Конспект урока в 8 классе

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Краткое описание: Конспект урока по английскому языку, проведённый 03.10.2014 г. в 8 классе МБОУ "СОШ № 23" по теме: "The power of advertising" ("Сила рекламы").УМК "New Millennium English" (Английский язык нового тысячелетия) ,8 класс, Дворецкая О. В., Казырбаева Н. Ю., Кузеванова Н. И. - Обнинск: Изд. Титул, 2010 г. - 176с. Цель урока:
предварительный просмотр материала

Конспект урока по английскому языку

Составитель: Лисицына Надежда Игоревна, учитель английского языка

МБОУ «СОШ № 23» г. Новомосковск, Тульская область.

Должность: учитель английского языка.

Категория: первая.

Класс: 8.

Тема: The power of advertising (Сила рекламы).

Дата проведения: 03.10.20013

Конспект урока

  1. 03.10.20013

  2. Класс: 8a

  3. В данной теме 5ый урок

  4. Тема: The power of advertising (Сила рекламы).

  5. Цель урока: Чтение текста с извлечением основной информации.

  6. Задачи урока: 1.Формирование навыков и умений чтения.

2. Развитие памяти и речи учащихся.

3.Воспитание бережного отношения к книге.

7. Оборудование: магнитофон, УМК ««New Millennium English» (для 8кл.) Дворецкая О.В., Казырбаева Н.Ю., Кузеванова Н.И.- Обнинск: Изд. Титул, 2010г. - 176 с.

8. Ход урока:

1.Организация детей на работу. Сообщение темы урока. (2 мин.)

- Good morning. Sit down, please. Today we shall read texts about the advertising and analise them.

2.Чтение и анализ текстов. (35 мин.)

- Open your books at page 31, ex. 1a. Read what Brittish teenagers wrote about advertisments and decide which of them are for TV advertising and which are against.

(Children read texts.

for TV advertising - A, D, F.

against - B, C, E.

- The next ex. 1b.,p.31. Read the extracts again and fine out which of the texts:

1. Compares TV adverts with other programmes? - F

2. Give a piece of advice? - D

3. Mentions the music? - A

4. Draws our attention to humour? - D

5. Mentions people`s intelligence? - C

6. Says that adverts are useful - D

7. Says that adverts sometimes tell lies? - B

8. Says that adverts should not be allowed? - E

4.Актуализация навыков устной речи.

- In pairs discuss the opinions highlighted in the extracts and choose one that is closest to your opinion.

( I agree with the the first extract. It is very close to me. I like watch interesting advertisment. I find it very relaxing and funny. After a long day at school it takes away all your worries.

5. Лексико-грамматическая работа по тексту.

- Let's do ex. 2a, p.32. Look at the words in bold in ex. 1a and answer the questions:

1. What do they have in common? - (All the words mean the same. Advertise is a verb derived from the same root as advertisment.)

2. How do they differ? - ( Advert and ad are formed by dropping some syllables.)

- Ok. The next ex.2b, p.32. In the extracts in ex. 1a find the words and phrases that mean:

1. Be easy to rember - stick in one`s head

2. Get amused and interested - get entertained

3. Become cheaper - go down

4. Done many times and in the same way - repetitive

5. Making you feel sligtly angry - annoying

6. Careful about choosing what to do, buy, watch, etc. - selective

7. Help people do something - encourage

- The next ex.2c, p. 32. Fill in the gaps in the questions wiyh the words and expressions from the box.

( 1. Isn`t it annoying when you keep your TV on all day long?

2. How do you prefer to get entertained?

3. Are you selective when you choose what to watch on TV?

4. Do you think prices are go down or going up?

5. Can advertising encourage you to spend money on new goods and products?

6. Do advertisments stick in your`s head easily?

7. Do you find repetitive ads bouring?)

9. Заключительный этап.(3 мин.)

- Your hometask will be ex.2d, 3a page 33.

- Thank you for your activity at the lesson. The lesson is other. Good-bye.


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