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заключительный урок по теме ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИЯ 10 класс (Афанасьева, Михеева)

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Краткое описание:   Урок по теме   Великобритания. Уч. Афанасьева,  Михеева-6                      My Discovery of Great Britain Цель урока     Воспитание интереса к стране изучаемого языка, уважительного                          отношения к чужой культуре..  Задачи:           1. Обобщить странове
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Урок по теме Великобритания. Уч. Афанасьева, Михеева-6

My Discovery of Great Britain

Цель урока Воспитание интереса к стране изучаемого языка, уважительного

отношения к чужой культуре..

Задачи: 1. Обобщить страноведческий материал по теме

2. Совершенствовать навык монологической речи

3. Повышать активность учащихся через самостоятельную работу

4.Развитие умения использовать Интернет-ресурсы для презентации


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Ход урока.

T. Good morning! I 'm glad to greet you at the lesson My Discovery Of Great Britain. First of all I would like you to tell me a few words about Burkina Faso. Don't you know anything about this African country? Well, and now raise your hands, if you can tell me a few words about The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Thank you . I'm happy to see , that our lessons were useful and you've learnt much about the country, which language we learn.

I think, almost every man has it's own image of Great Britain. For example, when I was a small girl Britain opened to me through the world of its literary characters. (Presentation-1) At first , it was Winnie -the - Pooh by Alexander Milne, Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll- have you read it? Later I met Mougli with his friends by Redyard Kipling who is still my favourite writer. Then came the turn of Daniel Defoe with his Robinson and Jonathan Swift with Gulliver's travels. And in my youth I became a fan of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson by Arthur Conan Doyle.When I was a student Britain revealed to me its wonderful world of music through the music of Beatles and their lyrics. But what does Great Britain mean for you?. Today at the lesson you'll try to show us your own vision of the country with the help of your multy-media presentations. It's a lesson of control of your speech skills, so try to convince the guests, that G. B.is a great country with great past and famous people.

Dear guests , you must be very attentive because you'll hear some new facts and at the end of the lesson we'll have a test Do you know Great Britain?

So, let'start our traveling about the country. Timur will be the first to tell us about his associations, connected with Great Britain.

P1. (presentation2) When I think of The U. K. of G. B. and N. I I always remember that it consists of 4 parts. Every part is unique and very interesting.) Many people name British Englishmen. But, it is not so. England is only one part of four parts of Great Britain. Except England Great Britain includes such countries as Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Great Britain - is an industrial country. The main industries are Coal mining & Ship - building .

The common area of the kingdom is 244, square kilometers. The population of the country is nearly 60 million people.

Large cities are : London, Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Sheffield, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Manchester, Bristol.

The flag of the country is Called Union Jack. It consists of only 3 crosses. The flag of Wales is not represented on the flag of GB.

On the coat of arms you can see 2 lions &a horse & the country's motto.

«Evil be to him, who evil thinks ». «God and my right». «No one attacks me with impunity».

The symbol of the country is John Bull. They say a typical Englishman look like this.

Great Britain - is a constitutional monarchy. The

power belongs to the queen and to the parliament ( The Houseof Lords and the House of Commons

The prime minister - leader of a party

England consists of 39 counties (графств).Wales- of 8 counties (графств). Scotland consists of 12 areas (областей).

About 80 % of the population are Englishmen, 15 % - Scots and Irish; 5 % of the population are immigrants

The official language is English.

From the west GB is washed by the Atlantic ocean. From the east by the North sea. Northern Ireland and GB are separated by the Irish sea.

Also there are many straits around GB. For example The English channel, St George, northern strait...

The climate of the Kingdom is mild & wet, and GB is famous for fogs & rains .

And now answer my questions:

  1. What country does this flag belong to (флаг в презентации)(Scotland)

  2. What country does this flag belong to (флаг в презентации)(N. Ireland)

  3. What sea washes GB in the east (the North sea)

  4. What form of government has GB (constitutional monarchy)

  5. How many countries does GB consist of?.

  6. Who is it ( a picture) (John Bull)

  7. What are the main industries in the country (ship building & Coal mining )

  8. What is it (показываю герб в презентации)(ARMS)

  9. Where does the Atlantic ocean wash GB (In the West)

  10. What' s the population of the country(60 million)

T. As we all know , prosperity of the country depends very much on its governmental system.

At least Irina and Ksenya are sure of it.

P 2.(presentation 3)We have come to the conclusion , that the U. K. is so powerful and prosperous due to its political system and wise rulers. .(presentation) . Today the United Kingdom is one of the most powerful countries in the world. It prospers having such a form of political system which is known as a parliamentary Monarchy. Such form of political system has existed in the country for more than a thousand years.

P3. As we know the Queen is the Head of State but in fact she doesn't rule the country as she has no Power. The Queen is the symbol of the country history and its traditions. She travels about the country, meets different people and visits schools, hospitals, open a new season in the Parliament and do many other good things for her country.

The Queen of Great Britain is also the Head of Commonwealth and the queen of Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

P2The real power in the country belongs to the British Government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament has two "houses": the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The house of Lords doesn't have much power but it is very important. It can offer, delay and change lows. The House of Commons makes lows about the policy, taxes (налоги) and many other things.

The members of the House of Lords are not elected. The members of the House of Commons are elected. British people elect 650 members of the House of Commons every 5 years. There are two political parties in GB: the Labor and the Conservative parties.

P3 The Royal Family has always played a very important role in the history of the country. But there are some Kings or Queens, whose names are especially remembered by the British people.

King Alfred the Great (849 - 899) was the first king of England and one of the best kings in the history of mankind. He saved his land from the Danish invaders and initiated many social and educational reforms. He is the only English monarch who got the name «the Great».

P2. Officially the history of British monarchy began in 1066 when William the Conqueror declared himself the King of England.

One of the most important monarchs was King Henry VIII (1491 - 1547). Most people remember him only because he had six wives, but in fact under him Britain became independent of the Roman Catholic Church, it got richer and more powerful.

Henry's daughter, Elizabeth (1533 - 1603) became the Queen in 1558. She is known for saying . Under her Spanish Armada was defeated, arts and especially theatre developed.

P3. Another strong queen was Queen Victoria, who is remembered as a faithful wife and mother of 9 children. During her reign Britain became a rich industrial country with a lot of colonies. By the way, Alexandra, wife of the last Russian Tsar, was a granddaughter of Queen Victoria.

Also Queen Victoria's granddaughter Elizabeth II is on the British throne now. She is very clever, responsible and wise. People of the UK love her very much.

British people are very proud of their political system and do not want to change it.

T. In my opinion, every part of the country is equally interesting and there's much to see. What do you think about it , Mary and Yulia?

P4. .(presentation4) Certainly , all the parts of G. B. are unique, but both of us consider England the most interesting one. We'll try to prove it.

England consists of five parts.

The Southeast is a highly populated region of England. London, the capital of the UK, and such historical cities as Windsor, Dover and Brighton are situated here. When people travel to Britain by sea or air they arrive in the Southeast, for this is where the main passenger ports and airports are. Heathrow Airport one of the world's busiest airports. The County of Kent situated here is known as the garden of England.

The Southwest is the region where the main activity is farming. The Southwest used to be known for its pirates. The romantic past makes it a popular place for artists, writers and holidaymakers. The two principal cities of the region are Bristol and Bath. If you want to see the famous, Stonehenge-come to the Southwest. The most westerly point of G.B. "Land's End" is also in the Southwest.

East Anglia is very flat and it is another farming region. It has beautiful cities fine historic buildings such as Cambridge. Cambridge is a modern industrial city and looks mush more like a country town. Famous for its world known University, whish consists of twenty nine colleges.

P5 The Midlands, known as the heart of England, is the largest industrial part in the country. The most important industrial cities are Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool and Birmingham. The two famous Midlands cities, Stratford-upon-Avon and Oxford. Stratford is the birthplace of the great W.Shakespeare. and Oxford is famous its university.

The North of England has some of the wildest and loneliest parts of the country. The main attractions of the North of the England are certainly the Lake District, the city of York. Many tourists come to look at the ruins of Hadrian's Wall, a stone wall built across the North of England by the order of the Roman ruler Hadrian. I think, E. is very interesting and it's worth visiting. And we agree with the words

"If a man is tired of London he is tired of life.

London is so full of entertainment & discoveries: you can find a lot of galleries, museums, theatres, cinemas & certainly, famous sights. They are:

Trafalgar Square;

Hyde Park;

St. Paul's Cathedral;

The Tower;

British Museum;

Westminster Abbey;

Big Ben;

We certainly want to see everything with our own eyes.

T So I see that the girl's dream is to visit England. Polina , can you convince the girls that other parts of the country are also worth visiting?

P.6 ( presentation5)Sure, because I think that Wales is far more interesting than other parts. Wales is called the Land of Songs and thousands of tourists visit the country in order to feel the charm of its original culture. Wales is the country of hills and mountains, deep rivers and valleys .Nowhere in the country will you find such beautiful mountains as in Wales! You can also enjoy the beauty of Welsh nature in 3 National Parks, the most famous of them is Snowdonia park.. Cardiff' s the capital of Wales . Wales has its own language- Welsh, and children learn it at school. The symbol of the country is a daffodil and the flag of the country is not represented at the flag of the U. K.

Wales is famous for its castles, which stretch like an iron chain across the coasts. Carnaefon castle is one of the main tourists' attractions in the country.

P 7. Wales is famous for its production of coal and steel, it's an important center for electronic production. But first of all Wales is a land of music , where harp is a national instrument and where everybody loves to sing . Every small town and even a village has its choir and people gather in order to sing their national songs. The main musical festival is called Eisteddfod. It takes place every

summer and is a gathering of Welsh bards. 15 thousands of people visit the festival annually. You won't hear English at the festival-people recite poems, sing songs only in Welsh. So, we advise you to visit Wales, when you are in the U. K !

T. Thank you ,girls. I think, everybody is sure now that Wales is a wonderful country for a visit. But many people of the world value Scotland for its great contribution to the world's culture. Zhenya, what can you tell us about this small country.?

P8(presentation6) When they say Great Britain I always remember about the Highlanders wearing kilts, bagpipes and golf. I think Scotland is the most wonderful country not only in the U. K. but also in the world. Scotland is famous for Loch-ness and its monster, for a thistle-a national emblem and picturesque nature , which was sung by Robert Burns in his poems.

My heart's in the Highlands, My heart is not here

My heart's in the Highlands a' chasing the deer….

These lines are closely connected in my mind with the image of Scotland. Scottish people are proud of the fact that their nation gave the world so many geniuses- Walter Scott and Robert Lewis Stevenson, Alexander Bell and Alexander Fleming and many others. The history of the country is very interesting too. Scots were always very independent people and often at war with England . Only in 1707 the Act of Union incorporated Scotland with England in the U. K.

I hope I will visit Scotland some day and see its beauty with my own eyes.

T. Well, children, I am simply at a loss what country of these 3 to choose for a visit. But , they say , there's nothing to see and nothing to do in Northern Ireland. What do you want to say , Helen?

P9. ( presentation7) We think, you are mistaken, M. A. I and Alyona have read so many interesting facts about .Northern Ireland that we are sure you will like it.,if you go there.

T. Well, girls your story was so convincing and expressive that I am going to buy a ticket to N. I just now. Thank you. When I say Russia, what famous people do you remember?

P A. Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Gagarin, Sakharov, V. Putin….

Y. What names do you remember , when I say Britain?

P11 ( presentation8) I am sure everybody remembers the name of W. Shakespeare first, because he is considered the most outstanding playwright of all ages. All the world admires his famous plays and sonnets. Nothing is known for sure about his life- but still, Stratford -upon- Avon, the Globe Theatre where he began his career as an actor and a playwright are famous all over the world.

P12. As I am interested in geography very much, I always remember James Cook, when I think of Great Britain. He is a famous explorer , who did so much for his great country. This wonderful navigator explored Australia, New Zealand and discovered many islands in the south Pacific.

P11 Many people in the world consider Margaret Thatcher one of the most important figures in the world policy. I admire her as a personality and a woman. She served as Prime Minister for more than11 years and did very much for Britain. As Prime Minister she initiated what is now known as the Thatcher Revolution.-she advocated privatisation of social and public transport, reduced the influence of trade unions and reduced spending on social purposes. These unpopular measures helped to reduce inflation in the country and many people began to hate her , but still, she, due to her personal qualities, remains an outstanding figure in the British policy.

P12 But the most famous Englishmen in the world is Winston Churchill, I think. In Russia everybody remembers his name because of his meeting with Stalin in Yalta. But Churchill was not only a great politician , but also a writer, a painter and a philosopher. He was even awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1953. I admire him as a great person.

T. Thank you,everybody. I see that the lessons were useful to us , you've liked the country and everybody can tell many interesting things about the U. K. I think , that after such a lesson you can even work as guides. Let us see if you can cope with the task.

If you answer all 15 questions- you can start the work as a guide just now

If you get12-14 points-you are a good learner but have to read more in order to get a job.

If you have less than12- you'll have to prepare for the exams to be a giude once more.


1.When did Scotland unite with England

1707 1700 1654

2.What mountain is the highest in great Britain

Snowdon Ben nevis The Everest

3. Who's the author of Ivanhoe

R. Burns W. Scott O. Wilde

4.Who discovered penicillin

A . Bell M. Faraday A. Fleming.

5.Who's the only monarch in the country called The Great.

W. the Conqueror Queen Victoria Ring Alfred

6. What language is spoken at Eisteddfod

Welsh English Scottish

7. Who is the symbol of the British nation

W. Churchill Highlander John Bull

8. What's the name of the British flag

Star- Spangled Banner Union Jack Stars and Stripes

9. The Romans first invaded Britain in

5 century 1 century 7 century

10. Stonehenge is about years old

40 400 4000

11. The North Sea washes Britain

In the west in the east in the north

12 The 2 largest city in Wales is

Glasgow Liverpool Swansea

13. The Track of Giants is situated

Ireland Scotland England

14 Another symbol of Wales is

A thistle a rose a leek

15. What does the word ALBION mean

Green White blue.

T. So let's check up your answers and see who can be a guide around the U. K.

Well , those who didn't get enough points, don't be upset but remember the words "If I know , that I know little- I will strive to know more! " Thank you for your work. I hope , it was interesting for you to get acquainted with the country, whose language we learn and youhave realized that G B is really wonderful . Let's hope we shall visit it some day!

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