- Учителю
- Урок по английскому языку на тему 'На страже Тауэра'
Урок по английскому языку на тему 'На страже Тауэра'
«English Traditions. The Yeomen Warders». На страже Тауэра
Дата : ____________
Класс: 7
Базовый учебник
Учебник «Spotlight 7» Ю.Е.Ваулина, В.Эванс, Дж.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко. Москва «Просвещение» 2011г.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Тема урока: Profiles. Culture Corner. The Yeomen Warders
Цели урока: обобщение и закрепление изученного материала по теме;
Вид урока: формирование навыков аудирования
Образовательные цели: формировать умения и навыки направленного аудирования, монологической речи, поиска информации в сети Интернет;
- развитие навыков чтения с извлечением необходимой информации;
- способствовать использованию в речи страноведческого материала.
Сопутствующие задачи: актуализация умений и навыков монологической речи и активизация фонетических навыков.
Развивающие цели: способствовать владению основными способами мыслительной деятельности (учить анализировать, выделять главное, обобщать и систематизировать).
Воспитательные цели: совершенствование культуры общения, развитие навыков индивидуальной и групповой работы и самоконтроля .
Речевой материал: упражнения на формирование лексических навыков говорения, выполненные в программе Power Point на электронном носителе.
Используемые технологии: ИКТ, критическое мышление
Ход урока.
Деятельность преподавателя
Деятельность учащихся
1.Организационный момент
The report of the student on duty.
Good morning, children! Nice to meet you! Take your seats please. Now tell me please what date is it today?
Good morning! All are present.
Nice to meet you too!
The24 th of January.
2.Объявление темы урока
(на доске появляется слайд №1 с изображенияем смены караула в Англии)
Look at the whiteboard. Here are some pictures - can you guess the topic of our lesson?
What can you see at the pictures?
Right. People on the square. But are they Russian ?
Good! So the topic of our lesson is «English Traditions. Beefeaters»
(появляется тема урока рядом с картинками на слайде №1)
A bridge . Two men in national costumes. A large square .
No. They are English
3.Фонетическая зарядка
Firstly, to get ready for our lesson let's read a Tongue Twister.
(появляется слайд №2 со скороговоркой)
First I read it-listen.
Witch, witch, where do you fly?
Under the clouds and over the sky.
Witch, witch, what do you eat?
Little black apples from Hurricane Street.
Witch, witch, what do you drink?
Vinegar and good red ink.
Witch, witch, where do you sleep?
Up in the clouds where the pillows are cheap.
Now, let's read it together.
(Повторяют за учителем для отработки звука [w])
Vanya, can you read it?
Kirill, please!
But, this is a tongue twister - so you should read it as quickly as you can! Try!
Let's read it 2 times together!
(1 повтор - гиперартикуляция,
2 и 3 повтор - хором вместе с учителем
4 и 5 повтор - в ускоренном темпе с выделением звука [w])
What sound did we train today?
Is it similar to Russian sound [у]?
And now - don't look at the blackboard - try to remember the tongue twister!
Anton, try!
Vladа, can you?
Читают хором
Некоторые учащиеся читают настолько быстро, насколько это возможно.
Произносят 2 раза в быстром темпе
Sound [w]
Нет, он произносится ,более энергично.
4.Упражнения на повторения лексического материала с предыдущих уроков
Good! Now you are ready to speak English. To speak about typical English traditions we have to revise the material from the previous lessons.
Do you remember the relative pronouns and adverbs? What do they refer to? (слайд №3)
Read the sentences, look at the picture and fill in gaps the relative pronouns and adverbs
(слайд №4) This is the park___________people come to make speeches.
(слайд №5)
There are millions of British people__________parents first came to Britain from India, Pakistan, Hong Kong and other places.
(слайд №6) The Queen is the person_______celebrates her birthday two times a year.
(слайд №7) It's easy to understand_________ the most beautiful poems about England in the spring were written by poets living in Italy at the time.
(слайд №8) The Lord Mayor's Show is a colourful ceremony__________has been running for almost 800 years
(слайд №9) The government ruled that all buses had to stay red because_______was what the people of London wanted.
(слайд №10) The traditional pancake race,________ is held on shrove Tuesday is very popular among the tourists.
(слайд №11) Ronaldo is a football player________comes from Brazil.
Who/that refer to people
Which/that refer to thing
Whose shows possession
When refer to time
Where refer to place
When refer to reason
5.Направленное аудирование с извлечением необходимой информации (pre-listening tasks)
5.You know the words very well! Now you are ready to discuss English Traditions. Beefeaters»
Open your books, p.31 ex.2
(слайд №12).
(у присутствующих учителей имеется раздаточный материал с копией страницы учебника с заданием для аудирования).
Look at the title of the text. "The Yeoman Warders". What do you think is the text about? Who are these men? Where do they work? Don't look into the books.
Look through the text and check your predictions.
For you to understand the text better-look at the whiteboard and try to understand the words:
(на слайдах написаны слова и имеются соответствующие картинки для снятия лексических трудностей
(слайд №13) prisoners. (show with gestures). Is that all right?
prisoners. people who are kept in prison
(слайд №15) guides
People who show tourists around.
(слайд №14) duties - work you have to do
You have to go to school. What else do you have to do?
слайд №16
Do you like birds? What kind of birds do you know?
ravens (n): black birds, like crows
слайд №17
Do you have a school uniform?
uniform (n): special set of clothes that people
wear at work or school
слайд №18
armed forces- a country's military people
слайд №19
Striking red and gold uniform): easy to see
слайд №20
Is guarded- watched and protected
Formal occasion-): formal celebrations such
as weddings, anniversaries, state ceremonies
Dates back to- very old
Bodyguard- people who protect other
The men are probably guard the castle
Perhaps, they help the tourists.
слайд №14
I have to clean my room.
I have to wash the car.
I have to help my granny.
6.Направленное аудирование с извлечением необходимой информации (during-listening tasks)
You see that the text is incomplete. Look at the whiteboard-here are the words that you have to fill in!
(слайд №23)
Read them.
Fill the gaps with these words. You have 2 minutes to do this task.
Stop doing it! We are going to listen and check your answers. Pick up coloured pens or pencils. While listening, put + and -.
Who, that , which. whose ,when ,where
Заполняют пропуски словами, которые они считают, подходят лучше всего.
Прослушивают текст и проверяют сами у себя, правильно ли вставлены слова пропуски
7.Направленное аудирование с извлечением необходимой информации (post-listening tasks)
Check your answers.
(слайд №24) с ответами.
Who has got fives? Hold up your hands.
Who has got fours? Hold up your hands.
Who has got threes? Hold up your hands.
I will put your marks for the lesson
1.when 2.that 3.that 4.who 5.where
Поднимают руки, у кого, какие оценки
I see you are tired. Stand up, please!
(слайд №25) Up, down, up, down
Which is the way to London Town?
Where? Where?
Up in the air,
Close your eyes
And you are there.
Выполняют вместе с учителем движения для физминутки, параллельно произнося стихотворение
9.Выполнение упражнений для подготовки к дальнейшему монологическому высказыванию
Work in pairs ! Let's do ex. 3, p. 31 - answer the questions T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say). Compare with your partner. This will help you to speak about «Beefeaters».(слайд №26)
11.Close your books. Tell your partner three things you remember about «Beefeaters».
Выполняют упражнение
1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5. DS
The warders of the Tower are known as 'Beefeaters'. Beefeaters guard the Tower of London.
They act as guides for tourists.
They have two uniforms.
They take care of the ravens that live in the
10.Подготовка к домашнему заданию
For your homework you will get ex 6., p. 31. To be well-prepared let's do the task orally.
(слайд №27) The key words are at the whiteboard , read them and think about one more place where you can see people in special uniforms..
e-mail, pen friend, about popular tourist attraction in any country, special uniforms.
Let's start from the questions.
1. Where is it?
2. Who can you see at the picture?
3. What do you think about this attraction? Is it popular among
4.What do they look like?
-Outside Buckingham Palace you can see guardsmen dressed in the bright red uniforms and bearskin hats
-These guardsmen protect the Queen.
-Every day a new guard of thirty guardsmen marches takes the place of the 'old guards'.
-This is known as the changing ceremony and it dates back to 1660.
-This colourful ceremony never changes.
-This attraction is very popular among the tourists.
11.Подведение итогов урока
OK, you've worked pretty good today. But can you answer my last question. What are beefeaters like? (ответы детей) At the end of the lesson I thank you for the lesson. It was very nice to meet you. You have worked very hard. I give you fives .So the lesson is over. Good-bye.
Your homework is: SB: p. 31 ex. 6
Thank you for your work!
The lesson is over. Goodbye, children
We spoke about beefeaters, about The Tower of London and its history. We learn much.