- Учителю
- План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: 'Earth: SOS'.
План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: 'Earth: SOS'.
Парастаева Н.В.
Оборудование: проектор и интерактивная доска для показа презентации
Тип урока: комбинированный урок обучения умениям и навыкам устного речевого высказывания
Цель урока: Научить обучающихся высказывать свое аргументированное мнение по изученной теме с опорой на картинку , используя изученные лексико-грамматические конструкции.
Научить обучающихся использовать изученную лексику по теме "Man - the Chid of Nature" на уровне словосочетания, предложения, сверхфразового единства;
Познакомить учащихся с вводными конструкциями, союзами и научить использовать их при изложении своих идей, для выражения согласия и несогласия.
Научить обучающихся высказывать свое мнение по проблеме с опорой на картинку.
Способствовать воспитанию природоохранного, экологического сознания обучающихся, вовлечь в активную практическую деятельность по защите окружающей среды;
Научить обучающихся работать в паре, группе, слушать друг друга.
Способствовать развитию фонематического слуха, внимания, умения сопоставлять и устанавливать причинно-следственные связи;
Способствовать формированию умения описывать картинку с высказыванием собственного мнения по теме, структурировать свое высказывание и делать выводы.
"When the last tree is cut and the last fish killed, the last river poisoned, then you will see that you can't eat money."
Warm-up. For today you were to revise the words and expressions from the Topical vocabulary in your textbooks as we are going to speak about the problems of our planet which yells for help. I would like to draw your attention to the words that are the epigraph of the lesson. Read it, please. How do you understand it? What does it warn us about?
- Yes, it really means that many problems of modern ecology are man-made. Now gradually from words to phrases and then to actual speaking by the end of the lesson, I'm sure, we'll be able to agree or disagree with this statement.
I. Актуализация изученной лексики.
1) Phonetic and lexical drill. Read the words and expression from our Topical Vocabulary that list some ecological problems. They may be useful when discussing the problems concerning the theme of our today's lesson:
Waste dumping,
pollution of many kinds,
global warming, overpopulation,
destruction of rainforests and deforestation,
extinction of species,
land erosion and flooding,
overspending of energy resources,
forest fires,
destruction of habitats,
waste recycling
2) Listening. All these problems are not new, they date back in history. To prove it, listen to the Native American poem. What is it about? What ecological problems were mentioned?
(прослушивание с Power Point презентацией текста стихотворения)
Only when all the rivers have run dry
and all the fish in the sea have died
only when all the rainforests have
been burnt down
and there is no food for animals
only when all the blue skies
have been filled with smoke
and the cities of the world have choked
will the white man understand
that it's too late to save the earth.
(Native American poem)
Choose three pictures which best match the poem. (слайд 1) Now look through the list of problems and match them with the pictures. (drought, destruction of rainforests, air pollution, overpopulation in cities)
Look at the pictures again and say which of the problems they depict are:
Natural (flooding, drought)
Caused by people (water and air pollution, litter, noise, traffic jams)
Made worse by people (everything) (подвести к этому выводу)
Use expressions for opinions from the cards you have.
What people's activities do you think has caused these problems?
II. Speech practice.
1) Exercises 1. Let's practise how to arrange logically our ideas.
Justifying arguments. Complete the justifications with these linking word and expressions.
Basically, that's why, because of, one reason, to, so that, to do with, main reason
1. I think we should use less energy, ________________ to reduce the greenhouse effect.
2. We live in a consumer society, __________________ we use so much energy, isn't it?
3. We should plant a lot more trees,__________________for that is to restore habitats.
4. We need to reduce poverty. A lot of it's ________________ discrimination.
5. It's important to conserve water. The ________________is to avoid desertification.
6. We must reduce discrimination. __________________there is a lot of poverty.
7. I think we should give more aid __________________ help undeveloped countries.
8. We need to send food and medicine _________________ the victims can survive the floods.
(Выполняется индивидуально, проверка по Smart Board)
2) (работа в парах) Exercise 2
Giving opinions and reasons. Choose five of the issues below and put them in order of importance for you. Write about five choices. Give reasons for your choices like this:
Example: I think we should stop using such a lot of fuels. That's why there is the greenhouse effect.
A pollution
B the greenhouse effect
С climate change
D endangered species
E natural disasters
F wildfires
G radioactive pollution
H waste dumping
J disruption of ecological balances
1. I think we should ____________________________________________________________
______________________. Thay's why ____________________________________________
2. Personally, I think ____________________________________________________________
so that ________________________________________________________________________
3. Don't you think ______________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________A lot of it is to do with ___________________________________________________________
4. I am absolutely convinced we need to _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________basically ______________________________________________________________________
5. Why don't we ________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________The main reason is ______________________________________________________________
6. In my view, governments should ________________________________________________
3) (работа в парах) Exercise 3
Looking for solutions. Listening. Look at the table, then listen to a radio interview with an ecologist and fill in the solutions mentioned. (Exercise 3, page 109 Enterprise 4).
Listen again and discuss the solutions adding any ideas of your own. Use words like: I believe, in my opinion, to my mind, I agree, as well as, in addition, moreover, besides, what is more etc.
Example: - I think we should give financial support to the poorer countries where people are destroying the countryside.
- I quite agree with you here. I addition to this we should…
Destruction of habitats
1 give financial support to poorer countries
2 plant more trees
3 protect jungles and forests
1 use bicycles instead of cars
2 encourage industries to use cleaner methods of production
3 educate the public about the importance of recycling
Illegal hunting1
1 create more protected national parks
2 introduce harsher punishments for illegal hunters
3 raise public awareness about endangered species
III. Producing speech. Discussing photos (работа в группах).
1) Now that we know a lot about what to do to help our planet and we are not at all indifferent to what's going on, let's try to attract public's attention to the problems discussed. Imagine you are an environmental group and want to contribute some article to a green magazine. You have taken some photos for it. Tell us about your pictures. Mention the following:
Where it takes place
What is happening
Why you decided to take this photo
Be argumentative and logical.
2) Compare and contrast these two pictures, saying how you think people in the pictures feel.
Arrange your ideas in two columns: similarities and differences.
IV. Summing up and home task.
1) Подведение итогов
What did we speak about today?
Now can you remember the statement we began with? Do you agree with it?
That's right. Today we have discussed different ecological problems and what can help to solve them. At home you will have to write your own essay on the topic:
Many people think that they can't solve the world's environmental problems on their own and that the government and big companies must care about these problems. However, others say that individuals can do much to help the environment.
2) And now I want you to test how environmentally aware you are in practice?
1. What does your family do with empty bottles?
Take them to a recycling bin
Return them to a supermarket
Throw them in a rubbish bin
2. When you buy one or two items at the supermarket, you
Take a plastic carrier bag
Reuse an old plastic carrier bag
Use your own bag
3. How often do you choose products which contain recycled materials?
4. If you are asked to contribute to a Save the Animals project, you would
Give generously
Give a small amount
Refuse to give anything
5. A local beach has been polluted with oil. You
Donate money for the clean-up project
Do nothing
Volunteer to help with the clean-up project
6. You eat a chocolate bar in the street. What do you do with the wrapper?
Drop it on the pavement
Put it in a litter bin
Save it for recycling
7. When you buy paper products, you
Buy whatever is cheapest
Try to buy recycled paper
Purchase recycled paper as long as it doesn't cost more
8. When you clean your teeth, you
Turn the tap on only when you need water
Leave the tap running until you have finished
Only use one glass of water
1 A-3 B-2 C-0
2 A-0 B-2 C-3
3 A-3 B-0 C-2
4 A-3 B-2 C-0
5 A-2 B-0 C-3
6 A-0 B-2 C-3
7 A-0 B-3 C-2
8 A- 2 B-0 C-3
18-24 Keep up good work! You are doing your part protecting the environment.
13-17 There is some room for improvement. Change your habits and you will soon be green.
0-12 You are part of the problem. You should try to become part of the solution.
Раздаточный материал.
Персональная точка зрения
I believe that … (Я считаю, что …)
In my experience… (По моему опыту …)
I'd like to point out that… (Я хотел бы отметить, что …)
As far as I'm concerned… (Насколько я могу судить …)
Speaking for myself… (Если говорить о себе …)
In my opinion… (По моему мнению …)
Personally, I think… (Лично я думаю, …)
I'd say that… (Я бы сказал, что …)
I'd suggest that… (Я предложил бы, чтобы …)
What I mean is… (Я имею в виду …)
Согласие с мнением других
Of course! (Конечно!)
You're absolutely right. (Вы совершенно правы.)
Yes, I agree. (Да, я согласен.)
I think so too. (Я тоже так думаю.)
That's a good point. (Это хороший момент.)
Exactly. (Именно!)
I don't think so either. (Я не думаю так же.)
So do I. (Я тоже.)
I'd go along with that. (Я бы согласился с этим.)
That's true. (Это правда.)
Neither do I. (Я тоже.)
I agree with you entirely. (Я полностью с вами согласен.)
That's just what I was thinking. (Это как раз то, о чем я думал.)
I couldn't agree more. (Я не могу не согласиться.)
Несогласие с чужим мнением
That's different. (Это совсем другое дело.)
I don't agree with you. (Я с Вами …согласен.)
However… (Тем не менее / Все же …)
That's not entirely true. (Это не совсем верно.)
On the contrary… (Напротив …)
I'm sorry to disagree with you, but… (Извини, что не согласен с Вами, но …)
Yes, but don't you think… (Да, но Вы же не думаете …)
That's not the same thing at all. (Это не одно и то же.)
I'm afraid I have to disagree. (Боюсь, я вынужден не согласиться.)
I'm not so sure about that. (Я не так уверен в этом.)
I must take issue with you on that. (Я не могу согласиться с вами по этому вопросу.)
1) Justifying arguments. Complete the justifications with these linking word and expressions.
Exercise 1.
Basically, that's why, because of, one reason, to, so that, to do with, main reason
1. I think we should use less energy, ________________ to reduce the greenhouse effect.
2. We live in a consumer society, __________________ we use so much energy, isn't it?
3. We should plant a lot more trees,__________________for that is to restore habitats.
4. We need to reduce poverty. A lot of it's ________________ discrimination.
5. It's important to conserve water. The ________________is to avoid desertification.
6. We must reduce discrimination. __________________there is a lot of poverty.
7. I think we should give more aid __________________ help undeveloped countries.
8. We need to send food and medicine _________________ the victims can survive the floods.
(Выполняется индивидуально, проверка по Smart Board)
2) Exercise 2.
Giving opinions and reasons. Choose five of the issues below and put them in order of importance for you. Write about five choices. Give reasons for your choices like this:
Example: I think we should stop using such a lot of fuels. That's why there is the greenhouse effect.
A pollution
B the greenhouse effect
С climate change
D endangered species
E natural disasters
F wildfires
G radioactive pollution
H waste dumping
J disruption of ecological balances
1. I think we should ____________________________________________________________
______________________. Thay's why ____________________________________________
2. Personally, I think ____________________________________________________________
so that ________________________________________________________________________
3. Don't you think ______________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________A lot of it is to do with ___________________________________________________________
4. I am absolutely convinced we need to _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________basically ______________________________________________________________________
5. Why don't we ________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________The main reason is ______________________________________________________________
6. In my view, governments should ________________________________________________
3) Exercise 3.
Looking for solutions. Listening. Look at the table, then listen to a radio interview with an ecologist and fill in the solutions mentioned. (Exercise 3, page 109 Enterprise 4).
Listen again and discuss the solutions adding any ideas of your own. Use words like: I believe, in my opinion, to my mind, I agree, as well as, in addition, moreover, besides, what is more etc.
Example: - I think we should give financial support to the poorer countries where people are destroying the countryside.
- I quite agree with you here. I addition to this we should…
Destruction of habitats
Illegal hunting1