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  • Урок по английскому языку на тему: 'My family'

Урок по английскому языку на тему: 'My family'

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Разработка урока по английскому языку

«My family»

5 класс

Учитель: Гришина Татьяна Николаевна

Тема: «My family»

Тип урока: урок общеметодологической направленности, обобщающей изучение данной темы

Цель урока: воспитывать внимательные, дружеские отношения в семье, учить выражать любовь к своим родным

Формируемые УУД:

  1. Личностные: формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию; формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками.

  2. Регулятивные: осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке

  3. Познавательные: построение логических рассуждений, включающие установление причинно-следственных связей.

  4. Коммуникативные: формулировка собственного мнения и позиции, способность аргументировать и координировать ее с позициями партнеров в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; умения задавать вопросы; адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач

Межпредметные связи: история

Ресурсы: учебник М.З. Биболетова Enjoy English- Обниск: Титул, 2013

Звуковое приложение, карточки с заданиями, компьютер.

Организация пространства: работа фронтальная, в парах, индивидуальная.

Ход урока

1.Организационно-мотивационный этап

-Good morning

T-Glad to see you

P-Glad to see you to

T- How are you?

P-We are fine? thank you

T-How is your father?

-How is your mother?

-How is your sister?

P-How are you?

T- I'm fine too, thank you.

2. Представление темы урока (формулирования учащимися основных задач урока)

- What will we speak about?


What does every letter mean in this word




I- I



Children today at the lesson we are revising all we know about the family. We also read and listen to the texts about the family.

3. Фон.зарядка

a) Now let's repeat the words.

b) Let's play the game "snowball" and remember the English adjectives/ The person who says the longest chain of words will be the winner.

4. Речевая зарядка

Agree or disagree with my statements

-Your parents are very understanding and loving

-Your sister is very naughty

-Your father is very intelligent

-Your parents are loving and understanding

-Your grandparents are wise and loving

-Your brother is very obedient

5. Актуализация знаний (повторение, закрепление)

a) Find the words (найдите спрятанные слова)

jokpl mother








b) Look at the words

Note that most of them have pairs

Arrange the words in pair

aunt boy daughter father

child cousin husband grandfather

grandmother girl nice parent

mother nephew wife uncle

sister son brother

c) My mother's daughter is my (sister)

My mother's son is my (brother)

My mother's husband is my (father)

My father's mother is my (grandmother)

My father's father is my (grandfather)

My mother's sister is my (aunt)

My father's brother is my (uncle)

My brother's daughter is my (niece)

My sister's son is my (nephew)

5. Совершенствование грамматических навыков

a) Let's revise the forms of the verb to be.

To be

I am We are

You are You are

He is They are

She is

It is

b) And now, children, fill in the sentences with right forms of the verb to be.

My name …. Kate. I … ten years old.

I …good at school. My mother … a doctor… . She …37.

My father … a manager. He …40. They … kind and clever.

My family … nice.

(Test yourself)

6. Физкультминутка

Children, let's have a little rest

Stand up, please

Let's do some exercises and recite the poem.

7. Развитие умений и навыков диалогической речи

- We have some fun.

- We have a correspondent/

- What is your family like?

- What are the members of your family?

- How old are your parents?

- Have you, got any brothers or sisters?

- Do you get on well with each other?

- Have you got any family traditions

8. Работа над текстом

Read the text. Do the tasks

I have a large family. My grandmother lives with my mother and father and her name is Ellen. Then I have a brother. His name is Richard. He lives in Oxford. My sister's name is Camilla. She lives in London. My aunt is called Bess and my uncle is called Tony. My mother's name is Mary and my father's name is Mike. My mother is very kind and clever woman. She is forty two. My father is a doctor. He is forty five. He likes to play football. I love my family very much.

Монолог на основе прочитанного текста

Family large

Brother Richard. Oxford

aunt Bess

Sister Camilla London

Father Mike, 45, doctor, fooboll

mother Mary, 42 kind, clever

grandmother Ellen

2. Doreen is Richard's……. (sister)

Richard is Camilla's …..(brother)

Camilla is Mike's ……(daughter)

Mike is Mary's …. (husband)

Mary is Doreen's…. (mother)

3. Найдите соответствие

Ellen mother

Richard sister

Camilla father

Tony grandmother

Mary brother

Mike aunt

Bess uncle

9. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов.

We are good friends in our families. We love each other very much. Let's sing the song "The more we are together".

What are your emotions today

Our lesson was good I worked badly

I was a very good pupil My mood is bad

My mood is excellent My knowledge is bad

I am very happy person The theme was not interesting for me

I worked very well I have negative emotions

I was interested in the lesson

Our lesson is over. I thank you for your good work. Your marks are following..

Your homework for the next lesson is..

To prepare your topic "My family".

Good - bye, my dear boys and girls.


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