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- Урок английского языка в 5 классе «»Food»
Урок английского языка в 5 классе «»Food»
Lesson planning for the 5th class on English
Theme: Food
Class: 5г
Aims: to generalize knowledge about food, to consolidate pupils knowledge concerning the theme; to improve lexical skills and to expand a lexical
to develop pupils' speaking skills, writing and listening skills by working with dialogue, analyzing and doing exercises.
to increase students interest to English
Type: generalization of knowledge
Method: explaining, verbal, searching
The equipment of the lesson: computer, multimedia presentation, pictures, cards, books
The course of the lesson
I. Warming - up
Hello, children!
How are you today?
What food do you like?
What drink do you like?
Today we have an unusual lesson. We have guests in our lesson. I am sure that you will show all your knowledge to them. Today we will talk about food.
II. Phonetic drill
1. Let's train our tongues (slide 1)
Chicken and cheese, chips and chocolate. Chips and chicken, chocolate and cheese.
Reading by teacher.
Reading in chorus.
Individual reading.
- What is this tongue twister about?
- You are right. It's about "Food".
2. And now a short phonetic exercise. I hope you remember many words on the theme "FOOD". Let's see. (slide 2)
Вкуснотища - Very good! Пищу называют - food.
Это вовсе не каприз, сыр мы называем - cheese.
Мясо жарится, шкварчит, мясо по-английски - meat.
Ведро воды не принесете? Вода, водичка будет - water.
И сказал нам дядя Круз: Сок отличный, сок…. Juice
Яиц десяток купила Пег Яйца по-английски… eggs.
Чаем с сахаром угощу я друга, Сахар по-английски… sugar.
Очень любит хлеб Фред, Хлеб по-английски… bread.
III. Work on a topic of the lesson
-I see you know the pronunciation of these words . Now let`s check your knowledge in writing.
1) Match the beginning of the word with its ending. (slide 3)
Wa rot
Pota bage
Cab to
Sand ke
Car wich
Ca ge
Oran ter
- Find the odd word. (water) (slide 4,5)
What two big groups of nouns do you know? (countable - uncountable)
2) Let's repeat countable and uncountable nouns. (slide 6,7)
And now the task for you is to write the words into two columns: countable and uncountable nouns.
Apple, water, sugar, egg, orange, carrot, potato, cake, milk, juice (slide 8, 9)
3) Every men eats his favourite food. In Russia we use proverb "О вкусах не спорят". And in English people say "Tastes differ" (slide 10)
Let's see what like or don't like our friends from America.
Work with table «Tastes differ».
Make up the sentences with a support on the table
For example: Mary likes …Mary doesn`t like…
And now tell me, please what do you like?
I like…
IV. Minute for relax (slide 11)
And now it's time to have a rest. Stand up please and listen to the task:
Clap your hands when you hear the names of drinks, step your feet when you hear the names of food
• a banana;
• a carrоt;
• tea;
• an apple;
• cabbage;
• an orange;
• a potato;
• lemonade;
• cake;
• juice;
• coffee;
• a tomato.
4) We'll go to the Supermarket. There are different shops in this Supermarket. (slide 12, 13)
They are: the Green Shop, the White Shop and the Sweet Shop.
the Green Shop: oranges, cabbage, carrots, lemons, bananas
the White Shop: milk, cheese, eggs,
the Sweet Shop: coffee, tea, cakes, sweets
And now let's play. Image that you are buyers in the shop
Make up short dialogs.
Give me 5 apples, please
Here you are!
Thank you.
You are welcome.
5) When we were in the shop, we've got a letter. (slide 14, 15)
Let's read it.
Hi, I am Mary.
I like, cakes and fruit. Apples and
are very nice.
I don`t eat meat, but I like and milk. I usually drink a lot of
and a lot of water.
juice is very tasty. I don't drink much coffee or
6) Now we check how do you understand the text. (slide 16, 17)
Mary likes cakes and chocolate. +
Mary doesn't like eggs. -
Mary usually drinks a lot of juice. +
She drinks much coffee and tea -
Exchange the lists and check the test.
7) Game "Snowball"
- Name the names of fruit.
V. Home task
Make up the dialog
VI. Giving marks
VII. Reflection (slide 18)
I want you tell me some words about the lesson. But it will be unusual words.
- You have 2 apples on your desks.
Take the red apple, if you like the lesson. And take the green apple if you don't like the lesson.
1. Match the syllables
Wa rot
Pota bage
Cab to
Sand ke
Car wich
Ca ge
Oran ter
Countable nouns (исчисл.)
Uncountable nouns (неисчисл.)
Apple, water, sugar, egg, orange, carrot, potato, cake, milk, juice
3. Tastes differ
Mary likes … Mary doesn't like …
I like... I doesn't like...
Hi, I am Mary.
I like, cakes and fruit. Apples and
are very nice.
I don`t eat meat, but I like and milk.
I usually drink a lot of and a lot of water. I don't drink much coffee or