- Учителю
- Разработка вне классного мероприятия 'В гостях у Британской королевы'
Разработка вне классного мероприятия 'В гостях у Британской королевы'
МБОУ «Иванчиковская СОШ»
Внеклассное мероприятие
на тему
«В гостях у Британской королевы»
("Welcome to the British Queen")
6-7 классы
учитель английского языка
Усачева Юлия Алексеевна
2015 - 2016 учебный год
Цель - развитие у школьников социокультурных, речевых, учебно-познавательных и языковых компетенций.
развивать память, речь, мышление, воображение;
познакомить с интересными фактами о Королеве Елизавете II; о политической системе Великобритании;
развивать умение применять полученные знания с целью успешной социализации;
повышать интерес к изучению языка.
Ход мероприятия
Оргмомент. Введение в языковую среду.
-Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today we are invited to the unusual party. We will meet the British Queen, the symbol of the UK. We will know some interesting facts about her life and her family, we will learn more about British political system.
Now watch a short video about the British Queen Elizabeth II. (фильм)
- Look at the blackboard. It's Elizabeth II's photo. What dates can you see? (90 и 65) What do they mean?
II. Основная часть
- Stand up, please. Meet Her Majesty Elizabeth II.
1. Интервью
Q: Hello, my dear friends! Nice to see you!
T: Good morning, your Majesty. May I ask you some questions?
Q: Yes, sure.
T: What's your full name?
Q: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary.
T: What's your surname?
Q: Windsor.
T: When is your birthday?
Q: I have 2 birthdays: my real birthday is on the 26th of April and an official birthday, on the 2nd Saturday of June.
T: How old are you?
Q: It's a secret.
T: Is it difficult to be queen?
Q: Yes, it's a very busy job.
T: How many children have you got?
Q: I've got 4 children and 8 grandchildren.
T: What are your hobbies?
Q: I like photography, horse racing and fishing.
T: Have you got a passport?
Q: No, I haven't. I can't give a passport to myself.
T: What foreign languages can you speak?
Q: I can speak French very well.
T: How many hats have you got?
Q: More than 5000.
T: Where do you live in London?
Q: I live in Buckingham Palace.
T: Can you tell us about it?
Q: Oh, I can show you where I live. I invite you to see Buckingham Palace.
2. Презентация «Букингемский дворец»
T: What do you think how many rooms Buckingham Palace has?
(Подсказка: 760‹? ‹780)
Игра "Warm-cold"
Английский юмор
- They say English sense of humour is very difficult to understand sometimes. You must be a real Englishman to understand it. But our pupils will try to tell you some jokes.
In a restaurant
- What is there for breakfast? - Porridge, sir.
- And for lunch? - Porridge, sir.
- And what do you have for dinner? - Porridge, sir.
- And for breakfast tomorrow? - Baked pudding, sir.
Hurray! - From porridge, sir.
- Waiter! I can't eat this soup!
OK, sir. Here is another bowl of soup.
Waiter, but I can't eat this soup!
Why. Sir? It's very good.
Because I have no spoon!
Do you like the jokes? Then you are real Englishmen.
Задания от Королевы.
-Your Majesty, I know you have some tasks for our pupils. Is it true?
Q: Yes, it is. (подает конверт)
- There are 3 tasks for you in the envelope.
1) At first, try to complete the sentences using the Queen's family tree. (Приложение 1) (слайд 1)
Задание 1. Дополните предложения, используя семейное дерево королевской семьи.
Elizabeth II has got … children: … sons and a daughter.
Her son's names are…
Her daughter's name is …
Elizabeth II has got … grandchildren.
Kate Middleton is Prince William's …
Prince Harry is Prince William's ….
Louise Windsor is James Windsor's ….
In the second task you should draw the political system of the UK, using the text. (слайд 2)
Задание 2. Заполните схему политического устройства Соединенного Королевства, прочитав текст.
Political system of the United Kingdom
It is rather difficult to understand the British way of ruling the country. In Great Britain the Queen is the Head of State, but in fact she doesn't rule the country as she has no power. The Queen is the symbol of the country, its history and traditions.
The real power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government. The British Parliament has two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Lords doesn't have much power, It can discuss, change and delay the laws.
The House of Commons make laws of the country.
Task 3. Read the sentences and say, they are true or false. (слайд 3)
Прочитайте предложения и отметьте верные предложения буквой T (true) и неверные F (false).
Until she was 10 years old Elizabeth didn't know that one day she would be a queen.
The British Queen is the Head of the UK as well the queen of 15 states of the Commonwealth nations.
The British Queen has got two birthdays.
Elizabeth II will be 90 years old in 2016.
The Queen is the only person in Great Britain who doesn't have a passport.
Elizabeth II like fishing.
The Queen speaks French and German very well.
Every Tuesday Elizabeth II meets the Prime Minister.
Queen Elizabeth II is Britain's 40th monarch.
Your Majesty, tell us please, what your favourite music group is?
Q: I like the Beatles.
Our pupils have prepared a surprise. They'll sing a song for you.
(песня "Yesterday")
Подведение итогов
-Your Majesty, who is the most active pupils today?
2. Награждение победителей.
Приложение 1