- Учителю
- Money makes the world go round
Money makes the world go round
Ход урока:
Целевой блок
I .Организационный момент.
T: Good morning dear boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Sit down. Good morning our colleagues. |kɒliɡz|I hope you are OK. Let's start our lesson!
II. Введение в ситуацию урока. Warming up.
T: To begin with listen to the song and let's guess the theme of our lesson.
(Звучит песня "Money" в исполнении группы "ABBA").
T: Do you like the song?
Ps: Yes, of course. Sure. Yes. I do.
T: What is this song about? Whаt is the girl in the song dreaming about?
P: The girl in this song wants to get rich, dreams of a better future, dreams of meeting a wealthy man, to get rich and become millionaire for not to work hard and not to pay all bills.
How do you think, what we are going to discuss? …Yes, you're right. Today we are going to speak about money. I think, it's the eternal ([i:tə:nl]вечная) problem: money, or, to be exact, the shortage of money. Each of you deals with money every day. We have to buy many things for soul and body. If only we had enough money!
III. Речевая зарядка. Активизация лексического материала по теме.
T: Today we'll work in groups. In each group there will be a leader. I advise you to listen and work at the lesson very attentively. First of all, repeat after me.
Catch up
Clothes and accessories
Dig deeper into one's pocket
Hand out
Make ends meet
Student loan
Can't afford to splash out
Go on shopping sprees
Save up
T: Now try to answer some of my questions: (Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя).
- What synonymies for the word «money» can you name?
account счёт
tax налог
wage зарплата
- What can we use money for? Let's remember the verbs related to money. Use, need, save, waste, spend, count, get, lend, borrow, risk, check, pay, transfer, raise, earn, to economise, travel, visit, sell, buy….
- Do your parents give you pocket money?
- How often?
- Where do you buy things? In the supermarket, market or in the shop?
- How often do you go on shopping spree?
- In our modern world many children spend their pocket money wrongly, buying cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. What do you usually spend money on?
- What is currency? The money in use in the country is currency.
- Where do you keep your money? In a wallet; |wɒlɪt|, in a handbag; d) in a pocket.
T: Good for you.
Процессуальный блок
IV. Task 1 Развитие навыков чтения. (чтение с поиском определенной информации).
T: There are many ways of getting money and even more ways of spending it. Let's learn the opinion of Jane and fill in the table according to the information given by her.
T: Учащиеся читают текст и заполняют таблицу в соответствии с полученной информацией.
T: How does Jane get money? How does she earn money? What is her attitude to money? Well done.
V. Task 2. Развитие навыков монологической речи.
T: There are a lot of proverbs and sayings about money, say please you agree or not and why? I give you 3 minutes. T: Your time is over, please, the 1st group, the 2nd group, the 3rd group.
Money is as dangerous as enemies. Saying.
Don't have 100 roubles, but have 100 friends. Proverb.
Money makes the world go round. Saying.
T: Thank you, it was very interesting.
VI. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
T: Task 3. The next task. Now let's look at the statistics which shows the ways of earning money among the British teenagers. Ask each other 5-6 questions and answer them.
The ways of earning money among the British teenagers.
T: Can you add anything? Fine.
T: Olya and Diana made a survey about the ways of spending and earning money among the students of our school. Let's listen to them. I think it will be very interesting for everybody. (Двое от группы сообщает итоги их поисковой деятельности).
T: Well done. Thanks.
Rest time 2.00
T: Let's play the game "More clever - more money" to have a rest. I'll name the country and you'll say the currency of the country. The winner will get banknotes of the country. (Игра на знание валют в разных странах).
The USA - dollar Austria-shilling
G.Britain-pound Spain-peseta Песета
Canada-dollar Italy-lira
[ kɒzɒkˈstən ] Теньге
China-yuan Юань France-franc франк
Denmark-crone крона Egypt-pound
Finland-marka Turkey-lira
Gemany-marka Greece-drachma
Hungary-forint форинт Poland-zloty
India-rupee рупия Sweden-krona
Japan-yen йена Mongolia tugrik
[ɪzreɪəl] Шекель
Russia rouble
T: Thank you for your work.
As I see you are
rather - |erədaɪt| and clever. (Изображения валют стран тем, кто угадает) Кто больше всего - копилка в подарок)How many banknotes have you got? Count please! Who has banknotes more than anybody else?
VII. Проверка домашнего задания. Проверка лексики по модулю 2.
T: It's time to check your homework. You had to match the words and their definitions on the topic «Money». They are from Module 2. Just our vocabulary.
(На сайте задание «Сопоставить слова и их определения»).
VIII. Развитие навыков аудирования. Аудирование песни с извлечением нужной информации об отношении к деньгам.
T: Now open your books on page SS1Song Sheet and let's listen to one more song and answer the questions of exercises 1-2. T: Do you like the song? As for me I really like the song. It attracts me a lot. Because the words are wise and the tune is beautiful and melodious. [mələʊdɪəs].
IX. Мозговой штурм.
T: Now imagine that you have a lot of money. What would you do? When we talk about unreal present or future situations we use conditional sentences type 2. Complete the sentences. Very shortly.
S: If I had a lot of money, I would… buy a book shop, because I like reading, open a spa where people could come and relax, open a Beauty Salon, travel around the world, give up studying, buy a new house, give money to everyone who asks for it, go on a shopping spree and buy fashionable things.
T: Thank you, very good, I wish your dreams come true sooner or later.
Аналитический блок
IX. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.
T: My friends, you have done a great work today. I give «5» to….«4». The topic of our today's lesson was very serious. I would like to thank you once again for your work today. To draw a conclusion I'd like to say that money is not the main thing in our life! There are many millionaires with personal problems. They aren't happy sometimes and very poor people can be happy. What can make you happy? You have the dearest people, your parents, sisters or brothers, close friends. Usually other people make you happy, not money. But on the other hand it's very difficult to live without money nowadays. For example, when we get ill we can't buy medicine and we may have problems, even die. But sometimes money can't help people, a lot of celebrities for example pop singer Zhanna Frisce, actors A. Abdulov, A. Samokhina, O. Yankovsky, even the wife of M. Gorbachyov Raisa Maximovna couldn't recover and died though of course they had a great amount of money. So I wish you to have money and to be happy.
As the lesson is almost over I ask you to assess|əsɛs|оценить your work. What emotions do you feel? Satisfaction, happiness, success, joy, surprise, admiration|adməreɪʃ(ə)n|, boredom, sadness, irritation. Put your mark (2, 3, 4 or 5) next to each skill in the list. Count please. Now you know how good you are on theme «Money».
Well done, everybody. I think the home task will be interesting and challenging for you. Write down your homework - write an essay «Advantages and disadvantages of having a lot of money».
See you next week, good-bye.