- Учителю
- Методическая разработка, сценарий спектакля'Роза и Петушок'
Методическая разработка, сценарий спектакля'Роза и Петушок'
Father Sun
Mr. Wind
A Bird
The Cock
Scene I
Fairy-taler - There was a beautiful rose in a beautiful garden. Every morning
she looked at the sun and smiled.
Father Sun - Good morning, dear Rose!
Rose - Good morning, Father Sun!
Father Sun - Happy to see you.
Rose - Happy to see you ,too.
Father Sun - How are you?
Rose - Very well, thank you. And you?
F. S. I'm well too, thank you.
You look very beautiful today. It's so nice to have you in the garden.
Rose - Oh, thank you very much. You are so kind to me.
F. S. Let's dance my beautiful friend.
Rose Oh, with great pleasure, dear Father Sun.
(Father Sun and the Rose are dancing)
Scene II
Fairy-taler - But one morning when the sun came out he was surprised to see that
his friend, the rose looked sad. He wanted to know what was the matter.
Father Sun - Dear Rose, why do you look so sad?
Rose Oh, dear! I am so unhappy because an ugly worm is eating my leaves
and will not go away.
F. S. - I am so sorry for you, my friend. How can I help you, dear Rose?
How can I help…, oh, yes! Now I know. I will not shine until Rose is happy.
Rose - Let's hope it will help me. I don't want to die.
Fairy-taler - The sun felt very sorry for the rose. So he hid behind a cloud. The
wind came along.
Scene III
Mr. Wind - Good morning, Father Sun!
Nice to see you!
F. S. - Nice to see you , too.
Mr. Wind - I see that you are not well. You look so sad. What's the matter? Why
are you not shining today?
F. S. - Oh, Mr. Wind. I am so sad, because Rose is so unhappy. An ugly
worm is eating her leaves and he will not go away. So I will not shine
until Rose is happy again.
Mr. Wind - I see… I ,too, am so sorry for the Rose. How can I help her? Let me
think… Oh, yes , I will not blow until Rose is happy.
Fairy-taler - And the Wind stopped blowing. A bird was surprised when the wind
stopped blowing.
(A Bird appears, singing a song )
The song of the Bird.
Bless you bless you burnie - bee,
Tell me when my wedding be;
If it be tomorrow day,
Take your wings and fly away.
Fly to the east, fly to the west,
Fly to him I love the best. 2 times
Scene IV
A Bird - Good morning, Mr. Wind!
Pleased to see you. How are you?
Mr. Wind - Good morning, dear Bird. Pleased to see you, too. As for me , I am so-so.
A Bird - Oh, no! What's happened? Mr. Wind, why have you stopped
blowing? Tell me.
Mr. Wind - Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves and will not go
away. So Father Sun will not shine and I will not blow until Rose is happy.
A Bird - Now I understand. I also love Rose. May be I can help her somehow?
What should I do? What should I do… I see. I will not sing again until Rose is happy.
Fairy-taler - And the Bird stopped singing.
Scene V
Fairy-taler - The bird met a cock.
(The cock dances and sings a song)
The song of the Cock
Cock - cockoo, cock - cockoo
Don't try to hide from me
Cock - cockoo, cock - cockoo
I see you in the tree
Cock - cockoo, cock - cockoo
It's such an easy song
Cock - cockoo, cock - cockoo
The cock - (looks around) I can't understand what's the matter. (comes to
everybody and surprises) Father Sun is not shining! Mr. Wind is not blowing! The bird is not singing! What's happened on the Earth?
(comes to the bird )
Why do you look so sad?
Why aren't you singing?
The Bird - Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves and will not go
away. So, Father Sun will not shine, Mr. Wind will not blow and I will not sing again until Rose is happy.
The cock - Really! Please tell me how this will help Rose? Did the worm go
away? If you want to help Rose you must do something for her. Now
come with me.
Fairy-taler - (The cock and the bird went to see the Rose). The cock asked no
questions. He did not even take the time to say "Good morning". He
looked at the leaves of the rose with his little eyes. He found the worm and ate it.
The cock - There! See how I have helped Rose and at the same time had a delicious
The Rose - Oh, thank you dear Cock. You've saved me from that ugly worm. Now I
am happy again. Thank you all, my friends. Thank you for helping me.
Everybody -A friend in need is a friend indeed.
The Rose - You all are my real friends. You all were with me when I was unhappy. And now we are together and we are happy again.
Father Sun - Let's sing a song about friendship.
(Everybody sings a song )
The Song "Friendship"
The more we are together, together, together.
The more we are together, the merrier we'll be
For your friend is my friend
And my friend is your friend
The more we are together, the merrier we'll be
The more we are together, together, together.
The more we are together, the happier we'll be
For your friend is my friend
And my friend is your friend
The more we are together, the happier we'll be
The End
по английской сказке
«Роза и Петушок»
учитель английского языка
МОУ СОШ №5 им. Г.И.Щедрина
Моряшова Тамара Николаевна