- Учителю
- План-урока по английскому языку в 10 классе филологического профиля на тему - 'Education'
План-урока по английскому языку в 10 классе филологического профиля на тему - 'Education'
Класс: 10 «А» ( филологический профиль)_
Учитель: Абдураманова А.М.
Тема: « Education in Great Britain and in my country» - «Образование в Великобритании и в Крыму»
Подтема: Oxford - Video
Цели урока:
Отработка и актуализация лексики по теме « Education in Great Britain and in my country » -
«Brainstormimg». Формировать умение составлять устное сообщение на заданную тему.
« Oxford » Video Отработка лексики по просмотренному материалу
2. Развитие спонтанной речи, навыков и умений ориентироваться по просмотренному фильму
3. Воспитывать познавательный интерес и умение прислушиваться друг к другу.
Языковой материал и оснащение:
Лексика по теме , yпражнения в распечатках, грамматические таблицы,
презентация по теме, карточки по теме.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Показ слайдов по теме.
1. Речевая зарядка. Разговор том, что учащиеся увидели и с какой темой можно связать
фотографии на слайдах .
2. Сообщение темы и целей урока - Актуализация опорных знаний. «Brainstorming» (Agree or disagree)
The education is Compulsory in Britain.
All schools are mixed in Britain.
There are state and private schools in Britain.
At the age of 14 begins secondary school.
Children study 13 subjects at the secondary school
Foreign language is «core» subject.
Pupils take examinations at the age of 7,11,13,16.
At the age of 16 pupils get General Certificate of Secondary Education.
Young people study 2 years at senior school or at college to enter the university.
Universities accept students with «A» level from 18.
Higher education lasts for three or four years.
The school year divided into two terms in Britain.
All schools have ten days holidays at Christmas, ten days at Easter and ten weeks in summer.
English schoolchildren go to school six days a week.
Morning lessons last for three hours until 12 o'clock.
Lunch lasts until 1o'clock.
Afternoon school lasts until 5 o'clock.
Pupils in Britain have school uniform.
Pupils who violate school regulations may be punished in Britain
Schools in Britain has its system of rewards for the best pupils: medals and prizes.
Children in Britain earn pocket money delivering newspapers and working in shops.
The oldest and best-known universities are located in Oxford, Cambridge, London, Liverpool, Cardif.
English Universities has different traditions, history, methods of instruction, way of student life.
Good «A» level results are enough to get a place at the university.
After graduation students get Degree of Bachelor, Master's Degree or Doctor's Degree.
Cambridge is situated on a river Thames.
Cambridge was founded by King Henry VI in 1490.
There are libraries, college rooms and university lodgings in Cambridge.
The most popular sport in Cambridge is swimming.
There are many foreign students in Cambridge.
3. Работа в группах. Составь предложения из слов( 4 конверта с набором слов)Примерные тексты:
A. There are 50 universities in Great Britain, the famous of them are- Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Children in this country
begin to go to school when they are five. They go to this school from five to seven. At this school children play, draw, sing
dance and listen to teacher's stories.
B. The country has three types of institutes of higher education: universities, polytechnic and specialized institutes.
C. The education system of this country can be divided into the following types: the basic school, vocational and technical school
and higher school. Each type of the school has its task: the general school has to give young generation profound and solid
D. Secondary education is compulsory in this country. At this school children study from seven to eleven. The best pupils go to the
group «A». The pupils who study worse go to the group «B». And the children who can't read, write and count study at the
group «C».
II. Основная часть. Oxford - Video ( Аудирование) прослушать информацию только об Оксфорде.
Задания по просмотренному видео. (в распечатках) Материал взят из «British Council » BBC - 10 приложений по26 мин. Можно найти на сайте council.org.ua - Oxford. (Episode 4.-Word on the street. Part I. Здесь же есть задания по прослушанному. Можно просто распечатать)
4. Ответы на вопросы по теме (в презентации)
When do children begin to go to school in UK and what do they do at an infant school?
What subjects do children learn at a primary school in Britain?
When do English pupils go to a secondary school?
When do English teenagers get their General Certificate of Education?
What guarantees the right to education in our country?
Is secondary education compulsory and free of charge in our country ?
What types of educational system in our country do you know?
When do young people enter high educational establishments?
What do you know about students' life?
Extra. Условные предложения. Тренировочные упражнения в распечатках.
Complete the Zero and First Conditional sentences with the verbs in brackets.
If Peter …(not study) harder, he … (fail) his English Exam.(doesn't study, will fail)
If you … (go) to bed early tonight, you … (not feel) tired tomorrow morning.(go, won't feel)
If she … (become) a lawyer, … ( she earn ) a lot of money.(becomes, will she earn)
If you … (pass) your test, … ( you buy) a car?(pass, will you buy)
If I … (be) older, I … (get) a job abroad. (were, would get)
If he …(ask) you to this conference, …( you go)? (ask, will you go)
III. Заключительная часть. Подведение итогов урока.
Домашнее задание -подготовить проекты или презентации по теме.
Выставление оценок.
Agree or disagree.
The education is Compulsory in Britain.
All schools are mixed in Britain.
There are state and private schools in Britain.
At the age of 14 begins secondary school.
Children study 13 subjects at the secondary school
Foreign language is «core» subject.
Pupils take examinations at the age of 7,11,13,16.
At the age of 16 pupils get General Certificate of Secondary Education.
Young people study 2 years at senior school or at college to enter the university.
Universities accept students with «A» level from 18.
Higher education lasts for three or four years.
The school year divided into two terms in Britain.
All schools have ten days holidays at Christmas, ten days at Easter and ten weeks in summer.
English schoolchildren go to school six days a week.
Morning lessons last for three hours until 12 o'clock.
Lunch lasts until 1o'clock.
Afternoon school lasts until 5 o'clock.
Pupils in Britain have school uniform.
Pupils who violate school regulations may be punished in Britain
Schools in Britain has its system of rewards for the best pupils: medals and prizes.
Children in Britain earn pocket money delivering newspapers and working in shops.
The oldest and best-known universities are located in Oxford, Cambridge, London, Liverpool, Cardif.
English Universities has different traditions, history, methods of instruction, way of student life.
Good «A» level results are enough to get a place at the university.
After graduation students get Degree of Bachelor, Master's Degree or Doctor's Degree.
Cambridge is situated on a river Thames.
Cambridge was founded by King Henry VI in 1490.
There are libraries, college rooms and university lodgings in Cambridge.
The most popular sport in Cambridge is swimming.
There are many foreign students in Cambridge.
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
If Peter …(not study) harder, he … (fail) his English Exam.(doesn't study, will fail)
If you … (go) to bed early tonight, you … (not feel) tired tomorrow morning.(go, won't feel)
If she … (become) a lawyer, … ( she earn ) a lot of money.(becomes, will she earn)
If you … (pass) your test, … ( you buy) a car?(pass, will you buy)
If I … (be) older, I … (get) a job abroad. (were, would get)
If he …(ask) you to this conference, …( you go)? (ask, will you go)
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
If Peter …(not study) harder, he … (fail) his English Exam .
If you … (go) to bed early tonight, you … (not feel) tired tomorrow morning.
If she … (become) a lawyer, … ( she earn ) a lot of money.
If you … (pass) your test, … ( you buy) a car?
If I … (be) older, I … (get) a job abroad.
If he …(ask) you to this conference, …( you go)?
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
If Peter …(not study) harder, he … (fail) his English Exam .
If you … (go) to bed early tonight, you … (not feel) tired tomorrow morning.
If she … (become) a lawyer, … ( she earn ) a lot of money.
If you … (pass) your test, … ( you buy) a car?
If I … (be) older, I … (get) a job abroad.
If he …(ask) you to this conference, …( you go)?
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
If Peter …(not study) harder, he … (fail) his English Exam .
If you … (go) to bed early tonight, you … (not feel) tired tomorrow morning.
If she … (become) a lawyer, … ( she earn ) a lot of money.
If you … (pass) your test, … ( you buy) a car?
If I … (be) older, I … (get) a job abroad.
If he …(ask) you to this conference, …( you go)?
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
If Peter …(not study) harder, he … (fail) his English Exam .
If you … (go) to bed early tonight, you … (not feel) tired tomorrow morning.
If she … (become) a lawyer, … ( she earn ) a lot of money.
If you … (pass) your test, … ( you buy) a car?
If I … (be) older, I … (get) a job abroad.
If he …(ask) you to this conference, …( you go)?
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
If Peter …(not study) harder, he … (fail) his English Exam .
If you … (go) to bed early tonight, you … (not feel) tired tomorrow morning.
If she … (become) a lawyer, … ( she earn ) a lot of money.
If you … (pass) your test, … ( you buy) a car?
If I … (be) older, I … (get) a job abroad.
If he …(ask) you to this conference, …( you go)?
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
If Peter …(not study
) harder, he … (fail) his English Exam .
If you … (go) to bed early tonight, you … (not feel) tired tomorrow morning.
If she … (become) a lawyer, … ( she earn ) a lot of money.
If you … (pass) your test, … ( you buy) a car?
If I … (be) older, I … (get) a job abroad.
If he …(ask) you to this conference, …( you go)?
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
If Peter …(not study) harder, he … (fail) his English Exam .
If you … (go) to bed early tonight, you … (not feel) tired tomorrow morning.
If she … (become) a lawyer, … ( she earn ) a lot of money.
If you … (pass) your test, … ( you buy) a car?
If I … (be) older, I … (get) a job abroad.
If he …(ask) you to this conference, …( you go)?