• Учителю
  • План-конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе по УМК О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, Дж. Дули., В. Эванс. «Английский в фокусе». “ The Future sends us SOS! ” ' Будущее посылает нам SOS! '

План-конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе по УМК О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, Дж. Дули., В. Эванс. «Английский в фокусе». “ The Future sends us SOS! ” ' Будущее посылает нам SOS! '

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Тимашевский район

муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа № 4

Бабашева Светлана Михайловна

" The Future sends us SOS! " " Будущее посылает нам SOS! "

План урока 10 класс

Тип урока. Урок- обобщение изученного.

Цели урока:


  • систематизировать лексический материал по теме «Еarth Alert!».

  • практиковать в выполнении заданий в формате ЕГЭ.


  • расширить кругозор учащихся, развивать память, внимание, развивать творческие способности.


  • содействовать формированию у учащихся экологического мышления;

  • научить комментировать услышанное и увиденное, высказывать собственную точку зрения относительно проблем экологии;

  • воспитание интереса и любви к природе, потребности пробуждать творческие начала личности

  • воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности.


  • развитие всех видов речевой деятельности (аудирование, чтение, говорение, письмо).

Задачи урока:

  1. Активизировать навыки владения всеми видами речевой деятельности.

  2. Практиковать в употреблении модальных глаголов.

  3. Практиковать в выполнении заданий в формате ЕГЭ.

  4. Развивать мышление учащихся, навыки самостоятельной и творческой работы.


  • интерактивная доска ACTIVboard

  • модуль тестирования и голосования ACTIVote

  • компьютер

  • учебники

  • рабочие тетради

  • таблица;

  • раздаточный материал; карточки, рисунок буклета.

  • презентации учащихся на CD дисках;

  • слова "Look after this planet ,it's the only one we have»(The appeal of Prince Philip of Britain, president of The World Wide Fund For Nature);

  • магнитофон;

  • аудиоСD для работы в классе,


  • коммуникативная методика;

  • метод проектов-презентаций;

  • деятельностный метод обучения.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент (приветствие, сообщение темы урока).

T: Good morning, children, the protection of nature has become one of thе most burning problems. The theme of our lesson is "The Future sends us SOS!"

I want you to say some words by this theme.

P.1: The nature provides people with mineral resources, rivers, forests, fields. The development of industry has had a bad influence on the nature of the whole world. People often do things, which pollute land, air and water greatly. It is very dangerous because it damages people's health.

P.2: The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in April 1986 caused radioactive contamination of a vast area.

Environmental protection is a great concern nowadays, I want to count the problems,

they are:

1. Air Pollution.

2. Water Pollution.

3. Land Pollution.

4. Acid Rains.

5. Disappearing Animals.

6. The Greenhouse Effect.

7. The Ozone Hole.

8. E-numbers.

T: At this lesson we are going to repeat everything we have learnt about ecology and environment. The result of our lesson will be your leaflet "The Future sends us SOS!"- it's your project. But now let's start with warming up.

2. Warming up.

T: Look at this table and match the following terms with their definitions, you have two minutes for this task (таблица выведена на интерактивной доске).

1) Ecology a) Scientists who study the relations between living things

and their environment.

2) Ecologists b) Purification and re-use the same water instead of

taking more from river or lake.

3) Acid rain c) A branch of science that deals with the relations of

living things with their environment.

4) Closed cycle water system d) A rain with PH lower than normal.

5)Smog e) Mixture of dust and smoke with water vapour in the


(Учащиеся используют пульты ACTIVote для подбора правильных ответов, записывают

результаты в тетради, затем проверяют задание по ключу на интерактивной доске, зачитывают ответы.)

3.T:You have learned the modals verbs, let us revise them:

( should, may, must, ought to, can, mustn't, had to) (используется таблица, учащиеся зачитывают английский вариант слова и дают перевод.)

Должен ( закон, правило) -

Нельзя -

Следует -

Должен( моральный долг) -

Вынужден -

Можно ( разрешение )-

Умею -

Не могли бы вы -

4) T: Your next task will be: to underline the correct item You will do this task by variants , you have three minutes for this task (учащиеся работают по каpточкам).

Variant I:

1 You should/ought recycle glass. We help the

environment this way.

2. The cooker must/can be on. It feels hot.

3 We mustn't/don't have to damage the environment. The planet is in danger.

4 May/Would you bring the vegetable waste out to the compost heap?

5 We produce too much rubbish. We must/may try to cut down on waste.

Variant II

6 Should/May I borrow your old magazines?

7 Should/Can I use your phone?

8 He had better/couldn't read when he was three.

9 You must/can respect the environment. 10 That mustn't/can't be true

Учащиеся выбирают подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол, меняются карточками. осуществляют взаимопроверку результатов по ключу, фиксируют итоги в именной карточке, зачитывают предложения и переводят их.

5.T: We all understand that the Earth is in danger. What must we do to improve the situation? Of course, there are some solutions of the problem. How can we save our planet?( Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос)

PI. People can reserve rainforests making them national parks.

P2. To keep seas clean it's necessary to stop polluting them.

P3. We can stop greenhouse effect by:

♦ conserving rainforests;

♦ reusing natural energy

♦ stopping to use CFCs (chlorofluorocarbon gases) that are in aerosols, refrigerators and plastic boxes for hamburgers, pizzas, etc.

P4. To stop acid rains we need to make factories and power stations cleaner. Р5. Tо stop pollution we need to:

♦ buy products with as little packing as possible;

♦ use and throw away fewer carrier bags;

♦ waste less paper;

♦ turn rubbish into energy;

♦ use rubbish again after recycling.

P6. To avoid chemicals in food we need to use fewer chemicals in food production.

P7. To stop pollution from power plants we need to design, build and use solar, wave, wind, geo-thermal power plants.

6.T: You are right! There are 100 reserves in our country, your home-task for today was: to prepare the researching work and presentation about reserves. Who wants to present your projects?

7. Pupils make the presentations. ( Учащиеся делают сообщения по подготовленным исследовательским работам , используют презентации для иллюстрации своих рассказов, работают в паре) .

8.T: Thank you very much. Please open your work-books on page 34, exercise 3.Let`s read the task:

Complete the poster using the correct forms of the following verbs: conserve, act, join, make, protect, reverse.( тренировка лексических навыков)

Are you worried about the environment?

Would you like to 1)...................an organization to

help 2)...................nature's treasures?

The 'Clean Ringsend' group believes strongly that our

local wildlife habitats need to be 3)...........

from pollution. It also tries to 4)...............

harm already done.

By 5)...................together, we can really

6)...................a difference. Contact us today!

Учащиеся работают в течение трех минут, осуществляют самопроверку по ключам на интерактивной доске, фиксируют итоги в именной карточке, зачитывают предложения .

9.T:.Well done! Now pupils, open your Student's books on page 67, ex., 4b. Listen to the text twice and fill in the gaps ( 1- 6). Работа по учебнику. Практика в аудировании текста по теме и заполнение бланка на основе прослушанного.

Greenleaf Conservation Camp Booking Form

Applicant's name:

Age :

Andrew 1).........


First choice of camp:


1st choice: 4).........

2nd choice: 5).........


telephone number:


Учащиеся дважды прослушивают текст, записывают ответы, осуществляют самопроверку по ключам на интерактивной доске, фиксируют итоги в именной карточке,.

10.T:Well, I think that you are tired? Let`s do some exercises ! (динамическая пауза)

11.That`s good! Look, There is a nice picture on the ACTIVboard which shows that the Earth is our home. I suggest you to make up the leaflet "The Future sends us SOS!", which you will fill with your opinions how we can save our planet .At beginning of this leaflet you will see the poem/who wants to read it?(один из учащихся зачитывает стихотворение):

Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth

I pledge

Allegiance to the Earth

and to the flora and fauna,

and human life it supports;

One planet, indivisible,

with safe air, water and soil;

Economic justice,

Equal rights and peace for all.

T: During your work we'll sing the song "Think Green".( используется аудиоCD к учебнику).(Учащиеся исполняют песню и заполняют листовку с предложениями о том, что нужно сделать людям, чтобы спасти нашу планету от экологических проблем, затем один из учеников зачитывает текст листовки.)

12. Завершение урока: подведение итогов, сообщение оценок, обсуждение домашнего задания:

T: Today we have spoken about ecology and environment. Let's make conclusions. ( Учащиеся делают выводы по теме урока)

P I: I know that Our Earth is so beautiful. Nature gives people its riches to live and enjoy. We cannot live without fresh air, clean water, sunshine and a lot of things, which we take from the nature. That's why we must take care of it.

P 2: I am sure we must keep our rivers and lakes, forests and towns clean. We must plant flowers - not to pick them, feed birds and animals in winter - not to kill them. Then we'll be happy to live on the most beautiful planet in the Universe.

P 3: It goes without speaking, that nature has its rights, and it is the duty of a man to respect and defend these rights.

T: Dear pupils, I agree with you, and I hope that you will follow the tips by saving our planet.

Let's analyze the results of your work at the lesson: you have done four tasks and written the points in your cards. I'll check up them and say the marks to the next lesson. Today I can give marks to the pupils, who made the research works and presentations.

Your home task will be: 1) Student's Book, page 79 "Speaking"- you should learn the dialogue; 2) Work Book, exercise 1 on page 35 to do in a written form. Have you got any questions? If you aren't, the lesson is over, you are free, good-bye!

Приложение 1


"The Future sends us SOS!"

Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth

I pledge

Allegiance to the Earth

and to the flora and fauna,

and human life it supports;

One planet, indivisible,

With safe air, water and soil;

Economic justice,

Equal rights and peace for all.

PI. People can reserve rainforests making them national parks.

P2. To keep seas clean it's necessary to stop polluting them.

P3. We can stop greenhouse effect by:

♦ conserving rainforests;

♦ reusing natural energy

♦ stopping to use CFCs (chlorofluorocarbon gases) that are in aerosols, refrigerators and plastic boxes for hamburgers, pizzas, etc.

P4. To stop acid rains we need to make factories and power stations cleaner. Р5. Tо stop pollution we need to:

♦ buy products with as little packing as possible;

♦ use and throw away fewer carrier bags;

♦ waste less paper;

♦ turn rubbish into energy;

♦ use rubbish again after recycling.

P6. To avoid chemicals in food we need to use fewer chemicals in food production.

P7. To stop pollution from power plants we need to design, build and use solar, wave, wind, geo-thermal power plants.

Приложение 2.

Карточки с грамматическим заданием:

Variant I:

1 You should/ought recycle glass. We help the

environment this way.

2. The cooker must/can be on. It feels hot.

3 We mustn't/don't have to damage the environment. The planet is in danger.

4 May/Would you bring the vegetable waste out to the compost heap?

5 We produce too much rubbish. We must/may try to cut down on waste.

Variant II

6 Should/May I borrow your old magazines?

7 Should/Can I use your phone?

8 He had better/couldn't read when he was three.

9 You must/can respect the environment. 10 That mustn't/can't be true.

Приложение 3

Именная карточка с фиксацией результатов выполненных заданий

















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