• Учителю
  • Школьная жизнь, проблемы подростков.

Школьная жизнь, проблемы подростков.

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МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 13» г. Северодвинска

Архангельской области

Урок английского языка

«Школьная жизнь, проблемы подростков»

в 7в классе

Булатецкая Татьяна Павловна,

учитель английского языка

2014 - 2015 учебный год

ТЕМА: School Life, Teenagers' Problems. Modal Verbs.

ЦЕЛИ: - Формирование мотивации учащихся к изучению иностранного языка.

- Расширение знаний учащихся о существующих проблемах современных подростков.

- Развитие связной речи, языковой догадки, слуховой и зрительной памяти,

внимания, логического мышления.

- Развитие познавательной активности, навыков самостоятельной и

коллективной работы.

- Развитие компетентностей учащихся.

- Формирование взаимоуважения, воспитание толерантности.


  • Совершенствовать навыки произношения.

  • Развивать коммуникативные навыки.

  • Развивать навыки аудирования.

  • Закрепить грамматические навыки.

  • Стимулировать воображение и творческую активность.

  • Совершенствовать навыки работы с текстом.

  • Предоставить возможность проявить творческие способности в создании мини-проекта о самой большой проблеме, волнующей группу подростков.

  • Закрепить умения целеполагания, самооценки.

При организации данного занятия использовались:

  • Личностно ориентированный подход к учащимся.

  • Повышение качества обучения за счет внедрения активных форм и методов, использования технологий деятельностно-коммуникативного подхода.

  • Внедрение требований новых ФГОС (определение темы и целей урока учащимися, проведение самооценки полученных знаний, самостоятельная и групповая работа)

  • Использование мультимедийной презентации.

  • Работа в группах по подготовке мини-проектов.

Тема: School Life, Teenagers' Problems. Modal Verbs. Школьная жизнь, проблемы подростков. Модальные глаголы should (shouldn't), must (mustn't), need (needn't).

Ход урока:

I.Организационный момент:

1.Беседа с дежурным: What date is it today?

What day is it today?

Who is absent? Why is he absent?

What was your hometask for today?

2.Разминка (беседа по цепочке): How often do you go to school?

Is your school far from your house?

How do you get to school?

Do you get to school by bike?

How long does it take you to get to school?

Do you go to school with any of your classmates?

How many subjects do you study at school?

What is your favourite subject?

What are your classmates like? (easy-going, friendly, smart…)

What are your teachers like? (strict, skilled, having a sense of humour… )

Are there any problems at school?

Why are you sometimes sad?

II. Определение целей урока учащимися.

3.Teacher: How can you feel? (Определение слов, которые помогут в работе над текстами).

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Teacher: Comrades, what shall we speak about? (About teenagers' problems). What shall we do at our lesson, if we'll read, speak, work in groups, do grammar? (We shall develop reading skills, communicative skills, grammar skills). Yes. And you will develop your self-control skills because you will estimate yourselves.

Please, estimate yourselves on warm-up and on guessing the words. If your work is done well put 5. If you have made 1 or 2 mistakes, put 4. If you have made more than 2 mistakes put 3.

III.Прослушивание текстов и определение проблем школьников:

4.Teacher: Comrades, now we shall listen to small stories. Then we'll define teenagers' problems.

Simone: I do my best at school. But my teachers and my parents aren't happy with my marks at school. I get so angry about it. Why can't they realize that I can't do better?

Oliver: I don't feel comfortable with my classmates. They call me names and say I am too tall and pale. But I can't help it. I do sports but, but not too often. There is so much homework to do.

Jim: I need more pocket money to buy some new computer games. Many teens in my school have a paper round or Saturday job for a few hours. They earn extra money. But I can't find a job that I really like.

Julia: My parents won't allow me to get a Saturday job. They say I should take care of my little brother and do my homework for Monday. It's so boring.

Angela: I hate Science because the teacher is so boring. I would like to continue French and take German this year. But no one listens to me, including my parents.

Martin: Most boys of my age have girlfriends. But I can't speak to the girl I really like. I think she is the best and the smartest one in our school. but very independent and good-looking too. I am so depressed about it.

Claudia: My parents want me to do music. It is really hard work, you know. I'm fed up with playing the piano. I just don't want to.

5.Teacher: Comrades, what are your opinions? What problems do these teenagers have and why? (Обсуждение проблем школьников).

I think Jim is unhappy because he can't find a job.

Claudia lonely she has problems with her mum.

Angela angry she hasn't got any friends.

………. …….. …………………………

6.Teacher: Look here, comrades. Now you must read these sentences and say if they are True or False. This is your independent work. You have 2 minutes. Check your works up.

1.Claudia wants to be a musician.

2.Julia's parents say that she must take care of her little sister.

3.Martin hasn't a girlfriend.

4.Jim wants to earn some pocket money.

5.Angela's parents want her to study French and German.

(Self - control on comprehension and communication.)

IV.Беседа о проблемах школьников.

7.Teacher: Comrades, do you have any problems? Now you will ask questions to each other. You must use the expressions on the screen. Please, start the work.

Беседа по-цепочке: How do you feel when you have an argument with your best friend?

- When I have an argument with my best friend I feel lonely.

How do you feel when …you …don't have any friends

play with your pet

are out of luck

are in trouble in school

break a mirror

don't have a girl/boyfriend

win a prize

have a pet and it dies

are in luck

aren't allowed to go out in the evening

want to drink

want to eat

the weather is frosty

the weather is hot

8.Работа в группах. Обсуждение собственных проблем.

Teacher: Look through the list of teenage problems. Number them in order of importance. Number one is the most important problem. Number nine - the least important one. Those, who has the same most important problem must gather into a group. Give reasons why your problem is so important (получилось 4 группы).

  • too much homework

  • no friends

  • no girlfriend (boyfriend)

  • having difficulties with school work

  • nothing to do in free time

  • no one to talk to about your problems

  • lack of pocket money

  • not allowed to go out in the evening

  • argue with parents (brother or sister)

Example: I have lack of pocket money. Some of my friends have Saturday job. But I am not allowed to have such job. I am angry about it. No one listens to me including my parents. I would like to be more independent and energetic.

(Self - control on discussion of students' problems 1,2).

V.Повторение модальных глаголов.

9.Teacher: Comrades, look at the sentences and say what you should or shouldn't do if you don't want any problems. Complete sentences with must (mustn't), should (shouldn't), need (needn't).

1.You … be late for your classes.

2.You … argue with your parents.

3.You … be attentive to your friend's problems.

4.You … get on well with your family.

5.You … be honest with your friends.

6.You … eat too much.

7.You … your parents if you are getting late.

8.You … tell your friends about your problems.

9.You … smoke to be healthy.

10.You … cross the street here.

11.You … wash your hands before you eat.

12.You … take these pills twice a day after meals.

13.You … have a rest.

14.You … read this book.

15.You … be polite to your parents.

10.Самостоятельная работа. Выполнение упражнения с модальными глаголами.

Give short answers:

1.Must we visit our ill friend? -

…(Нет, не нужно.)

…(Нет, нельзя.)

2.Should we take a taxi? -

…(Да, обязательно. Мы опаздываем.)

…(Думаю, нет.)

3.Must we stop near the shop? -

…(Нет, нельзя. Нам надо домой.)

…(Да, обязательно.)

…(Нет, не нужно.)

Teacher: Check up your written work. Estimate your work with modal verbs. Сomrades, please, make your final assessment. Show me your marks, please. Thank you.

And now answer my questions, please.

What did you learn at the lesson today?

What was remembered today?

What was the most useful for you at the lesson?

Teacher: Write down your hometask, please. You must make up dialogues "What problems do you have?"


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