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  • Сценарий праздника 'День Благодарения' в 7 классе

Сценарий праздника 'День Благодарения' в 7 классе

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Thanksgiving Day.(Сценарий урок в 7 классе)

На экране картинки связанные с Днем Благодарения. Накрыт стол для гостей, за которым сидят гости. Под музыку дети выходят на сцену. Несколько человек (3) в различных костюмах выбегают и радостно выкрикивают.

  • Today`s Thanksgiving Day!

  • Today`s Thanksgiving Day!

  • The turkey`s in the oven.

  • The table`s set.

  • Today`s Thanksgiving Day!

  • Hooray!

Выходят ведущие. Вступительное слово:

1 ведущий: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

2 ведущий: Good afternoon! Do you know , that people in every country usually have great celebrations in autumn?

1 ведущий: In America such holiday is Thanksgiving.

2 ведущий: It began nearly four hundred years ago.

Учащиеся читают акростих о Дне Благодарения.

Т is for the trust the pilgrims had so many years ago.

H is for the harvest the settlers learnt to grow.

A is for America, the land in which we live.

N is for nature and beauty which she gives.

K is for kindness

S is for smiles, the sunshine everyone needs.

G is for gratitude… our blessings big and small. …

I is for ideas, letting wisdom grow tall.

V is for voices, singing, laughing, always caring.

I is for Indians, who taught them about sharing.

N is for neighbors, across the streets, over the sea.

G is for giving of myself to make a better me.

1 ведущий: Let`s imagine how it all might have begun. We`ll start from the very beginning.

2 ведущий: So, Let`s remember Columbus! He discovered America, the new continent, and open the new world for people.

Ученик In fourteen hundred and ninety-two

Columbus sailed the ocean blue

Let`s sing together this old song

About the voyage that took him long

About the sailors, those strong brave men

Let`s sing and remember them all again.

1 ведущий: On the 6th of September in 1620 a group of people left England for the New World. They sailed on the board the ship "Mayflower". They wanted to start a new life

Ученик We tell the story, old and true,

Oh how they sailed across the blue,

And found a new land to be free

And built their homes quite near the sea.

2 ведущий: In December 1620 the Pilgrims reached the shores of America , which is now called the State of Massachussets.

1 ведущий: The first winter in the New World was difficult. The colonists had arrived too late to grow any crops, and without fresh food, half the colony died.


The year has turned its circle……………….

The seasons come and go

The harvest all is gathered in

The chilly north winds blow.

Ученик Orchards have shared their treasures,

The fields, their yellow grain,

So open wide the doorway -

Thanksgiving comes again.

2 ведущий The following spring the Indians taught them how to grow corn, a new food for the colonists. They showed them other crops to grow and how to fish and to hunt the wild turkey, whose meat was very delicious.

1 ведущий The Indians helped the colonists to survive through the cold winter and following spring.

2 ведущий In autumn of 1621 wonderful crops of vegetables were harvested by the colonists. So they were very thankful and decided to organize a great feast where turkey was the main dish. And the Indian, of course, were invited.

Ученик When the Pilgrims

First gathered together to share

With their Indian friends

The mild autumn air,

They lifted their voices

In jubilant praise

For the bread on the table,

The berries and maize

Ученик For field and forest,

For turkey and deer,

For the bountiful crops

They were blessed

They were thankful for these

as they feasted away

and as they were thankful,

they`re thankful today.

1 ведущий And since that time every fourth Thursday of November the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. That is why we are here today.

2 ведущий We have told a little about the holiday`s history and now let`s go to the museum.

На деревянном стенде развешаны фотографии под заголовком "The Living Museum", кто-то из детей произносит "Welcome to the Museum of the first Pilgrims." Один из детей берет указку, показывает 1 картинку, произнося: "The villiage looks just as it looked in the 17 century."

  • Другой ребенок говорит : " The Mayflower is a part of the museum. It is a reproduction of the famous ship that sailed in 1820"

  • You can walk in any house and ask the "Pilgrims";

  • Talking to the Pilgrims is a great fun.

  • These Pilgrims wear the same heavy wood clothes the first colonists did.

  • This is a vegetable garden. The actors do the same things the real Pilgrims did.

  • These friendly Native Americans can teach you how to cook, smoked fish or an Indian corn meal.

Ведущий : Oh! Thank you for your excursion. But what else should we Know about Thanksgiving.

Ведущий It is a family holiday. People come together and have a feast. The main dish of that day is turkey.

Ученик:(возможно в костюме индейки)

Turkey dinner, turkey dinner

Gather round, gather round.

Who will get the drumstick?

Yummy, yummy drumstick?

All sit down , all sit down.

Ученик Cornbread muffins, chestnut stuffing,

Pudding, pie, one foot high.

All of us were thinner,

Before we came to dinner.

Me-oh-my! Me-oh-my!

Ведущий It`s a nice tradition to say thanks to everything and everybody before the meal.(ученики говорят или читают на листочках слова благодарности и прикрепляют их, как перышки, к хвосту индейки.

Ученик Thank you for all my hand can hold-

Apples red, and melons gold,

Yellow corn, both ripe and sweet,

Peas and beans, so good to eat.

Ученик Thank you for all my eyes can see -

Lovely sunlight, field and tree,

White cloud-boats in sea- deep sky,

Souring bird and butterfly!

Ученик Thank you for all my ears can hear-

Birds` song echoing far and near,

Songs of little stream, big sea,

Cricket, bullfrog, drug and bee.

Все поют песню


Happy Thanksgiving,

Happy Thanksgiving,

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

It`s time to show what we`re thankful for,

Our mothers, our fathers, our friends and much more

The toys that we have

The things we hold dear to our hearts.

They`re part of this wonderful world,

The wonderful world that we share.

Let`s show that we care.


The table is set as we gather round,

With family and friends we all sit down

To the feast that we`ve made

Let`s all lift our voices and say,

We`re part of this wonderful world,

The wonderful world that we share.

Let`s show that we care.


(Всех приглашают к столу) Перед тем, как сесть за стол читают молитву

For health and strength and Daily Food

We praise thy name, O Lord!

(Можно сделать открытки своими руками со словами Thank you и раздать присутствующим.


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