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- Разработка урока для 10 класса 'Роль медицины в нашей жизни'
Разработка урока для 10 класса 'Роль медицины в нашей жизни'
План урока
Класс: 9
Тема: Роль медицины в нашей жизни
Цель: Создание языковой среды способствующей повторению лексического материала по теме "Health " и грамматического материала, развитию речевых способностей, воспитанию у учащихся интерес к здоровому образу жизни
Тип урока: комбинированный
Оборудование: учебник, наглядный материал
Организационная часть (приветствие, сообщение цели урока).
T: Good morning children.
S: Good morning teacher.
T: Sit down please.
S: Thank you.
T: Today at the lesson we are going to revise grammar and lexical material we have learned within the theme "Medicine". To do it we will listen to some dialogues, read texts and do crosswords. Can you tell me what material was new for you?
S: Modal verbs and present perfect tense.
T: You are quite right. Let's begin then.
Look at the screen. I have a monster. Describe it. Be careful and don't forget about plural forms.
S: The monster has got …
T: Well done. Our next task is listening. You will hear the conversation twice and decide if the statements on the screen are TRUE or FALSE.
Statements on the screen:
The boy has got the flu.
The boy's back hurts.
The boy's temperature is normal.
He must take tablets.
He should drink hot tea with lemon.
Давайте, прежде всего, повторим некоторые слова, которые могут вам понадобиться: (translate into Russian)
What's the matter?
How are you?
The flu
I have got the flu.
Take tablets
You should
Tea with lemon
После первого прослушивания можно выяснить, что поняли дети, какие слова не поняли.
После второго прослушивания идет работа с утверждениями. Сильных учащихся можно попросить исправить утверждения согласно тексту.
T: Great. Let's continue. Our next task is in AB. Оpen your AB, page 79, ex. 6. Look through the GRAMMAR HINT. What is the difference between the modal verbs must and should.
T: Good. What do you think, can we do without doctors?
S: Yes, sometimes we can.
T: I agree with you. In these cases we can use home medicine. What are these cases?
S: headache, a cold, a cut, a burn (not serious).
T: Yes. Do you use home medicine&
S: Yes, I do.
T: What home medicine do you use?
S: tea with lemon, warm compress and so on.
T: I offer you to read a text and learn about some other home medicine.
Read the text and match illnesses and advice. Be attentive. (соедините болезни и способы их лечения).
T: Super. Are you tired? Let's play to have a rest. Tell us about your problem. And your friends will give you advice. You can also mime your problem.
Попытайтесь употреблять модальные глаголы, повелительное наклонение и отрицательные предложения.
S: I've got a cold. - Consult a doctor. (or You should consult a doctor).
T: You are so artistic. Have you ever had an appendicitis?
S: Yes, I have.
T: And you?
S: No, I haven't.
T: What tense do we use to tell about what we have had?
S: Present perfect.
T: right. How is it formed?
S: have/has+the third form of the verb
T: Yes, quite right. Tell me about health problems you have ever had.
S: I have had a cold this month.
T: Do the exercise 7 on the page 79 in your Activity Books. Well done. I think you have been working well today and so you deserve a prize. I know you like crosswords. I have a crossword for you. Do it, please.