- Учителю
- План-конспект урока по теме 'War conflicts: how to prevent them?'И проектные работы учащихся о военных конфликтах
План-конспект урока по теме 'War conflicts: how to prevent them?'И проектные работы учащихся о военных конфликтах
Урок английского языка в 9 классе.
Тема: Конфликты в современной истории. Как их предотвратить?
War conflicts: how to prevent them?
Учитель: Величко Н.В.
Технология урока: проблемно-поисковая.
Тип урока: урок совершенствования продуктивных навыков.
Формы: фронтальная, групповая деятельность.
Цели урока:
Расширить знания учащихся о способах предотвращения конфликтов.
Развитие речевой и языковой компетенции обучающихся.
Развитие способности анализировать, делать выводы, доказывать.
Воспитание толерантности, уважения прав человека как условия предотвращения конфликтов.
Расширить лексический запас учащихся за счет интернациональных слов.
Совершенствовать навыки аудирования и чтения.
Развивать речевое умение выражать свое мнение, аргументировать его.
Ход урока.
Организационный момент. Warm-up.
Good morning to everybody. Sit down. How are you? / Are you OK?
The working week is coming to the end and we'll have an opportunity to rest this evening.
We know that people in many countries have suffered greatly from the wars throughout the
history and they want peace in the world. People say "no" to war.
But do we live in peace, without conflicts?
(No, we don't)
How do you think, what we're going to speak about today?
(How to build peace, to avoid conflicts)
The theme of the lesson is "Wars and Conflicts in Modern History".
We'll discuss some conflicts and try to answer the questions:
Is it possible to prevent conflicts?
If yes, how we can do it?
Актуализация знаний учащихся.
Let's remember the history.
In 1948 just after the World War II the United Nations Organization adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
What did the document declare? (29 human rights)
What rights does every person have according to the document?
(Every person has … It means … / It includes …)
Are these rights observed in all countries? Give examples to support your opinion.
(bullying, discrimination, terrorism, wars)
(In some countries … suffer from …
It is when … It's unfair.)
Развитие умений монологической речи на основе чтения и аудирования.
As we can see the Declaration couldn't stop wars and terrorism. Since the World War II there hasn't been a time on our planet without war or conflict.
But why do they happen?
Задание 1. You will hear about 2 armed conflicts. Listen , fill in the table and try to understand
what kind of conflict is / was it;
why did it happen;
who suffered in the conflict.
4 учащихся выступают с презентациями (презентации прилагаются).
Остальные учащиеся работают с таблицей.
Несколько человек определяют верные/ неверные утверждения.
What can you say about the conflicts and the reasons for them?
(Учащиеся сообщают кратко о военных конфликтах
на основе записей)
How can you answer the question: Why do the conflicts happen?
Задание 2. How do you think, is it possible to prevent conflicts between nations and countries?
If yes, what should we do? Discuss in groups, express your opinions.
You can use: political leaders ordinary people conferences meetings forums
to prohibit to learn to respect to observe It is necessary
(Do you think that people should learn to be tolerant?
Can tolerance help to prevent conflicts?)
Группы представляют свои мнения по этому вопросу.
The word "tolerance" is very popular nowadays. Do you understand what it means?
Работа с лексикой - интернациональные слова.
Open the books at p. 141, Ex. 127. Listen and pronounce the words.
Ex. 128. Which of these words are related to "tolerance"?
(cooperation, pluralism, freedom, diversity,
caring, equality, trust, friendship, democracy,
safety, respect, peace, solidarity, dialogue,
independence, prevent)
Развитие умения составить связное монологическое высказывание.
WB p. 58 Ex. 7 Read Tim's letter to a youth magazine. Help him understand what tolerance
means. Share your ideas in groups and make a statement. Use the words from Ex. 127
ответы участников групп.
Составление mind- map.
Be tolerant
Today we have tried to understand if it is possible to prevent conflicts and how to do it.
Was it difficult for you to answer these questions?
Has our work today helped you to understand something / to learn smth new? What?
Can you say that you are a tolerant person?
Домашнее задание.
You will try to understand that at home. Do the quiz in Ex. 138 and guess if you are tolerant or
not in Ex. 139.
Заключительное слово учителя.
Benjamin Franklin said: "There never was a good war and a bad peace."
Building peace begins with your family, your school and your relationships with friends.
Be tolerant and you will prevent conflicts.
Speak about the human rights.
1) Every person has ….
It means … / It includes …
2) In some countries … suffer from …
It is when …
Listen about the conflicts and fill in the table.
The war between Iran and Iraq
The conflict between Georgia and Southern Ossetia
Separatist movement in Spain
what kind of conflict is / was it?
why did it happen?
who suffered in the conflict?
How do you think, is it possible to prevent conflicts between nations and countries?
If yes, what should we do? Discuss in groups, express your opinions.
You can use: political leaders ordinary people conferences meetings forums
to prohibit to learn to respect to observe It is necessary
The word "tolerance" is very popular nowadays. Do you understand what it means?
Ex. 128. Which of these words are related to "tolerance"?
WB p. 58 Ex. 7 Read Tim's letter to a youth magazine. Help him understand what
tolerance means. Share your ideas in groups and make a statement. Use the words from
Ex. 127
As for me, I think to be tolerant means …
Tolerance can also mean …
I'm sure that …. / I'm absolutely positive that …
A tolerant person is a person who …
In my opinion tolerance is when …
How do you think, is it possible to prevent conflicts between nations and countries?
If yes, what should we do? Discuss in groups, express your opinions.
You can use: political leaders ordinary people conferences meetings forums
to prohibit to learn to respect to observe It is necessary
The word "tolerance" is very popular nowadays. Do you understand what it means?
Ex. 128. Which of these words are related to "tolerance"?
WB p. 58 Ex. 7 Read Tim's letter to a youth magazine. Help him understand what
tolerance means. Share your ideas in groups and make a statement. Use the words from
Ex. 127
As for me, I think to be tolerant means …
Tolerance can also mean …
I'm sure that …. / I'm absolutely positive that …
A tolerant person is a person who …
In my opinion tolerance is when …
Speak about the human rights.
1) Every person has ….
It means … / It includes …
2) In some countries … suffer from …
It is when …
Listen about the conflicts and guess if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
The war between Iran and Iraq was an ethnic conflict.
The war between Iran and Iraq was an economic conflict.
Iran and Iraq wanted to own (владеть) the same river.
About 1 million people suffered in the war.
The conflict is still going on.
The conflict was settled.
The conflict between Georgia and Southern Ossetia was a religious conflict.
It was a political conflict.
The conflict was not violent.
Many people suffered in the conflict.
The conflict was settled.
The conflict is still going on.
How do you think, is it possible to prevent conflicts between nations and countries?
If yes, what should we do? Discuss in groups, express your opinions.
You can use: political leaders ordinary people conferences meetings forums
to prohibit to learn to respect to observe It is necessary
I think it is possible / impossible …
We should / shouldn't …
People can …
Political leaders should …
The word "tolerance" is very popular nowadays. Do you understand what it means?
Ex. 128. Which of these words are related to "tolerance"?
WB p. 58 Ex. 7 Read Tim's letter to a youth magazine. Help him understand what
tolerance means. Share your ideas in groups and make a statement. Use the words from
Ex. 127
In my opinion, tolerance means …
A tolerant person …
We should …
How do you think, is it possible to prevent conflicts between nations and countries?
If yes, what should we do? Discuss in groups, express your opinions.
You can use: political leaders ordinary people conferences meetings forums
to prohibit to learn to respect to observe It is necessary
I think it is possible / impossible …
We should / shouldn't …
People can …
Political leaders should …
The word "tolerance" is very popular nowadays. Do you understand what it means?
Ex. 128. Which of these words are related to "tolerance"?
WB p. 58 Ex. 7 Read Tim's letter to a youth magazine. Help him understand what
tolerance means. Share your ideas in groups and make a statement. Use the words from
Ex. 127
In my opinion, tolerance means …
A tolerant person …
We should …