Сайыс сабак Who knows more?

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предварительный просмотр материала

Date: 12.04.2016.

Form: 6

Theme: Who knows more?

Aims of the lesson:

1) Educational: To revise pupil's lexical and grammatical knowledge.

2) Development: To develop pupil's speaking, reading, writing skills. To develop pupils out look, creativity.

3) Bring up: To bring up as a person of our society, to form pupil's personality. To teach work in groups. To bring up be friendly, be polite, to respect each-other.

Visual aids: Pictures, active board, cards

Type: explanation, group work

Leader: Dear guests, children and our teachers! Today we have competition which is called " Who knows more? ' Now we are starting our competition between four teams. I want to introduce of our teams.

  • The first team - " Stars".

  • The second team - " Wonders"

  • The third team - " Eagle"

  • The forth team - " Tiger"

Leaders: Also we have juries. Our competition consist of 6 part:

" Phonetical " competition

" Grammar " competition

" Lexical " competition

" Useful question "

" Proverbs "

" Tongue twisters "

Leader: We begin the first part " Phonetical " competition. In the paper are given the transcription of the words. You should translate and write the writing of the words correctly.

- " Stars" : [ neim ], [ bǝeg], [ mai] (my, name, bag)

  • " Wonders": [ teibl ], [ d3u:s ], [ buk ] (table, juice, book)

  • " Eagle" : [ dres ], [ sistǝ ], [ aeftǝ'nu:n ] (dress, sister, afternoon)

  • " Tiger" : [ wait ], [ si:], [ gu:d] (white, see, good)

Leader: The second task is: to read the tongue twisters.

" Stars" : Cob is Dob's. Tob is Mob's dog.

"Wonders": Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

" Eagle" : No sweet without some sweat.

" Tiger" : The cook took a good look at the cookery book.

Leader: And next part is " Grammar " competition. You have to do grammatical exercises. Fill the gaps with am, is, are.

" Stars" : 1) I … fine.

2) You … from Kazakhstan.

3) He … strong.

"Wonders": 1)She … busy.

2) It … small.

3) You … my sister.

" Eagle" : 1) I … a pupil.

2) He …brave.

3) They … here.

" Tiger" : 1) She … beautiful.

2) I … sportsman.

3) We … classmate.

Leader: And also we have fourth part "Lexical" competition. Your task is: " can you finish this lists?"

1-st group " Stars" : 1) spring, summer,autumn,w…

2) baseball,football,cricket, t…

3) Thursday, Friday, Saturday, S…

2-nd group "Wonders": 1) Wales, Scotland, Northen Ireland, E…

2) Doctor, operator, bank, manager, t…

3) September, October, November, D…

3-rd group " Eagle" : 1) History, Geography, Literature,S…

2) Book, pen, pencil, b…

3) Sweater, shirt, blouse, j…

4-th group " Tiger" : 1) red, yellow, black, g…

2) dog, cat, ship, h…

3) head, eye, mouse, e…

Leader: The next task is " Proverbs ". Proverbs is kazakh languages, in proverb have missed word, you should say this words in three language.

1-st group " Stars" : 1.Қабат-қабат қаттама,Ақылың болса аттама. (кітап,книга,a book)

2.Аспаннан домалап,Көк моншақ төгілді. (жаңбыр,дождь,rain)

3.Суда өседі, өнеді,Судан шықса, өледі. (a fish)

4.Қаймықпайды күшті аңнан,Қорқады тек тышқаннан. (піл,слон, elephant)

2-nd group "Wonders": 1.Арлы -берлі қақпаны Тербетіп ақ жатқаны (жел,ветер,wind)

2.Ат сабылтып алыстан,Борандатып жетеді.Үш ай төрде қонақ боп,

Аунап-қунап кетеді. (қыс,зима,winter)

3.Білімнен мол сый-асы Балғындардың ұясы (мектеп,школа,school)

4.Даладай,Кімнің кең пейілі?Данадай,Кімнің мол мейрімі? (ана,мать,mother )

3-rd group " Eagle" : 1.Алқапта бар биік тау,Алды тік жар қиық тау.Қос үңгірі желдетіп,Ауа жұтар селдетіп. (мұрын,нос,nose)

2.Сыйқымазақ қулығы бар,Барған жерде ұрлығы бар.Бұл қандай аң?Ұғып ал. (түлкі,лиса,a fox)

3. Тақия толған сөк, таң атқанда жоқ. «жұлдыз, звезды, star»

4. Айдалада ақ отау, аузы мұрны жоқ отау. «жұмыртқа, яйцо, egg»

4-th group " Tiger" : 1. Жалт-жұлт еткен, жылғадан өткен. «су,вода, water»

2. Қоймасын қыс ақтарып, жерді жапты ақ мамық. «қар,снег,snow»

3. Жолбарыстан аумайды, пеш түбінде аунайды. «мысық,кошка,cat»

4. Отқа жанбас,суға батпас. «мұз,лед,ice»

Leader: Our last part is " Useful question " competition. You should answer the following questions which you studied in the previous lesson.

1-st group " Stars" : What is this? (It is a radio) What instruments can you play?( I can play ….) What season now? (It's … now)

2-nd group "Wonders": What time do you get up? ( I get up …) What's your nationality? : What is this? (It is a radio)

3-rd group " Eagle" : What time do you get up? ( I get up …) What's your nationality? : What is this? (It is a radio)

4-th group " Tiger" : : What time do you get up? ( I get up …) What's your nationality? : What is this? (It is a radio)

Leader: Dear children, thank you for your participants and now listen to our jury and award the winners of our competition.

Leader: Dear guests, our today's competition is over. Thank you for your attention ! Good bye!


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