Почему нам нужны друзья?

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Урок 10 Почему нам нужны друзья

Цели: обучение монологической речи по теме «Семья и друзья», закреппение навыков диалогической речи; тренировка лексических навыков.

Оборудование: карточки для игры в « Лото»



- Goodmorning, boysandgirls! (Goodmorning, Maria Petrovna!)

- I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too.)

- We shall have a talk about friendship and find out why we need friends.

II.Активизациялексическихнавыковпотеме«Семья идрузья»

- Do you want to play with me? Let's remember the words on the topic "Family and Friends".

Hzpa «Лomo»

Игра «Лото»

делаю для каждого ученика карточки в виде таблицы. В ячейках таблицы написаны слова по-русски. Диктуюсловапо-английски(to defend, to appreciate, to envy, advice, feelings, to support, to feel jealous, to avoid, conflicts, to cheer up, to betray, to ignore, likings, to tell lies, to tell the truth, to forgive, to get angry, promises, to deserve, a quarrel, disagreement, etc.). . Дети во время паузы должны вспомнить, что слово обозначает, и закрыть это слово фишкой Так диктую все слова, но можно и оставить несколько слов, чтобы дети более осознанно закрыва¬ли слова фишками, зная, что диктуются не все слова. Затем проверить работы детей.


- Lastweekwereadthestoryaboutthetwogirls. Your task was to write the end of the story. Work in groups of three and read your variants to the members of your group.


- Divideintopairs, please. Today we shall discuss when and why you need friends. You can see the expressions from the box of exercise 45, page 27. Your time is up. Who is ready to start? Listen to your classmates and agree or disagree with them.


Предлагаю учащимся вспомнить стихотворение с движениями

VI.Тренировка навыковчтенияиперевода.Закреплениенавыковустнойречи.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. There are many films i and sayings about friendship. You can find some of theni exercise 46, page 27. Let's read and translate them. Wha tying do you like best? Can explain why you like it? It's tim

1. What is your favourite film (book)?

2. What is this film (book) about?

3|. Why do you like this film (book)?

VII. Обучение монологическойречипотеме«Семья и друзья»

Let's read the task of exercise 47, page 27. Who will read tht example? What can you say about sharing negative and positiv emotions with your friends? Thewordcombinationsfromtheboxwillhelpyou. Высказывания учеников 2 минуты, и затем они по очереди высказывают свое мнение перед классом

Aristotle said: "Misfortune shows people who are not real friends." I agree with this statement. When I am in a trouble I need a shoulder to cry on. A real friend can get me some advice. I often find the arguments of my friends quite convincing. Not all people we go out with can be called friends. But if a person is ready to help you in a difficult situation he or she is a real friend.

VIII. Подведениеитоговурока

Seeyousoon. Good luck to you. Good-bye, children!


Рабочая тетрадь: упр. 6, 7, стр. 8-9


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