- Учителю
- Разработка урока по теме : Do you care about your health?(6 класс)
Разработка урока по теме : Do you care about your health?(6 класс)
Разработка урока по теме : Do you care about your health? В 6 классе.
Цель урока: Обобщающее повторение изученного материала по теме : Do you care about your health?
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент и речевая разминка
-Good morning, friends!
- I' m glad to meet you.
-Are you OK today?
-Fine, thanks. Is the weather fine today?
2. Сообщение целей урока
-Today you will have a quiz. You have to answer as many questions as you can to be a winner.
3. Объяснение правил викторины
Учитель показывает 2 карточки (жёлтую и белую) с вопросами.
-The yellow questions are about health, the white questions are about keeping fit.
За каждый правильный ответ ученик получает 1 балл. В конце игры баллы подсчитываются и называется победитель. Викторину можно проводить и между командами.
Вопросы по 1 теме:
1).Look at the picture and name the parts of the human' s body.
2).Name the 2 organs of breathing in the chest of a man and animals.
3). Name the front of the neck.
4). Name an organ in the mouth used for tasting, swallowing or speaking.
5).What food is bad for your teeth?
6).Where do you go when you have a tootchache?
7).What should you drink when you have a cold?
8).What proverbs about health do you know?
9).What person is healthy
10).Where can you buy medicines?
11).What is healthy food?
12).When do you often sneeze and cough?
13).What is the colour of blood?
14).When is it difficult to swallow?
15).Can you eat ice-cream if you suffer from a sore throat?
Вопросы по 2 теме:
1).When should you get up and go to bed to keep fit?
2).What healthy food should you eat to keep fit?
3).Is smoking good for your health?
4).Is drinking alcohol useful for your health?
5).How man times a day should you clean teeth?
6).What should you do before eating to keep fit?
7).What dairy products do you know?
8).Is strong coffee useful for your health?
9).Can you eat a lot of fried food if you are on a diet?
10).What food should you eat if you keep to a diet?
11).What summer sports do you know?
12).What winter sports do you know?
13).Regularly exercises help you to keep fit,don't they?
14).Is it necessary to be on a diet to keep fit?
15).Is riding a bike good for your health?
В конце урока можно предложить дополнительное задания: прочитать стихи, спеть песни и т.д.
4). Итоги урока
Thank you. It was outstanding. You' ve shown excellent knowledge.