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  • Открытый урок в 6 классе по теме 'одежда: школьная форма'. ЗА или ПРОТИВ!

Открытый урок в 6 классе по теме 'одежда: школьная форма'. ЗА или ПРОТИВ!

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Краткое описание: Конспект урока английского языка Автор УМК: Вербицкая М.В.  «ForwardEnglish»Класс: 6 классТема урока: «Одежда. Школьная форма: за  или против?»Тип урока: открытие нового знания Цель урока:  Сформировать умения составлять монологическое высказывание с аргументацией. Планируемый
предварительный просмотр материала

Конспект урока английского языка

Автор УМК: Вербицкая М.В. «Forward English»

Класс: 6 класс

Тема урока: «Одежда. Школьная форма: за или против?»

Тип урока: открытие нового знания

Цель урока: Сформировать умения составлять монологическое высказывание с аргументацией.

Планируемый результат:

Личностные умения: проявления отношения к проблеме школьной форме.

Предметные: умение строить монологическое высказывание с аргументацией.


  • Познавательные

- читать и слушать, извлекая нужную информацию;

- осуществлять подбор аргументов для решения учебных задач.

  • Коммуникативные

- умение участвовать в общей беседе;

- умение формулировать высказывание;

- умение осуществлять совместную деятельность в рабочих группах с учётом конкретных учебных задач.

  • Регулятивные

- умение выполнять действие в соответствии с планом;

- умение выполнять самооценку.

Этапы урока

Деятельность учащихся

Деятельность учителя

Планируемый результат


Организационный момент

Fine, thank you.

Good morning, children! How are you?

Let's start our lesson.


Постановка учебной задачи

-The girl is wearing a …

- The boy is wearing a …

- I think we are going to speak about clothes.

- About school uniform.

- They have different opinions. The boy is not against school uniform? But the girl is against...

Ученики отвечают на вопрос путем голосования с помощью интерактивной доски.

-Результаты говорят о том, что наши мнения тоже разные.


-Не хватает словарного запаса.

- Не можем сформулировать аргументы.

- Мы хотим научиться высказывать своё мнение по данной теме и уметь его аргументировать.

-Children, look at the pictures.

-What are they wearing?

What are we going to speak about?

- Let's watch a film and answer the following questions:

а) What kind of clothes is the film about?

б) What are their opinions?

- What is your attitude to the school uniform? Answer the question and choose your variant.

Would you like to wear school uniform?

-Yes. -No. I don't care.

- Посмотрите на результаты. О чем они говорят? (Результаты голосования предъявляются в виде графика)

- Children, why don't you want to wear school uniform?

- Почему не получается ответить на этот вопрос?

- Какую задачу мы должны решить?

Личностные умения: проявления отношения к проблеме школьной форме.


Открытие нового знания

Учащиеся работают в группе по решению поставленной задачи.

- We consider that some pupils don't want to wear school uniform, because….

- We would like our pupils to wear their casual clothes.

-We want school uniform to be more fashionable.

-We would like to wear school uniform only on holidays.

- Нам кажется, что группы справились с заданием. Решение группы №… очень интересное (необычное, удивительное, нереальное…)

- I don't agree with my group. I don't want to wear school uniform because ….

Учащиеся читают текст.


Учащиеся говорят, что они либо «за», либо «против».

- Разделитесь, пожалуйста, на группы. Каждая группа получает текст (См. приложение № 1)Прочитайте его. Найдите проблему. Определите причины этой проблемы. Предложите свое решение этой проблемы.

- Теперь каждая группа выбирает спикера. Спикер должен озвучить результаты работы группы.

- Ребята, как вы оцениваете работу групп?

- А ваше собственное мнение совпадает с мнением вашей группы?

- А теперь давайте прочитаем текст о различных точках зрения на эту проблему.

(Учащиеся читают текст. см. приложение 2).

- А как вы относитесь к этой проблеме?


  • Познавательные

- читать, извлекая нужную информацию;

- осуществлять подбор аргументов для решения учебных задач.

  • Коммуникативные

- умение участвовать в общей беседе;

- умение формулировать высказывание;

- умение осуществлять совместную деятельность в рабочих группах с учётом конкретных учебных задач.

Предметные: умение строить монологическое высказывание с аргументацией


Задание на дом

Домашнее задание будет тоже по группам.

См. приложение 3.Каждая группа получает свой текст и готовит выступление на следующий урок.

Предметные: умение строить монологическое высказывание с аргументацией


Рефлексия деятельности

- Научиться высказывать свое мнение к школьной форме и уметь его аргументировать.

- Да.

- Мы читали, работали в группе, принимали решение…

-Научились высказываться и аргументировать свое мнение.

- Чтобы все участники группы активно участвовали в работе

- Какую задачу мы сегодня ставили?

- Удалось ли её решить?

- Каким способом вы решили поставленную задачу?

- Какие результаты получили?

- Над чем следует ещё работать?

- Я предлагаю вам оценить наш урок и свою работу по следующим критериям. Ученикам предлагается заполнить формы самооценки. (См. приложение №3)

  • Регулятивные

- умение выполнять самооценку.

Приложение №1


B: Hi, Jacky! Don't you just hate having to wear these ugly school uniforms? I feel like I can't express myself in these clothes. It's not fair that I can't choose what to wear.

G: I like wearing a uniform to school. They make it easier for the teachers to find you if you got lost on an excursion. No one would find you if you aren't wearing a uniform.

B: Yes, but they are so plain. Clothes that you buy at the shops look much cooler. I feel so angle in these ugly clothes.

G: You don't need to wear cool clothes to be cool. There are lots of other ways to be cool like, for example, handing your homework in on Friday or not running on concrete.

B: True, but uniforms make everyone look the same when they are all so different. I want to be different to my other classmates.

G: But it's good that we have the same clothes. It makes us remember that we are all at the same school and that we should be proud that we all go to school here.

B: Whatever Jacky, I think uniforms make school boring. If people had different clothes with different styles they would make school much more interesting.

G: But we are here to learn, Harman. If everyone was wearing their own clothes then maybe there would be less focus on their school work.

B: I disagree, Jacky. By the way you have a very deep voice for a girl. Your clothes don't make any difference what you learn. I can learn wearing whatever I want.

G: But, Harman, we have to live by rules to succeed in life. Wearing school uniform teaches students to follow rules. You can't just do whatever you want, you know.

B: My mum and dad think that school uniforms are so expensive. They can buy cheaper clothes at K-market made in China.

G: But Harman, without uniform there would be a lot of pressure to wear the latest fashionable clothes. By the way, Harman, you must spend a lot of money on hairy products. You shouldn't have to worry about whether or not you look cool at school. I feel safe and comfortable in my school uniform and it helps me learn.

B: I disagree, Jacky, but you make some convincing points. It doesn't mean you are wrong. We just have different opinions.


Приложение №2


Uniform helps to create a strong sense school ethos and a sense of belonging to a particular community. As such it promotes discipline and helps to drive up academic standards, which is why a uniform is often adopted by schools which are being reopened with a fresh start after being classified as failing.

Uniform acts as a social leveler, under which all students are equal in the eyes of the school and of each other. In institutions without uniform students are often competitive and worry endlessly about their appearance and the clothes they should wear. Pupils without expensive designer clothes and trainers may be singled out as social outcasts, or stigmatized as being from poor backgrounds. For these reasons many parents prefer uniforms as they save them money on buying clothes for school wear.

Uniform has practical benefits when students are outside the school building. Being readily identified with a particular institution may make students more aware of their behavior while travelling to and from the school, leading them to act more considerately, e.g. to other passengers on buses or trains. On organized trips away from the school it is much easier for teachers to ensure they haven't lost anyone and to monitor behavior, than if students wore their own clothes and blended in with the crowds.

Uniform prepares students for life after education, when most will be expected to dress smartly and appropriately for work, adhering to a corporate dress code.

Uniform makes it easy to check that every student maintains a smart appearance and is dressed appropriately for their classes. In schools where students are allowed to dress as they like, in practice a constant battle has to be fought by staff to ensure that what the students choose to wear is not inappropriate, e.g. because it is too revealing, features T-shirts with offensive slogans, would be dangerous while performing scientific experiments, etc.


Uniform suppresses individualism and treats students' mass rather than encouraging teachers to recognise their different characters and abilities, and students to accept responsibility for aspects of their own lives. Uniform was better suited to an age of rote learning and military-style discipline than to the more exploratory and creative values of modern education - values which are increasingly important to the wider economy. Many schools, indeed many countries, manage to maintain high school standards of discipline, community and academic performance without adopting uniform.

Students always find ways to tease or bully others, regardless of what clothes are worn. Those who wish to be particularly fashionable will want to own the same number of outfits regardless of whether they are allowed to wear them to school or not, changing into them the minute that classes are over. Parents often find some uniform items, e.g. jackets, very expensive compared to the rest of their child's wardrobe, and complain they can never be worn outside the school environment.

Uniform makes students very identifiable and emphasizes the divisions between schools, making it very easy for bullying and fights to develop between students from rival institutions as they travel to and from school.

The business world is increasingly relaxed about dress codes, making those schools that insist on uniform increasingly anachronistic. Adults who attended schools without uniform do not appear to struggle in the workplace.

Often it is uniform that is inappropriate, being too cold in winter or too hot in summer, largely because it is badly designed and cheaply-produced in small quantities for a captive market. Girls in particular complain at being forced to wear skirts even in the coldest months, when many would generally wear trousers from choice and some, e.g. Muslims, for cultural reasons. Students will always attempt to subvert any dress code, strict or lenient, requiring staff vigilance in any case.

Приложение 3

School uniform - Yuk!

uniform; clothes; school; conform; conformity;


1.What is a school uniform?

The word 'uniform' means literally 'having the same form'. So a school uniform means that every kid in the school wears the same clothes (though girls often have a different uniform to boys).

I can almost hear some of you say, "Why don't the teachers have to wear school uniform then?" Well let's think of some answers.

They are not kids, they are adults.

Many of them will wear a sort of uniform, in that they wear clothes which are suitable for the job that they do.

They need to look different so that everyone can see that they are the teachers!

Teachers have to wear badges to show that they are teachers at that school.

When they were kids they probably had to wear school uniform.

Uniforms show that you are part of the same group (students), and teachers are not part of the same group as yourselves.

Teachers would not look as good as you do in school uniform!

Some things are not negotiable.

2.Good things about school uniform

Having a school uniform gives you an identity. It means that you belong in that particular school. You are part of a special group of people and you belong in that group. Having a school uniform is also good because:

You don't have to worry about what to wear on a school day.

You know that everyone else will be wearing school uniform.

You can save your 'good' stuff for nights and weekends.

The clothes are usually practical and comfortable to wear.

Uniforms can be handed down to other kids in the family.

You can sell or buy second-hand uniform at the school.

With a uniform, you have got most of the clothes you need to wear, so you don't need as many casual clothes, and if you are growing quickly that will be a big saving for Mum, Dad or whoever buys your clothes.

It promotes equity because everyone has to wear the same.

There is less pressure on kids to wear the latest fashion, which may not be suitable for wearing all day.

Most primary schools don't have change rooms or showers, so there is nowhere suitable for changing into sports clothes for sports lessons. So casual and comfortable clothes that can be OK to wear when doing anything at all are best.

3.Bad things about school uniform

Some school uniforms are very formal looking and may take a lot of looking after.

Skirts or formal pants are not good for doing sport or running around at lunchtime or recess.

Some uniforms are a bit too casual and comfortable and can look rather sloppy and not very neat.

School uniforms are rarely fashionable.

They can be expensive.

You can get fed up of wearing the same old, same old every day.

You get into trouble if you don't wear uniform.

4. What if there is no uniform at your school?

Some schools don't have uniforms and kids can wear what they like. Sometimes this is OK but it can be a nightmare for yourself and the people who look after you. Trying to keep up with the clothes that you need for 5 days every week plus weekends, sports and club activities can be expensive and hard to organize.

Some kids may have lots of clothes and others very few, so some kids could be mean to other kids.

Your 'good' clothes could get really messed up with paint or torn on climbing equipment, or be too tight or too short for you to want to do sport or gymnastics, drama or just sitting on the ground chatting with friends, so you may not want to join in these activities which make life so much fun.

5.Kids say

"School uniform's cool.
I wear it every day
All my friends do too
I change when I get home
And throw it in the wash.
School uniform's cool."

"It's good when you go on an excursion because you can see where everybody is."

"It's good to feel part of the group."

U niform
N ice
I nteresting
F un
O riginal
R espectable
M aroon and blue are good colours too!

6.Dr Kate says

To be a happy healthy kid you need to get out and exercise every day. Often school uniforms are like sports clothes and that means you can move around easily. Pulling on a jumper or taking it off can keep you comfortable indoors or out. Don't forget to wear a hat during the summer and winter terms. All schools have a 'no hat, no play' policy and the school hat will have been chosen to protect you from the problems caused by the sun.

If your school has had the same uniform for years then maybe it's time for a change. If your school has a Student Council then you might ask your class rep to bring up the subject of changing your school uniform at the next meeting. Schools encourage kids to think, so have some ideas ready for your class rep to take with her.

We've collected this information to help you to understand important things about staying healthy and happy. However, if you feel sick or unhappy, it is important to tell your mum or dad, a teacher or another grown-up.


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