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  • Конспект открытого урока по теме «Рождество» в 9 классе

Конспект открытого урока по теме «Рождество» в 9 классе

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Краткое описание: Конспект урока разработан для внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 9 классе. Цели:--введение нового материала по теме «Рождество»;--отработка и закрепление нового материала путем работы на компьютерах (закончить предложения, используя новые слова, составление
предварительный просмотр материала

Стовбун Елена Владимировна

Учитель английского языка

МАОУ СОШ № 8 г. Челябинск

Конспект открытого урока по теме «Рождество» в 9 классе


--введение нового материала по теме «Рождество»;

--отработка и закрепление нового материала путем работы на компьютерах (закончить предложения, используя новые слова, составление порядка слов в предложениях путем перетаскивания объектов с помощью мыши, выполнение теста на знание лексики с автоматически выставляемой оценки);

-- совершенствование коммуникативных умений; увеличение объема знаний по теме; увеличение объема используемых лексических единиц;

-- развитие навыков диалогической речи и монологического высказывания по теме; развитие лексических и грамматических навыков;

--привитие интереса к традициям и корням к праздникам страны изучаемого языка, воспитание нравственности трудолюбия, культуры общения в коллективной деятельности.


--быстрое использование на уроке полученных знаний по информатике, в процессе приобретения и закрепления новых знаний по английскому языку

--технология-создание учащимися символов Рождества и оформление кабинета.

Оборудование: символы Рождества, музыкальное сопровождение, плакаты, раздаточный материал по теме, доска, компьютеры.

Тема "Рождество" (Christmas) (P- pupil T- teacher)

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие, постановка задач и объяснение темы.

T. Good morning dear boys and girls.

P. Good morning, teacher How are you, (имя ученика)?

P. I am fine, thank you .

T. What is about you, (имя ученика)?

P. I am nice .

T. And you, (имя ученика)?

P. I am O.k.

2. Речевая зарядка (коммуникативная атака) (Рассматривая предварительно украшенный рождественскими игрушками класс, учащиеся помощью наводящего вопроса учителя начинают высказывать свои мнения, тем самым, подходя к теме урока).

T. Sit down, please. Look around, my friends. Our classroom is looking fabulous, is not it?

P. Certainly it is.

P. How marvelous our classroom is.

P. I do like it.

P. What a surprise it is

P. How lucky we are to be here.

P. I feel the lesson is going to be unusual .

T. That is for sure.

P. We are going to continue my favorite topic Christmas Holiday, are not we?

T. Certainly we are. You know that Christmas is uniting all nations into one family, spiritually at least. Further more people all over the world have similar traditions.

3. Развитие лексических навыков говорения, используя первую часть мультимедийной презентации. (приложение 1)

T Look at the screen, please. Something is spinning around. What is it?

P. Of cause it is our earth.

P. How beautiful our earth is.

T. That is right. So our earth is spinning around. And Christmas is like our earth. It is spinning but round the world.

Please tell me what is вращаться in English?

P. spinning.

T. Good of you. And the infinitive of the word is to spin.

T. Have a look at the screen again and be ready to make sentences using the structure Christmas comes to... I shall set the example. Give us the first slide, please.

We see a flag of Russia, so my sentence is Christmas comes to Russia. Next slide, please.

P Christmas comes to America.

T. Thank you. Next slide, please.

P. Christmas comes to Wales.

T. Thank you. Next slide, please.

P. Christmas comes to Northern Ireland.

T. Thank you. Next slide, please.

P. Christmas comes to Great Britain.

T. Thank you. Next slide, please.

P. Christmas comes to Scotland.

T. You have done a good job.

4. Объяснение нового материала - введение новых лексических единиц по теме, используя вторую часть мультимедийной презентации.

T. My dear children. It is a well known fact that traditions are our treasures and have a long term history. And I am sure that every educated person should known general information about their roots. So Christmas has its roots too. By the way, have you heard any ideas about them?

P. I know a little.

P. And I have heard only about Jesus Christ.

P. Unfortunately, I have not heard about the story.

P. I know something about its symbols .

P. I know that its a clear and merry holiday.

T. You are quite right. I m going to tell you about it. Listen to me very attentively looking at the screen and trying to remember the new words. Are you ready? So I am beginning.

Учащиеся по цепочке читают текст, (приложение 2) (Он сопровождается мультимедийной презентацией, где на фоне рождественских изображений появляются новые слова, как на английском языке, так и на русском.) (приложение 7), в котором приводятся исторические события, связанные с возникновением этого праздника и традициями его проведения как в католическом мире, так и в православном.

T. Now it is high time for us to point out the words we have come across during the story. Have a look at the blackboard, please and repeat after me.

T. in honor of …

P. in honor of...

T Excellent. I hope you have remembered them, haven t you?

T. Lets continue our work Are you ready to operate computers?

P. Yes we are

T. Do not forget about the rules of working with your computer. What are they?

P. We should remember about the distance between the display and our eyes It is no less than 50 sm

P. Never start working without teachers command

P. Never to touch the display with hands

T. Well We are beginning Open the file / a sentence/ please. The first task is to complete the sentences using the words we have just repeated (приложение 4) Each of you will have a sentence to finish. And after that we shall read them aloud O. K.? 2 minutes are given to you

Please start and if you have any questions than press the question mark to find the word you need or raise your hand.

Используя только что изученные слова, расположенные в виде на елке (приложение 5), необходимо выбрать из них те, что подходят по смыслу и вставить в предложение заданного варианта (приложение 4)

T. Your time is up. Lets check your variants. Who has the first sentence? P I have. T So read it aloud, please


T. That is a nice idea. Next


P. Really,we have made a completed story I like it

T. My dear friends You have done a good job. We have prepared a little surprise for you Please press bonus

P. Oh, how unusual it is

T. Do you like it, Ann?

P. I do like it, especially that teddy bear.

T. And you, also like it, do not you?

P. Certainly I do

T. Lets go on. Please, close this file and open the file/ cubes/. What do you see there? P There are cubes.

T. Right you are. What do we usually do with such cubes?

P. We usually make sentences or words or expressions

T. O. K. Today we are going to make sentences. Each of you has got only one sentence to make. (Приложение 3) Get down to business

Then.You have got only 1 minute.

T. Well your time is up. Lets keep your variants and after our lesson i am going to check them. Open the file/ to keep as/and put down the name of your file.

T. Are you ready?

P. Yes we are.

T. Now my friends i think its time to make a test to consolidate your lexical material. Open the file / a test/ please Your task is to choose a right Russian variant. Your time is limited by 2 minutes Be attentive and careful. Remember the proverb.

Тест на закрепление нового материала с получение автоматически выставляемой оценки автоматическую оценку (Приложение 6)

The results of your tests you can see on your monitors I wish you good luck.

T. Your time is up. We ve got 3 -4s and 7 /5s.Its great.

Be more attentive and assiduous next time.

My clever children Lets sum up the results of our lesson. So what have you learnt, Yulee?

P. We have learnt 25 new words, we ve remembered present perfect tense. P We ve learnt its pronunciation P We ve remembered some types of question?

P. And i can easily type some of new words.

P. Now I know why we celebrate Christmas.

T. What words did you find the most difficult?

P. Frankincense, Bethlehem.

P. I do like our lesson.

T. I am very pleased with your answers today and I am glad you enjoy it. I hope it will help you at our next lessons and in your future life.

I d like to give you handing papers with your home task

T. At home you 11 read the text and put 5 questions to it. Do not forget to write new words into your vocabularies Dear guests thank you for your visit, understanding and your smile. See you later


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