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  • Упражнение по английскому языку на тему 'Модальные глаголы в произведениях А. Кронина'

Упражнение по английскому языку на тему 'Модальные глаголы в произведениях А. Кронина'

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Упражнение по английскому языку на тему "Модальные глаголы в произведениях

А. Кронина "

Comment on the meaning of the modal verbs and translate them into Russian

1. She must have noticed the surprise with which he viewed it. (A. Cronin)

2. I couldn't have stuck him at any price. (A. Cronin)

3. Why should Chris of all people set upon him? (A. Cronin)

4. Andrew dared not meet his wife's eyes. (A. Cronin)

5. You can't keep him here. If you do, I'll have to report you. (A. Cronin)

6. You really ought to settle down, you know, Philip. (A. Cronin)

7. He would spend hours lying absolutely still. (A. Cronin)

8. Before Bramwell could protest Andrew went out of the room. (A. Cronin)

9. For a full ten minutes he dared not look at Christine. (A. Cronin)

10. That evening with Denny might never have taken place for all its effect upon him. . (A. Cronin)

11. I ought to have come over first and got the place decently ready for you. (A. Cronin)

12. It was the principle of the thing. People ought to keep their word. (A. Cronin)

13. Why shouldn't he take a consulting room in Welbeck Street?) (A. Cronin)

14. The ponies would eat any kind of food, scraps of loaf, potato, and apple rinds, even orange peel. (A. Cronin)

15. When Andrew came in tired, almost defeated by a long day, she would have a hot meal on the table which quickly restored him.( A. Cronin)


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