- Учителю
- Урок, планирование Рiзнi уподобання 7 клас
Урок, планирование Рiзнi уподобання 7 клас
Мета:активізувати ЛО та граматику(вживання модального дієслова),
структура питального та стверджувального речення., розвивати
спостережливість, увагу , мовну догадку, формувати комунікативні
здібності у учнів. Навички монологічного,діалогічного мовлення,
читання, письмо, виховувати повагу один до одного, цікавість до
вивчення мови, країну якої вивчаєм.
Вежливая просьба (a polite request)
Для того чтобы сделать просьбу более вежливой, в начале предложения
используется глагол could Could you...? - Не могли бы Вы...?
1 Which of these expressions is a polite request? Match the expressions with the pictures.
a) Could you stick to the point?
b) We are really pressed for time.
c) To cut a long story short.
2 Something is happening in the house of the MacWizard family. The
police came to the house and are talking to an old lady. Listen,
read and answer the questions.
1. Why does the policeman say: "Could you stick to the
2. Why does the policeman say: "Sorry, but we are really pressed
for time!"?
3. Why does Mrs Larkin say: "To cut a long story short."?
Policeman: Did you call the police, Mrs Larkin?
Mrs Larkin: Oh, yes! I must tell you all about it. A horrible
thing happened.
Policeman: Tell us everything!
Mrs Larkin: Of course. At five o'clock I was making tea for my
husband. He likes his tea very hot...
Policeman: Could you stick to the point, Mrs Larkin?
Mrs Larkin: Oh yes, I was making tea when I heard a strange noise
in my neighbours' house. The MacWizard family live there, but they
are on holiday at the moment.
Policeman: And what happened then?
Mrs Larkin: Everything was quiet for a while. Then I went to the
garden 1 was cuttin§ тУ roses when I heard the strange noise again
Policeman: Sorry, but we are really pressed for time!
Mrs Larkin: To cut a long story short, I went to their house and
looked into the room through the window. There was a robber in the
room He was looking for something. He was trying to
open a big box when he saw me. I was standing next to the window
when the robber ran out of the house.I went home and phoned
3 Find the best translation for the expressions.
1. Could you stick to the point?
a) Вы не могли бы приклеиться к точке?
b) Нельзя ли покороче?
c) Ближе к делу, пожалуйста!
2. We are really pressed for time.
a) Нас давит время.
b) У нас очень мало времени.
c) Время не спрессуешь.
3. То cut a long story short...
a) Если порезать историю...
b) Короче говоря...
c) Из песни слова не выкинешь.
4 Look at the text again and correct the translation.
1. Миссис Ларкин сделала чай и слушала странный шум.
2. Миссис Ларкин полила розы и опять слушала этот шум.
3. Она ходила к дому и заглядывала в окно.
4. Когда она заглянула в окно, вор ограбил дом.
5 Answer the questions.
1. Why did Mrs Larkin call the police?
2. What was she doing when she heard a strange noise?
3. What was she doing when she heard the noise again?
4. What did Mrs Larkin see when she looked into the room?
5. What was the robber doing in the room?
6. When did the robber see Mrs Larkin?
7. What did the robber do in the end?
6 Write: What was happening in the pictures? Use the sentences from
the text.
Model: a) - The robber was trying to open the box when he saw
Mrs Larkin.
7 Put the pictures in the right order and make the summary of the
А Make these sentences more polite. Use could.
Model:Open the window! - Could you open the window?
1. Close the door!
2. Wash up!
3. Answer my question!
4. Help your mother! 5. Make a cup of tea!