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  • Урок по английскому языку для 11 класса «Охрана окружающей среды»

Урок по английскому языку для 11 класса «Охрана окружающей среды»

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Краткое описание: ENVIRONMENT.ECO-TOURISM. Урок-подорож в 7 (11)класі (з елементамиситуативного мовлення та проектної роботи)THEME:Environment. Eco-tourism.          MOTTO: Take nothing but pictures.                            Leave nothing but footprints.                            Kill nothing but time.         Quotation:   Our mother planet is showing the redwarn
предварительный просмотр материала

Відділ освіти Городенківської райдержадміністрації

методичний кабінет районного відділу освіти

гімназія ім. А. Крушельницького



Урок-подорож в 7 (11) класі

(з елементами ситуативного мовлення

та проектної роботи)

Матеріали уроку


вчитель англійської мови

I категорії

Батура Т. О.

2011 - 2012 н. р.

THEME: Environment. Eco-tourism.

MOTTO: Take nothing but pictures.

Leave nothing but footprints.

Kill nothing but time.

Quotation: Our mother planet is showing the red warning light.

"Be careful", she is saying.

Dalai Lama


  • to improve students' language skills (on given situations);

  • to revise the vocabulary on the topic;

  • to develop students' speaking skills in monologues and dialogues;

  • to develop listening comprehension skills;

  • to develop students' critical thinking and creative abilities;

  • to increase students' concern about the environment and greener living.

EQUIPMENT: a CD-player, a laptop, a multimedia board.


  1. Introduction.

T: Dear friends! Today's lesson is dedicated to such a vital problem as environmental protection and eco-tourism as one of the ways to solve the problem. It is unusual because we'll take an imaginary journey to various places. So, the theme is "Ecotourism" and the motto of our lesson is:" Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time."

There's a quotation on the blackboard, read and translate it. Do you agree?

  1. Warming up.

T: To start our lesson and for you to warm up we'll do the following exercises.

  1. Match the verbs to the expressions and translate into Ukrainian:

1 save A the central heating down

2 turn B energy-saving light bulbs

3 reduce C fuel

4 destroy D the environment

5 recycle E energy

6 switch F pollution

7 waste G your TV off

8 travel H litter away

9 use I cans and paper

10 throw J by eco-friendly transport

  1. Complete the text with one word in each gap:


I care about the (environment) and my family and I are quite green. Before throwing anything (away), we always separate our rubbish into different bins. We (recycle) paper, glass and plastic. We try to (save) energy by using less water and electricity. It's quite simple - we take shorter showers and we turn our central heating (down) by 1 or 2° C. We use only (energy-saving) light bulbs in our house and I never leave my computer on standby. We're not very green when it comes to transport, though. My father drives every day; I use (public) transport a lot. But from next week on, I'm (going) to walk or cycle to school more often.

  1. Answer the questions:

In what way do people harm the environment?

How can we protect the environment?

Are you green?

Teacher: Today we'll have the lesson of role-playing with the main characters of our textbook - Greg and Lori. Let's choose them; they will find themselves in different situations; and you are to help them.

III. Reading comprehension.

Situation 1: The online conversation between Greg and Lori.

T: Read the online conversation between Greg and Lori.

From Greg 7 Nov 15.01

Hi lori how r u? U r so environmentally friendly! How abt a conference on ecotourism? Greg x

From Lori 7 Nov 15.10

Hi greg! Good idea! When & where? Lori

From Greg 7 Nov 15.17

In the Scott Museum, 2morrow 1 pm maybe? Greg

From Lori 7 Nov 15.20

Gr8! Meet @ Scott Museum! Lori xx

T: What does Greg suggest?

Where and when do Greg and Lori decide to meet?

  1. Listening comprehension.

Situation 2: Finding the way about the town.

T: Lori is new in Edinburgh. She can't easily find her way to the Scott Museum. On the way to meet Greg she has 3 conversations.

Listen and unscramble (put in order) the dialogues of Ex. 2, p. 42.

Students listen to the dialogues and put each one in order.

Students represent the dialogues in roles.

  1. Speaking.

Situation 3: The conference on eco-tourism.

T: Here we are in the Scott Museum. All of you are the participants of the conference. You will be asked the questions about green tourism. Be ready to answer.

(Students watch the video about tourism disadvantages.)

T: Let us begin our conference. I have some questions sent from the audience.

  1. The situation of environmental pollution is awful. What ways do you suggest to be the most effective to reduce our "carbon footprint"?

  2. What is eco-tourism?

  3. What are the objectives of eco-tourism?

  4. What are the main principles of eco-tourism?

  5. Who are eco-tourists?

  6. Will we be able to have luxury holidays in exotic places without damaging the environment?

  7. Will I be able to travel by air without producing carbon dioxide?

  8. What are the options for young people who care about the environment but also want adventure?

(Students answer the questions on the basis of Ex. 3, p. 40-41.)

T: So, let us sum up the conference and write the main advantages of eco-tourism.

(Students write the sentences on the blackboard.)

Possible answers:

  • the damage to the environment is almost zero;

  • people don't just watch the wildlife but help to survive;

  • financial benefits are provided for local people.

V. Presenting mini-projects.

Situation 4: At the travel agency.

T: Greg and Lori come to the travel agency as they are interested in the latest ideas of eco-tourism. Travel agents advertise eco-holidays all over the world by showing different presentations.

(Groups of students present their projects on eco-tourism.)

T: So, young people, what journey would you choose?

Greg and Lori: We'd like to visit the Carpathian Mountains as they are not far from here; it's so interesting to watch the wildlife which is quite rare in Europe and to help local people.

  1. Summarizing.

T: So, our lesson comes to the end; I hope all of you have understood the importance of protecting and doing no harm to the Earth. Eco-tourism is one of the ways to help our planet and enjoy the process.

Would you choose tourism or eco-tourism?

What are the advantages of eco-tourism?

  1. Conclusion.

T: I'd like to sum up the results of our lesson. All of you took an active part in it and tried to do your best in your English. Your marks are…

I'm satisfied and proud of you and hope you'll do everything to protect the environment.

Your homework is to get ready for the test on the topic "Environment".

(Students enjoy the video of Michael Jackson's "Earth song".)


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