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- Открытый урок по английскому языку. Тема 'Amazing animals'
Открытый урок по английскому языку. Тема 'Amazing animals'
A Tiger is a powerful animal, a hunter with sharp teeth, strong jaws. Tigers do not live in Africa. They live in Asia. Tigers are an endangered animals because their habitat is disappearing.
Tigers can live 15 years in the wild. Most wild tigers do not live that long. Tigers are great swimmers. The roar of a tiger can be heard over a mile away. They are the largest of all cats with males growing up to 3.3 metres long and weighing up to 200 kilograms.
Most tigers have more than 100 stripes. Their stripes are much like a fingerprint Its favourite foods elk, deer, wild boar, lynx and bear; wild boar makes up more than half of its diet. They will also eat fish, rabbits. Tigers can run very fast reaching speeds of up to 50 mph.
Giraffes are the tallest land mammals. A male giraffe grows to 4-5m. and weigh is about 800 кg . Their necks and legs alone are each about 6 feet long and their tails can grow to 3 m length. Their coat is short and sandy coloured with various shaped patches coloured different shades of brown. Their mane is short and it stands upright and they have a dark tassel of hair at the tip of their tail. They live for 25 years.
Giraffes are found in Africa. They live on open grasslands that are scattered with trees. Giraffes feed mainly from acacia and commiphora (myrrh) trees. Because of their height they easily pluck the leaves from the tops of these tall trees. A Giraffe can eat up to 50 Kgs of leaves per day.