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- Методические рекомендации по английскому языку на тему 'Анализ художественного текста'
Методические рекомендации по английскому языку на тему 'Анализ художественного текста'
Анализ содержания включает:
анализ жизненного материала, использованного автором, круг затронутых тем (тематику);
круг проблем, волнующих автора (проблематику);
эмоциональное отношение автора к изображаемому - от героики до сатиры;
авторскую идею.
Идеей определяется авторская позиция. Но форма ее выражения может быть различна. Авторская позиция может выражаться прямо, в авторских высказываниях, и косвенно, в выборе места действия, композиции, изображении пейзажа и т.д.
Анализ формы включает:
детали предметной изобразительности: портрет, поступки персонажей, их переживания и речь (монологи и диалоги), бытовая обстановка, пейзаж, сюжет (последовательность и взаимодействие внешних и внутренних поступков персонажей во времени и пространстве);
композиционные детали: порядок, способ и мотивировка, повествования и описания изображаемой жизни, авторские рассуждения, отступления, вставные эпизоды, обрамление (композиция образа - соотношение и расположение предметных деталей в пределах отдельного образа);
стилистические детали: изобразительно-выразительные детали авторской речи, интонационно-синтаксические и ритмико-строфические особенности поэтической речи в целом.
При анализе отмечаются характерность исследуемого элемента для данного писателя (или для целого направления), идейное значение исследуемого элемента. Все элементы формы объединены в систему изобразительно-выразительных средств. Эта система определяет стиль произведения (как индивидуальный, так и характерный для направления).
При анализе необходимо учитывать следующие уровни анализа:
Дата написания с историческим или биографическим комментарием.
Связь произведения с эпохой (если это необходимо для понимания основной идеи).
Жанр произведения, его жанровое своеобразие.
Композиция художественного произведения:
а) ведущее переживание, чувство, настроение, отразившееся в произведении;
б) выделить основные части художественного произведения, показать их связь (определить эмоциональный рисунок).
5. Художественная лексика:
а) использование синонимов, антонимов, устаревших слов, неологизмов;
б) близость художественного языка к разговорному.
6. Своеобразие и активность с использованием изобразительных средств языка:
- эпитет (epithet) - художественное определение, придающее образность и эмоциональность;
- метафора (metaphor) - переносное значение слова, основанное на уподоблении одного предмета или явления другому по сходству или контрасту;
- аллегория (allegory) - условное изображение отвлеченного понятия при помощи конкретного жизненного явления;
- зевгма (zeugma) - каламбур;
- сравнение (comparison) - сопоставление двух предметов, явлений с целью пояснения одного при помощи другого;
- гипербола (hyperbole) - художественное преувеличение, используемое, чтобы усилить впечатление;
- литота (litotes) - художественное преуменьшение;
- ирония (irony) - оборот речи, состоящий в употреблении с целью насмешки слова в смысле, обратном буквальному;
- олицетворение (personification) - изображение неодушевленных предметов, при котором они наделяются свойствами живых существ - даром речи, способностью мыслить, чувствовать;
- синекдоха (synecdoche) - замещение одного слова другим, находящимся с ним в отношении меньше-больше;
- эвфемизм (euphemism) - замена грубого слова в речи более мягким;
- перифраз (periphrases) - замена названия предмета описанием его признаков.
7. Речевые особенности в плане интонационно-синтаксических фигур:
- повтор (repetition) - неоднократное повторение одних и тех же слов, выражений;
- антитеза (antithesis) - оборот, в котором противопоставляются противоположные понятия;
- инверсия (inversion) - обратный порядок слов в предложении;
- хиазм (chiasmus) - инверсия во второй половине фразы;
- риторический вопрос (rhetorical question) - утверждение в вопросительной форме;
- анафора (anaphora) - повторение отдельных слов в начале смежных строк текста;
- эпифора (epiphora) - повторение отдельных слов в конце смежных строк текста;
- оксюморон (oxymoron) - необычное соединение слов, противоречащих друг другу (часто антонимы);
- градация (gradation) - расположение ряда слов по степени нарастания или ослабления их смыслового и эмоционального значения;
- полисиндетон (polysyndeton) - намеренное использование повторяющихсясоюзов;
- асиндетон (asyndeton) - пропуск союзов.
The Nightingale and the Rose
"She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses," cried the young Student, "but in all my garden there is no red rose."
From her nest in the holm-oak tree the Nightingale heard him, and she looked out through the leaves and wondered.
"No red rose in all my garden!" he cried, and his beautiful eyes filled with tears. "Ah, on what little things does happiness depend! I have read all that the wise men have written, and all the secrets of philosophy are mine, yet for want of a red rose is my life made wretched."
"Here at last is true lover," said the Nightingale. "Night after night have I sung of him, though I knew him not: night after night have I told his story to the stars and now I see him. His hair is dark as the hyacinth-blossom, and his lips are red as the rose of his desire; but passion has made his face like pale ivory, and sorrow has set her seal upon his brow."
"The Prince gives a ball to-morrow night," murmured the young student, "and my love will be of the company. If I bring her a red rose she will dance with me till dawn. If I bring her a red rose, I shall hold her in my arms, and she will lean her head upon my shoulder, and her hand will be clasped in mine. But there is no red rose in my garden, so I shall sit lonely, and she will pass me by. She will have no heed of me, and my heart will break."
"Here, indeed, is the true lover," said the Nightingale. "What I sing of, he suffers; what is joy to me, to him is pain. Surely love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds and dearer than fine opals. Pearls and pomegranates cannot buy it, nor is it set forth in the market-place. It may not be purchased of the merchants, nor can it be weighed out in the balance for gold."
"The Nightingale and the Rose" is a fairy-tale written by Oscar Wilde. The author raises the problem of people's values, their ability to love.
This story is about relationship between the young student and his lover. Oscar Wilde wants to show us what love means. For him, it is light feeling in person's life, which can't be compared with something.
Oscar Wilde guesses that love could bring happiness, pleasure, but also pain, which people would remember for a long time. At this story we can see that the man is ready to do all for making his pretty girl be beside him. The student wants to find the red rose for the girl in his garden by all means where there is no one. He loves her very much. The student is totally crazy because of his strong feeling. That's why the Nightingale helps him sacrificing its life for the sake of love. But soon it is clear that the Nightingale's action will be useless.
Although the Student is among the heroes of the story, he is not mentioned in the title. He couldn't do real deed in the name of love. It is not fair to blame only him because "his love" as the author depicted the girl values jewels more than the beauty of the Rose and the victim of the Nightingale.
There are people in the world who are eager to sacrifice everything just to make the others happy. And the question is how not to be indifferent to them. The Student treats the Red Rose as a "little thing", for the Nightingale the Red Rose is her life, which she would give to make the Student happy because he seems to the Nightingale "a true lover".
The author uses inversion to draw our attention to the handsome Student and to make the reader like him. Oscar Wilde depicts the Student with the help of such epithets as "beautiful eyes, dark hair, pale ivory face", comparisons "hair is dark as the hyacinth-blossom, lips are red as the rose". The parallel construction "If I bring her a red rose…" makes us believe that it's possible for the Student to be happy with "his love", although we'll be deceived and disappointed knowing that all the attempts will be in vain.
Love is a wonderful thing. Such metaphor as "it's more precious than emeralds and dearer than opals" and antitheses "What I sing of, he suffers; what is joy to me, to him is pain…" describe love as the most beautiful feeling which is worth of suffering because love makes people kind, innocent, clear, hones, better.
We should care for love because nothing could "buy it, nor it is set forth in the in the market-place. It may not be purchased of the merchants, nor can it be weighed out in the balance for gold.
The narrator depicts the trouble of human relations and feelings. I am impressed by Wilde's ability to convey his thoughts. Therefore, we can understand the significance of real feelings more deeply.
On the one hand, the author expresses a devotion to the true feeling and willingness to the self-sacrifice. Oscar Wilde states the Nightingale and the Rose as the symbols of eternal skill and high feeling. On the other hand, he opposes a handsome man and a pretty girl to these symbols. The student and the girl preferred the mundane values: jewellery and education to sincerity.
As for me, this fairy-tale is actual nowadays in spite of the fact that it was written many years ago. Our parents teach us to be honest, unselfish; to value genuine feelings, to obey moral norms. And we'll hand it to our own children.
It's a pity that sometimes we don't appreciate the actions of our lovers and their efforts when they only want to be with us for ever.
I think that when people fall in love they don't notice what is going on about in the world. They don't realize problems; I mean that they seem to be on a cloud nine. To my mind at first time of loving couple can't be alone. They need all the time to be together and do different activities together. By far it is the most beautiful and amazing period of people's life. But as you know and how we can see it from the experience of our friends who are married, sometimes this feeling is broken. It happens because of money, duties about the house and so on. These trifles kill the feelings. Some people try to deny it but I think it is so. It's a pity that in most cases we can't change it.
This text makes a good showing. I think that author has an imaginative mind because this story is very heart-rendering, engrossing and bright. Of course, "The Nightingale and the Rose" is a love story, but Oscar Wilde gives his story tragic twist. The author demonstrates vehement-love, people's egoism and foolishness.
To my mind Oscar Wilde wants to show us that some people do everything for the love while the others change their love on wealth.
If I were a boy, I would fetch up girl's love. Love is not a trifle.
In conclusion I want to say the following. If I were a writer I would try to write such stories because they have deep meaning and have something to think about.