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  • План-конспект урока «Family and family relations».

План-конспект урока «Family and family relations».

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предварительный просмотр материала

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6-ом классе.

Тема урока: « Family and family relation».

Цель урока: Систематизировать знания уч-ся по теме "Семья"

Задачи урока:

  1. Тренировать в умении вести общение на английском языке в предлагаемых ситуациях.

  2. Тренировать уч-ся в употреблении знакомых лексических единиц и грамматических структур, а так же разговорные выражения в монологической и диалогической речи.

  3. Воспитывать чувство любви и уважения к семье, к родителям, к изучаемому языку.

  1. Оргмомент.

I am glad to see you. We begin our lesson. What date is it today? What day of week is it today? What is the weather today? What season is it now?

2. Речевая разминка. Answer my questions.

Have you got a mother? What is her name? What is she like? Have you got a sister? How old is she? What does she look like? etc

  1. Целеполагание.

How do you think, what we will talk about? What is our topic today? You are right we'll speak about family and family relations today.(слайд 1)

  1. Do you know any poems about the family? Recite the poems. (What is a family? Helping mother)

Well done!

  1. Выполнение заданий на закрепление лексики по теме « Family and family relations».

  1. Come to the blackboard and write down opposites to these words.

a sister-

a father-

an uncle-

a son-

a nephew-

a grandmother-

a husband-

2. I want you to do the following task. Join the parts of the words.

mo ter

fat ther

sis her

fa ter

daugh mily

bro fe

au mother

un nt

grand ther

wi cle

3And one more task. Guess who they are. I give you 2 minutes. Work in pairs, read and give the answers. (слайд 2)

My father and my mother are my

My mother's daughter is my

My father's mother is my

My father's brother is my

My mother's sister is my

My aunt's son is my

The daughter of my brother or a sister is my

The son of my brother or a sister is my









4. Complete the sentences about Jane's family. Use: grandma, grandpa, parents, son, daughters, niece, nephew, uncle, husband.

I give you 2 minutes. (слайд 3)

Mr Wilson and Mrs Wilson are Jane's………………… . They have got a ……………….. and two ………………. . Their oldest daughter is married. She has got a ……………….. . They have got two children. Jim is 10. But he is already an …………………. . The children of his oldest sister are his …………………… and his ……………………. . Jane likes to visit her grandparents. Her ………………………. and ………………… live in the south of England.

5.What should a family be. Come to the blackboard and write down.

  1. Give characteristic of each family. Work in pairs. Read your characteristics aloud.

  1. Say what kind of family you have.

Example: I think I have a loving family because we love each other. We are very happy and get on well with each other.

I see you have good families. Your parents always take care of you and you respect your parents.

  1. Have you any responsibilities in your family?.

P1: I wash the dishes.

P2: I sweep the floor.

P3: I take out the rubbish.

P4: I water the plants.

P5: I go shopping.

P6: I set the table and clear the table.

P7: I clean every day.

P8: I look after my elder sister.

P9: I walk the dog.

It's good that all of you have responsibilities in your families. You should help everybody in your family especially your mother.

6. Презентация проектов по теме «Семья»

9. .Some of you prepared projects. Tell us about your family.

7. Итог урока.

10. You have worked perfectly today, you have only good marks for the lesson.

Lesson is over, thank you very much! Good - bye!


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