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- Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему 'Going to Britain'
Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему 'Going to Britain'
Күні: 21.02.14ж
Сабақ №45
Сыныбы: 7 «ә»
Сабақтыңтақырыбы: Мәтін «Going to Britain»
Білімділігі: Оқушыларға жаңа сабақты түсіндіру. Ұлыбритания туралы
мағлұмат беру, әр елдің тарихынан хабардар ету.
Дамытушылығы:Ойлау қабілеттерін жетілдіру, тілдік мәдениетін
қалыптастыру, пәнге деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру.
Тәрбиелілігі: Әрбір оқушыны ұлтжандылыққа, ұлтаралық қатынаста болуға
Түрі: Саяхатсабақ .
Әдісі: Баяндау, сапаршегу, тест, топтастыру.
Көрнекілігі: Интерактивті тақта, бүктеме қағаз, электронды
оқулық, қалақшалар.
Сабақтың жүрісі
І. Ұйымдастыру. Warming up:
- Good morning children!!!
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today?
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
What month is it now?
ІІ. Үй тапсырмасын сұрау.
-What was your hometask?
-Who is ready for hometask?
-Who else?
Exercise 15 page 126
a. You _____have problems with money.
b. You _____not look after yourself.
c. You _____not even cook!
d. You _____ feel hungry on the way.
e. You _____make a good plan first.
f. You _____take a sleeping bag.
g. You _____take warm clothes.
h. You _____speak French.
ІІІ. Brainstorming.
Which languges are spoken in these countries?
ІV. Presenting a new vocabulary:
Double decker bus ['dʌbl'dekə bʌs]-екі қабатты автобус
Station [steiʃ(ə)n]-станция, аялдама
Hotel [hou'tel]-қонақ үй
Capital [kӕpitl]- астана
Coach- - алыс жолға жүретін автобус
View- - көрініс
Expensive- қымбат
Cheap- арзан
Youth hotels -жастарға арналған қонақүйлер
Use- - қолдану
pubs-- пивной
Dairy products- сүт тағамдары
V. Жаңа сабақ.
Now, today' sour new theme is called "Going to Britain". Great Britain is divided four parts. They are: Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland. Great Britain's capital is London. Scotland is rather large country. It's capital is Edinburgh. Wales covers 20,768 sq kms. It's capital is Cardiff. England is the largest city. It's capital is London too. Northern Ireland is the smaller off our countries. It's capital is Belfast.
VI. Reading the text. Going to Britain
Money: There are one hundred pence(100 p) in a pound(₤). You can say "p" for pence, for example "eighty p".Where to stay: Hotels are expensive in Britain "a bed and breakfast" in some one's house is cheaper. You can also stay at you thе hostels. Getting around: There are, of course double - decker buses and you can get a good view from the top. There are also coaches between some towns. They are cheaper than trains. Eating out: Restaurants are expensive and you cannot be sure the food is good. Pubs do good expensive food. Fast food shops, hamburger shops are cheap.
VII. Practice
Ex 3 on page 127.
The Chinese are famous for their food and silk.
The French are famous for their perfume and cognac.
The Germans are famous for their cars and good beer.
The Dutch famous for their tulip sand dairy products.
The Kazakhs are famous for their oil sand tradition.
The Russians are famous for their roses.
Ex 4 on page 127
The British pound, the French franc, the Indian rupee, the Japanes eyen, the Spanish peseta, the American dollar, the Kirghiz som, the Kazakh tenge.
Ex 5.Complete the sentences.
1) Wales , Scotland and England are countries of Great Britain.
2) The United Kingdom in cludes of Wales, Scotland, England and Northern Ireland.
3) The capital of the UK is London..
4) Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
5) The Scottish capital is Edinburgh.
6) Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.
7) London is the capital of England.
VIII. Solve the crossword.
IX. Саяхатты қорыту. Тест орындату.
What money can you use in Britain?
a) pence b) pound c) dollar
2) Where can you stay when you are in Britain?
a) in hotels b) in a house c) in hostels
3) How can you get around in Britain?
a) by car b) by taxi c) by double - decker buses
4) Where can you get a chap meal in Britain?
a) from food and hamburger shops
b) from the restaurants
c) from canteen
5) What's the capital of Great Britain?
a) Edinburgh b) England c) London
X. Үйге тапсырма. Home task.
Ex 7 p 130
XI. Бағалау. Marks for the lesson.