadvantages of the Internet

They make a poster, too


"2 stars and a wish"

Teacher asks groups to evaluate each other

They evaluate each other by this method

The use of the internet in education


Teacher gives some interesting facts and information about the use of the internet in education

1970s-The Internet was only used by academics

38- The number of years it took for radio to reach 50 million users

13- The number of years it took for TV to reach 50 million users

5- The number of years it took for the internet to reach 50 million users

17%- the amount of the world's population who has Internet access

80%- the percentage of websites that are English.

They listen to the teacher's explanation and memorize the information


Clock buddies

Teacher explains the task of the activity

3:00 - Shake hands with

9:00 - Wish

6:00 - Wave

12:00 - Make a compliment

They write their clock buddies and do the tasks

True/ false activity

Teacher gives sentences

True/ False Activity

  1. The internet has completely dethroned (свергнул) traditional media.

a. True b. False

2. The internet was the first introduced in the 1960s.

a. True b. False

  1. More than 20 thousand people use the internet

a. True b. False

4. The internet is used only to search information

a. True b. False

5. The internet has some disadvantages, such as virus threat, addiction, etc.

a. True b. False

They define if the sentences are true or not. If they are false, they correct them

Task 2. Complete the sentences

Teacher gives individual tasks to the pupils

1. ___ is a global system of interconnected networks.

2. ____ is another word for software.

3. ____ was founded by Larry Page.

4. "Football as Football", "Formula1", "Baseball 2014" are the best _________.

5. We can order and buy clothes on ___________.

1. internet

2. Programme

3. Google

4. Sports Sites

5. Fashion sites.

A hot chair

Chooses a student to sit on a hot chair

A student sits on a hot chair, other students ask him questions about the today's theme


Teacher explains the tasks of the homework.

Ex 7 on page 54-to find some information about Wikipedia

If they don't understand well

"Feedback Sandwich"

Gives them sandwiches to fulfill them

1. My impression

2. What was difficult for me?

3. What I liked best of all

They complete the sandwich feedback writing their impression of the lesson


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