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  • План-конспект урока по теме: «MY FAMILY»

План-конспект урока по теме: «MY FAMILY»

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План-конспект урока по теме: «MY FAMILY»

Класс: 5 б


1) активизировать употребление лексики, речевых клише по темам «Семья», «Количественные числительные»;

2) практиковать учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности, используя лексику предыдущих уроков;

3) изучить новый грамматический материал - глагол have /has (got) в вопросительном предложении;

1) развивать речевые навыки и умения учащихся посредством игры;

2) способствовать развитию творческого мышления, воображения, внимания;

3) тренировать слуховую и зрительную память;

1) прививать любовь к своей семье, уважение к старшим, семьям одноклассников;

2) воспитывать сознательную дисциплину, воспитывать культуру общения; 1) знакомить учащихся с культурой стран изучаемого языка через песни и стихи.

Речевой материал:

  • лексический - a mother(mom / mum / mummy), a father (dad / daddy), parents,a grandmother (grandma,granny), a grandfather (grandpa), grandparents, a daughter, a sister, a son,a brother, an aunt, an uncle, a niece, a nephew, a cousin, relatives

  • грамматический - количественные числительные (1-100), притяжательный падеж существительных, глагол have (got) в вопросительном предложении

Оборудование: доска, наглядные материалы (картинки с изображением членов семьи - TheSimpsons, фотографии семей учащихся)/


I. Организационный момент, сообщение темы и цели урока.

- Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you!

- Today we'll speak about your families, you will try to make up sentences with the

words on the topic "Family", listen to the text connected with this topic. Besides

you'll learn how to make up General questions with the verbs have/has.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

- Let's start with a phonetic drill. Listen and repeat the words after me all together.

- mother, father, brother, grandmother, grandfather;

- three, thirteen, thirty, thirty-three;

- daughter, sister, aunt, relatives;

- one, twelve, twenty.

(Фонетическую зарядкуможно провести по-другому: )

Mach the sounds and the words:


 i:


 s 








 æ 

III. Речевая зарядка.

- Verygood! And now make my sentence longer. Work in a chain.

T: I've got a mother.

P1: I've got a mother and a father.

P2: I've got a mother, a father and a brother.

IV.Актуализация лексического материала по темам «Семья», «Количественные числительные».

- And now let's play (at the blackboard, with cards)

1. Make up the word from these letters, then read the word, translate it, name the letters.(ЛЕ: числительные, членысемьи)

2. Make up the sentence from these words, then read and translate it.

(Examples: Her granny is seventy. My mother's name is Alice. )

- Very good!

- Let's go to the USA to a small town of Springfield in Colorado State. The Simpsons' family lives there. Look at the blackboard, you can see this family's members' pictures: Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart and Maggie. Try to make up as many sentences as you can about the Simpsons with these words and word -combinations. Who will collect the most cards will win. Let's start.

(ученики выходят по одному к доске, снимают любую карточку с доски, составляют предложение с написанными на ней словом или словосочетанием)

- Let's have a result. How many cards have you got? (… you are the winner)

V. Предъявление нового грамматического явления.

- Children, lookattwosentences.

(накарточкахпредложения: 1)Bart has got two sisters. 2)Has Bart got two sisters?).

- What is difference between them?

- This is a general question with the verb has. To make up this question it's necessary to put the verb Have or Has before a subject.

VI. Тренировка по формированию грамматического навыка (употребление глагола have/has got в вопросительном предложении).

- Let's try to make up the general questions to the sentences:

Family has got a cat.

Lisa has got a brother.

They have got three kids (детей).

Maggie and Bart have got a sister.

*- Now … imaginethatyouareBart (Lisa) - (один ученик у доски выступает в роли Барта или Лизы).Ask him about his family. (Have you got a sister? What's her name? ит.д.)

VII. Физ. минутка (исполнение песни «Old McDonald»).

- The Simpsons like to sing. Let's sing the Simpsons' favourite song «Old McDonald».

VIII. Формирование навыков монологического высказывания.

- I think it will be interesting to Simpsons to know about your families.

(дети рассказывают о своих семьях по фотографиям)

IX. Формирования навыков аудирования и письма.

- And now let's go to England. The Richard's family lives there.

- Listen to Richard about his family. After that you are to fill in the missing words in your sheets of paper. Firstjustlistenbutdon'twriteanything(учащиеся получают листы с текстом, в котором пропущены слова).

- Let'slistentohimonceagain(во время второго прослушивания учащиеся заполняют пропуски отсутствующими словами).

- And now change your sheets with your partner. Let'scheckup. (учащиеся проверяют правильность заполнения пропусков, сверяясь с ответами на доске). Count the mistakes and put a mark, using the table in your sheets.

- Change back. Who's got 5 (4,3)? Very good(Great/ don't be upset, next time you'll write better).

X. Формирование навыков чтения.

- And now read the text to yourself and then answer my questions.

- Now answer my questions:

- How many members are there in Richard's family?

- What are they?

- What's the father's name? (What's the mother's name? /What's the grandfather's

name? / What's the grandmother's name?)

- Where does Richard live?

- Great!

XI. Итог урока.

- Now let's sum up the results of our lesson.

-What did we talk today about?

- Did you like today's lesson? What did you like?

- I enjoyed your work at the lesson today. As for the marks, I'll give a ….

XII. Домашнее задание.

- Your home task will be ex.3 on p.64. Our lesson is over. Goodbye!



1. Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on this farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O.

With a quack, quack here, and a quack, quack there,

Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack, quack,

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

2. Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on this farm he had some turkeys, E-I-E-I-O.

With a gobble, gobble here, and a gobble, gobble there,

Here a gobble, there a gobble, everywhere a gobble, gobble,

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

3. Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on this farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O.

With an oink, oink here, and an oink, oink there,

Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink, oink,

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

4. Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on this farm he had a cat, E-I-E-I-O.

With a meow, meow here, and a meow, meow there,

Here a meow, there a meow, everywhere a meow, meow,

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Карточки для составления предложений

о семье Симпсонов


38 years old

very kind






39 years old

11 years old

Two sisters,

Lisa and Maggie

the baby

of the family

naughty and




likes comic




can cook


he is funny

can't walk


Texts for auding


I'm Albert Williams. I was born in 1924 inLondon. My birthday is on the 12th of November. I get a lot of postcards and presents from my family on my birthday.


Hi ! I'm eleven. I'm Bill's brother. I have got a sister. My sister's name is Kathy. She is a good sister.

I'm forty-five. I'm Albert and Norma's son. I love my family a lot.

CI am Tom's mother and Richard's grandmother. I'm sixty-nine. I visit them often.

Mike has got a brother and his name is Terry. He is nine years old. He has got a hamster. Mike has a sister too. Her name is Barbara. She is thirteen. She hasn't got a hamster but she has got a cat. Mike's father is MrClaydon. He is forty years old. Mike has a computer but his father hasn't got one. He has a camera.

DHow many sisters has Mike got?

Hi! I'm Richard Williams. Nice to meet you! I live in London. Iris Williams is my mother and Tom Williams is my father. I've got a sister Kathy and a brother Bill. She does well at the University. My mother says she is a good daughter. I want to be a good son, too.

Albert Williams and Norma Williams are my dear grandfather and grandmother. They've got a nice house in the country. I love to visit them.

My uncle Henry and my father are brothers. Aunt Susan and uncle Henry don't live with us. They bought me a new ball. I love to play football with my uncle.

Карточки для контроля аудирования



I'm Albert Williams. ___ was born in ______ in London. My birthday is on the ____th of November. I get a lot of postcards and presents from ____ family on my birthday.

Mistakes:_____ Mark:_______


Hi ! I'm _________ . I'm Bill's brother. I have got a ________ . My sister's _______ is Kathy. She is a good sister.

I'm forty-_______ . I'm Albert and Norma's ______ . I love my ____________ a lot.

I am Tom's mother and Richard's ___________ . I'm _____ -nine. I visit them often.

Mistakes:_____ Mark:_______


Mike has got a __________ and his _______ is Terry. He is _______ years old. He has got a hamster. Mike has a _________ too. Her name is Barbara. ____ is thirteen. She hasn't got a hamster but she has got a cat. Mike's father is MrClaydon. He is _______ years old. Mike has a computer but his father hasn't got one. He _____ a camera.

How many sisters has Mike got? ________________

Mistakes:_____ Mark:_______



Hi! I'm Richard Williams. Nice to meet you! I live in London. Iris Williams is my __________ and Tom Williams is my__________. I've got a _________Kathy and a _________Bill. She does well at the University. My mother says ____ is a good_____________ . I want to be a good______, too.

Albert Williams and Norma Williams are my dear _____________and grandmother. They've got a nice house in the country. I love to visit them.

My _________Henry and my father are brothers. ________Susan and uncle Henry don't live with us. They bought me a new ball. I love to play football with my uncle.

Mistakes:_____ Mark:_______


Hi! I'm Richard Williams. Nice to meet you! I live in London. Iris Williams is my 1)__________ and Tom Williams is my2)__________. I've got a 3)_________Kathy and a 4)_________Bill. She does well at the University. My mother says 5)____ is a good6)_____________ . I want to be a good7)______, too.

Albert Williams and Norma Williams are my dear 8)___________and grandmother. They've got a nice house in the country. I love to visit them.

My 9)_________Henry and my father are brothers. 10)________Susan and uncle Henry don't live with us. They bought me a new ball. I love to play football with my uncle.

Mistakes:_____ Mark:_______












Hi ! I'm 1) _________ . I'm Bill's brother. I have got a 2)________ . My sister's 3)_______ is Kathy. She is a good sister.

I'm forty- 4)_______ . I'm Albert and Norma's 5)______ . I love my 6)____________ a lot.

I am Tom's mother and Richard's 7)___________ . I'm 8)_____ -nine. I visit them often.

Mistakes:_____ Mark:_______












Hi ! I'm 1) _________ . I'm Bill's brother. I have got a 2)________ . My sister's 3)_______ is Kathy. She is a good sister.

I'm forty- 4)_______ . I'm Albert and Norma's 5)______ . I love my 6)____________ a lot.

I am Tom's mother and Richard's 7)___________ . I'm 8)_____ -nine. I visit them often.

Mistakes:_____ Mark:_______












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