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  • Мастер- класс на тему «Descriptive writing (people)»

Мастер- класс на тему «Descriptive writing (people)»

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Мастер-класс на тему «Descriptive writing (people)» (9-11 классы)

Кузьмин Сергей Александрович, учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории МБОУ «Елизаветинская СОШ»

В ходе мастер- класса представлен пример одного из уроков обучения творческому письму по теме «Внешность и характер». Урок может быть проведен в 10-11 классах, занимающихся по УМК «Английский в фокусе» или по любому УМК по английскому языку.

Цель уроков обучающего письма: систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме, развивать навыки письменной речи и аудирования, использовать лексические единицы при описании ( в данном случае, внешности и характера человека).


Vocabulary: physical appearance, character adjectives

Listening: a letter

Skill - listening and reading for detailed comprehension

Reading: an article describing a good friend (matching)

Writing: an article describing someone you admire

Задачи занятия:

Воспитательные: воспитание толерантности к иноязычной культуре, применение теоретических знаний на практике, развитие познавательного интереса к предмету, умение работать в коллективе, индивидуально, использование практических знаний в области информационных технологий с применением компьютера.

Образовательные: ознакомление учащихся с возможностями использовать информационные технологии и навыки письма.

Обучающие: развитие навыков монологической речи, закрепление навыков произношения, прослушивания, чтения и перевода текста, семантизация лексических единиц в речи и письме, формирование языковой компетенции.

Развивающие: научить умению логически мыслить, развивать монологическую речь, закрепить умение наблюдать, сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать, оценивать других, умение работать индивидуально и в коллективе.

Тип занятия: повторительно-обобщающий урок.

Вид занятия: занятие-семинар.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран, CD с презентацией урока, карточки для индивидуальной работы, тесты для самостоятельной работы.



Приветствие учителя, краткое сообщение цели и задачи урока. Учащиеся записывают дату и тему урока "Descriptive Writing (people)" в тетради.


Teacher: Take your handouts or look at the screen. You can see some words and I want you to list them under the following headings. Be attentive in your pronunciation, please. Do it in writing.

Theory box (1)

Descriptions of/Articles about people should consist of:

1. The introduction giving brief general information about the person - name/relationship to you & how/when you met him/her.

2. The main body of two to four paragraphs describing the person's physical appearance, personality and hobbies /interests / activities / achievements etc. in separate paragraphs.

Start each paragraph with a topic sentence which summarises the paragraph.

3. The conclusion with your comments & feelings about the person.

Descriptions of people can be found in articles, letters, narratives etc. We use present tenses to describe someone we know well/see often (a relative, a good neighbour) and past tenses to describe someone who is no longer alive or who we don't see any more (our best friend from primary school, a grandparent who has died).

Teacher: Now listen to the text as a model about a dear friend Sunny. Match the headings to the paragraphs

Key: 1. C; 2. D; 3. A; 4. E; 5. B

Description of appearance

Teacher: Now look at the photo of the teenager and use adjectives from the table to complete their descriptions.

Use the example:

Jane is quite good-looking.

She's slim with…and…hair.

She's pale-skinned with a…nose.

She always looks well-dressed in…clothes.

Description of personality and behaviour

Teacher: Now I want you to speak about personality and behaviour.

Theory box (2)

• When describing someone's personality, use a variety of character adjectives and justify them with an explanation or example. E.g. Lyn is very shy. She doesn't like going to parties.

• If you describe negative qualities, use mild language.

Use: tend to, seem to, is rather, can sometimes be etc.

E.g. Josh can sometimes be rather selfish. (NOT: Josh is selfish.)

Teacher: Please translate from Russian into English and correct using softer language (use phrases: tend to, seem to, is rather, can sometimes be etc.) (Слайд 8)

- Мой друг очень упрямый. (My friend is rather stubborn.)

- Моя сестра всегда ведет себя по-детски. (My sister always behaves immaturely.)

- Он ужасно неорганизован. (He is terribly disorganized.)

Guess who is this?

Arnold Schwarzenegger

He is well-built and just under six foot. He has got a large square face and straight nose. His hair is short and neatly combed. He is athletic-looking because he is a former sportsman. He has large muscles. His eyes are green and piercing.

His mouth is full of big teeth and he has a charming smile. He is middle-aged. He is an actor and a former politician. He lives in the USA.


She is of medium height. She has a strong athletic body. Her face is round and pale-skinned. Her hair can be either curly or straight, long or short because she has a changeable image. Her eyes are big and brown. Her nose is straight. She prefers fashionable clothing. She can often be seen on the stage singing and dancing. She appeared in some movies. She has two children: a daughter and a son. Now she is divorced. Her hobby is yoga.

Teacher: Match the adjectives to their explanations.

1. energetic; 2. easy-going; 3. talkative; 4. lazy; 5. bossy; 6. optimistic; 7. ambitious; 8. selfish; 9. hot-tempered; 10. рopular

a. always looks on the bright side of life

b. never stops chatting

c. is always telling people what to do

d. only cares about him/herself

e. is always on the go

f. has lots of friends and is liked by everyone

g. isn't easily annoyed, worried or upset

h. doesn't like working

i. has a strong desire to be successful in life

j. gets angry really easily

Teacher: Now let's work with the test using the adjectives. Fill them in the sentences.

Write down your answers in your notebooks: aggressive, pessimistic, generous, hardworking, outgoing, arrogant, sensitive, cheerful.

1. Ben is so ________. He believes that a job isn't worth doing unless it's done properly.

2. Alison is quite ________. She often picks fights with people and gets angry really easily.

3. Jake is ________. He's the life and soul of the party and loves meeting new people.

4. Joe is a ___________ person. He always expects the worst.

5. Tanya is ________. She's always got a smile on her face and never lets anything get her down.

6. I've never met anyone as ________ as Sally. She's always buying people gifts.

7. John is so ________! He thinks he's more important and better than everyone else.

8. Sam is a ________ guy. He's a great listener and seems to understand when you're feeling down.

Key: 1. hard-working, 2. aggressive, 3. outgoing, 4. pessimistic, 5. cheerful, 6. generous, 7. arrogant, 8. Sensitive

Theory box (3)

Sometimes you can join descriptions of similar personal qualities and of contrasting ones by using: in addition, also, and, both…and, moreover, as well as, but, on the other hand, however, although, etc.

For example: She is both kind and helpful. Moreover, she never loses her temper. Or: She is independent and knows her own mind. However, she is sometimes very stubborn.


Teacher: I am going to sum up. Today we spoke about "Descriptive writing (people)" at our lesson. We learned new words describing different persons. We listened to the tape about Sunny to understand her personality and character, and we practiced writing skills. Also you answered my questions and saw a computer presentation. I think our English lesson was full of information which you can use.


Teacher: I want you to write down your home task in your diaries. Read the theory box. When describing a person, we can use our senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) and write an essay about a person you admire.


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