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- Урок по английскому языку на тему 'Aigerim's birthday' класс 3а
Урок по английскому языку на тему 'Aigerim's birthday' класс 3а
Kudinova A.A. The teacher of English, school #22
form: 3a
date: 26.02.2015
The theme of the lesson: Aigerim's birthday.
Aims: to developed the habits and abilities of the lesson, to teach pupils to write, to
understand, to use grammar structures in speech. To teach to use grammar material in their speech. Like English.
Vocabulary: menu, pizza, spaghetti, salad, biscuits, chicken, milk, water, cheese, chips, rise, cake, ice-cream.
Plan of the lesson:
1.Opener.(organization moment)
2.The theme of the lesson.
3.Phonetic drill.
4.Vocabulary. (The game)
6.The rest.
7. Speaking.
9. Work with the book.
10. Home task.
11.Total of the lesson.
1. Opener
- Hello! Sit down, please. How are you today? Let's begin our lesson.
2. The theme of the lesson.
- Today at the lesson we'll make up your birthday menu, repeat the words, play the game and sing a song.
3. Phonetic drill. (Ask a few children)
- Answer my question:
- When is your birthday? (My birthday is in ...)
4. Reading.
- Open your PB at p. 45 ex. 10. Look at the picture it's Aigerim's birthday today. Let's read the text.
Text: It is Aigerim's birthday. She is nine. Look at the big cake. The cake is pink and white. There are lots of girls and boys at Aigerim's party. They like pizza and salad. Aigerim likes chips and water. The girls and boys like birthday cake. Do you like birthday cake?(Read the description slowly and clearly to the class. Tell the children to repeat in chorus after you. Try to read as naturally as possible as the children will follow your example. Then let the children take it in turns read a sentence aloud).
5. Vocabulary. (The presentation)
- Look at the white-board and repeat after me in chorus. Slides with the words and pictures. (meals)
-What food are they eating?
-What colour is the cake?
- What food can you see at the picture? (на доске слово menu)
- Choose the menu (the children make up a menu from the text with the pictures)
6. The rest
- Let's have a rest (If you are happy and you know it...)
7. Speaking. (The song PB
p. 44 ex.7,sing a song)
Пиратская песня
- The pirates have changed the sentences, let's try to guess the meaning.
(слайды с предложениями)
- Look at the pictures. Answer my questions using I like..../I don't like...
(грамматика, на доске I like.../ I don't like...)
- What do you like?
- What don't you like?
8. Writing.
Describe the sentences (AB p.34 ex.2)
- Write about you. What do you like and don't like?
9. Work with the book.
- Listen and find the stickers. (PB p. 44 ex.8)
10. Total of the lesson.
- What have we done at the lesson? What have we learned? You are good today and you get your presents.
11. Home task.
- Words to repeat.