- Учителю
Ликино-Дулевский политехнический колледж - филиал ГГТУ
Методическая разработка урока
на тему:
Предмет: иностранный язык (английский)
Преподаватель: Коровенкова В.И.
Познавательный аспект-знакомство с мнениями людей о
высоких технологиях в сфере потребительских товаров;
развивающий аспект-развитие способности к обобщению, развитие
логичности и доказательности;
учебный аспект-совершенствование речевых навыков;
оснащение урока: ПК, презентация, аудиозапись.
Ход урока:
1.Орг. момент.
Good morning, students .Glad to see you! Who is out today? Today is
the__ of September. Open your copy-books and write down the date
and the theme we are going to discuss. It is "MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE
BUYING CONSUMER GOODS'' You see I'm not a single teacher today in
our classroom. T. has come to see our working at the lesson, to
listen to your speaking. That's why let's introduce ourselves.
2. Worming up.
1. What are you?
2. Why did you enter the college?
3. Who advised you?
4. What is your future profession?
5. Where do you live?
6. What is your favourite subject?
7. What is your hobby?
3 . До текстовый этап
3.1 Task1
Last lesson we discussed different kinds of goods. Today we'll speak about buying consumer goods-durables and non- durables.
Name the non-durable goods you see on the blackboard . (слайд 1
) Учащиеся называют предметы.
Name the durable goods you see on the blackboard . (слайд 2
)Учащиеся называют предметы.
3.2 Task 2 Among these goods you've named a lot of gadgets.
Answer the questions.
1. What of these gadgets do you have at home?
2. What of these gadgets you couldn't live without?
3.3 Task 3 Look through the list of gadgets and the descriptions
of the actions. Match them. (слайд 3 ) So, why do we use the
gadgets? Bизуальная опора на доске и на рабочих столах
3.5 Task 4
Some people think that technology will save the world and make it
better, some other think that technology will ruin the society
because we are too depended on electric gadgets and machines. Let's
discuss some pros and cons of the gadgets you see on the
- I think that ( name the gadget) is important for me because it
………….(give 1 argument "for'')
- Besides it ………….(give 2 more arguments ''for'')
- On the other hand it (the gadget ) ………….(give 1 argument
- More over (the gadget ) ………………(give 2 more arguments
4 Let's go on shopping in Mc Donald's. Do you know a person who
has never been to Mc Donald's? As you know they sell "fast food".
4.1 Task 5
4.1 Answer the questions. Look at the pictures.
1. What do Mc Donald's restaurants serve?
2. With what people is Mc Donald's very popular?
4.2 Task 6
Студенты делятся на две группы-любители Mc Donald's ("for") и
эксперты ("against").После обсуждения делают выводы.
Food is tasty.
Fast food is cheap.
Going to Mc Donald's saves a lot of time.
I don't have to go to supermarket.
I don't have to prepare meals.
I don't have to wash the dishes.
I don't have to cook meals.
I don't have to wash the dishes.
I like holiday atmosphere.
There I can relax.
I can celebrate some events with my friends.
Fast food makes people overweight.
Such food elevates the risk of diabetes.
You are facing serious health problems.
Fast food is fool of chemical additions,
There is a risk of food poisoning.
To sum it ,we should think more about our health, we should try to
avoid fast food and eat more fruit and vegetables.
5. We'll continue our shopping. You will hardly disagree that it is pleasant to look at a person who is neatly and beautifully dressed .Every shop offers a wide choice of fashionable clothes.
-------will show us his project. We'll learn where to buy fashionable clothes in Orechovo-Zuyevo.
5.1 студент показывает проект "SHOPPING IN MY TOWN''
6. Tекстовый этап
And we'll finish our shopping in IKEA.
6.1 Task 7. Listen to the text and try to understand why IKEA is so
popular (Аудирование-первое прослушивание)
What is your opinion?
What do you think of this article?
1 I liked this article a lot ,may be because I am a big fan of
2 Going there for shopping was a great fun for the whole
3 I've never been in IKEA store.. I've heard that IKEA store is
perfect place to find anything you want.
4 I think, IKEA is the biggest company around the world.
5 I have been in IKEA shop in Greece. Everything in the text is
exactly like it is.
6 The prices are acceptable and the quality is good.
7 I have been in different shops for furniture, but none are like
(Аудирование-второе прослушивание)Listening for special
6.2 Task 8. Look through the statements and say if the statements
are true, false or the information was not given.
6.3 Task 9
6.4 Task 10
Find in the text English equivalents of the following Russian words
and word combinations.
1)один из немногих автобусов в городе one of very few busses in the
2)по мосту через Неву over the bridge across the River Neva
3)большая дверь вращалась как колесо a big door that turned like
a wheel
4)оживленные дни busy days
5)традиционные шведские тефтели traditional Swedish
6)печатаются по всему миру are printed all round the world
7)картины в рамках pictures in frames
8)комната в которой никто не спит a room that nobody sleep in
9)диван который они раскладывают a sofa-bed that they open out
7.1 Послетекстовый этап.
Task 11.Make changes in the marked words.студенты изменяют слова
так ,чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.
8. Домашняя работа
The home task for today's lesson was to prepare the project ''The
most famous department stores in London?''
So…let's listen to…(presentation of the project)
8.2 Презентация студента
8. Домашняя работа
The home task for today's lesson was to prepare the project ''The
most famous department stores in London?''
So…let's listen to…(presentation of the project)
Comment on the following statement:
Some people think that a car is a necessity rather than luxury.
What is you opinion?
Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction (state the problem )
- express your personal opinion and give reasons for it
- give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you
don't agree with it
- draw a conclusion
Заключительный орг. момент
You worked very well, you were active/ Your marks are…
The lesson is over. You are free.