- Учителю
- План-конспект урока английского языка на тему 'Как написать письмо-совет'
План-конспект урока английского языка на тему 'Как написать письмо-совет'
План - конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 классе
Тема урока: Как написать письмо-совет
Цель урока: автоматизация умений и навыков письменной речи
Задачи урока:
- автоматизация навыков чтения с общим пониманием прочитанного текста совершенствование умений работы с текстом;
- автоматизация умений создания собственного письменного речевого высказывания с опорой на план;
- формирование навыков коммуникативной деятельности, самостоятельной, парной и групповой работы, развитие речемыслительных способностей у учащихся, формирование лингвистической наблюдательности, планирования речи, контроля, самоконтроля и т. д.;
- формировать социокультурную компетентность учащихся, умение понимать культуру другого государства.
Оснащение урока:
- классная доска с подготовленными записями (дата, тема урока цитата для обсуждения, домашнее задание);
- мультимедийная презентация-поддержка
- раздаточный материал (копии письма с заданиями)
Организационный момент: приветствие и вступительное слово учителя
Основной этап урока:
Введение в ситуацию урока.
T: Today we'll talk about letters. Do you like to receive letters? How often do you write letters? Do you keep up correspondence with someone from another country? Would you like to?
Let me draw your attention to the following sayings:
To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart. ~Phyllis Theroux
Liz Carpenter
How do you understand it? Comment on the quotation.
Discuss the quotation in pairs and say how you understand it.
What sort of letters do you know? (When do you think it is good to write them?)
Cl: a get-well letter-to say we are OK
a letter of invitation-to invite smb to do smth
a thank-you letter-after getting a present or visiting some people.
Автоматизация навыков чтения с общим пониманием прочитанного текста совершенствование умений работы с текстом.
T: Today we'll learn how to write a letter giving advice. Read this letter from your English friend, and try to find out:
what he is going to do
what he needs to know
what he likes doing
(Текст письма выдается каждой паре учащихся и присутствует на слайде компьютерной презентации.)
8, Meadow Grove
Nottingham NG6 7HF
Dear Alex,
Thanks very much for your letter. I'm really looking forward to joining you next week. My plane arrives at four in the afternoon, so I'll get the airport bus to your town. Will you send me directions how to get to your home from the bus station or shall we meet somewhere?
By the way, is there anything I can bring from England which you may like? I don't know, books, food, that sort of things (nothing too heavy because my suitcase is full).
Is there any chance of going to a football match, or is there any other sports game you think I'll enjoy? And I hope there'll be plenty of things to do in the evenings!
See you!
(Учащимся отводится 3-4 минуты на ознакомление с текстом. Контроль понимания прочитанного текста-ответы на предтекстовые вопросы-проводится фронтально, ответы высвечиваются на слайде презентации.)
what he's going to do: get the airport bus to town; bring some things from England
what he needs to know: how to get to his pen friend's house; what to bring
what he likes doing: going to a football match or other sports and games; going out in the evening
(Учащиеся зачитывают «доказательства» из текста)
T: Read the letter again and match the headings (A-E) with the paragraphs (1-5) in Paul's letter.
A finishing off B introduction (chat/questions) C asking for advice
D address and the greeting E questions about the plans
8, Meadow Grove
Nottingham NG6 7HF
Dear Alex,
Thanks very much for your letter. I'm really looking forward to joining you next week. My plane arrives at four in the afternoon, so I'll get the airport bus to your town. Will you send me directions how to get to your home from the bus station or shall we meet somewhere?
By the way, is there anything I can bring from England which you may like? I don't know, books, food, that sort of things (nothing too heavy because my suitcase is full).
Is there any chance of going to a football match, or is there any other sports game you think I'll enjoy? And I hope there'll be plenty of things to do in the evenings!
See you!
T: Is this letter official? Find examples of informal style in the letter.
greeting and goodbye
(Учащиеся выискивают показатели неформального стиля и отмечают их на слайде и в своих копиях письма.)
3. Автоматизация умений создания собственного письменного речевого высказывания с опорой на план.
T: Pretend you write a letter of advice to your exchange partner. Imagine the person you write to: age, appearance, interests, hobbies…
(Учащиеся делают записи перед тем, как опишут друга вслух.)
Think about the advice you want to give her/him. Include:
place of meeting or directions: at the bus stop/supermarket/monument to…;
take bus/tram/… and get off at the stop "…"
ideas for presents: book about Britain, box of chocolate, CD of traditional music, ornament…
the kind of activities you will do: sightseeing, going out, visiting sports competitions, theatre performances, arranging a (school) party…
the kind of places you will show him/her in our area: the Kremlin, the Fair, cathedrals and churches, art gallery, cinema, museum, park…
(Учащиеся совместно с учителем делают записи, осуществляется подготовительная работа перед написанием письма.)
T: When you write a letter in English it is important to have clear paragraphing.
Let us have a look at the layout. Follow me and make notes in the paper I've given you.
(Учащиеся просматривают типичную схему личного письма, делают записи.)
A Letter Giving Advice
Paragraph 1
Make a few chatty comments and ask a few personal questions
How are you?
/ Thank you very much for your letter./I'm looking forward to…
Paragraph 2
This is your main reason for writing. Answer questions your partner asked.
I am writing to answer all your questions. /Don't worry, I'll… /Take… / As for the present, bring…
Paragraph 3
Talk about some plans for your exchange partner's visit to your country.
I've got some/a few ideas about…/We may go to…/We'll visit…
Paragraph 4
Finish the letter with an excuse to stop writing.
Well, I have to go now.
I really must go now…
Say goodbye and write your name
See you!
Lots of love,
When you are checking your letter answer the following questions:
Have you organized your letter correctly?
Have you answered all the questions?
Have you checked your letter for full stops, capital letters, apostrophes in contractions?
Have you checked your spelling?
На этом этапе урока осуществляется запись домашнего задания
h/w Write a letter to your British friend giving advice
(80-100 words)
T: We have got some time left. Let us write a letter in groups of 3-4. Think which part of the letter each of you will write.
(Учащиеся выполняют работу в группах, создают собственный продукт, проверяют ошибки, параграфирование-зачитывают собственное письмо перед классом.)
III. Заключительный этап урока, подведение итогов