- Учителю
- Урок-проект по английскому языку на тему 'Как ты выглядишь?' (6 класс)
Урок-проект по английскому языку на тему 'Как ты выглядишь?' (6 класс)
Урок - презентация по английскому языку.
Дата проведения 24.09.2006 г.
Класс 6.
Раздел: «Как ты выглядишь?»
Тема урока: «Как мы выглядим?».
Цели урока:
Обучающие: - закрепление знания и умения учащихся в употреблении
лексических единиц и образования степеней сравнения
прилагательных по теме «Как мы выглядим?» в устной и
письменной речи.
- развитие творческих способностей.
- воспитание аккуратности, опрятности, культуры общения. Оборудование: учебник В.П. Кузовлева «English-6», аудиокассета для 6 класса, проекты учащихся, картинки, дидактический материал для учащихся с низким уровнем обученности (на образование степеней сравнения прилагательных) и для учащихся с высоким уровнем обученности (составить 5 предложений на употребление степеней сравнения прилагательных).
Речевой материал: appearance, pretty, height, build, tall, short, hair colour, hair stile, fair, thin, fat, straight, curly, wavy, eyes, nose, turned up, green, blue, brown, to trouble, to take care of, because, that's why, to do a favour, much shorter than.
Этапы урока.
I. Организационный момент (5 мин.).
II. Презентация проектов (20 мин.).
III. Практическое закрепление знаний по теме «Как мы выглядим? »
(15 мин.).
IV. Подведение итогов (5 мин.).
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент (3 мин.).
Good morning! Sit down. Today we have a final lesson to the topic
" What are you like?" We'll know more information about your
classmates, their appearance. Your home task was to do projects
"Our class". You all had to find the information about your classmates.
Let's begin to present the general information.
II. Презентация проектов (20 мин.).
(Каждый учащийся представляет свой творческий проект и вывешивает его на доске.)
Pupil 1.
There are 6 pupils in our class: 2 boys and 4 girls. 3 pupils have got only
good and excellent marks. They are Tolstikova Anya, Tolstikova Dina
and Yakhunkina Olga. Tolstikova Anya is the best pupil in our class. She
gets more good and excellent marks than Dina and Olya. Anya never
troubles others. They all look great care about clothes and wear them
always clean.
Form 6 - 6 pupils
girls 4 boys 2
Good students
Tolstikova Anya
Tolstikova Dina
Yakhunkina Olga
Pupil 2.
Five pupils in our class are with dark hair and one pupil has got a fair hair.
My friend's hair is wavy. Other 4 classmates have got a straight hair. There
are pupils with short and long hair style. My hair is as short as my friend's.
But I like more long hair than short. one because it is beautiful. My friend is
never casual.
fair - Hair colour - dark
Hair style
wavy straight
1 5
Pupil 3.
Pupils of our class have got eyes of different colours. 1 student has got
blue eyes. There are 2 pupils with brown eyes, 1 with grey eyes and 2 with
green eyes. My eyes are as brown as my friend's. But I'd like to have blue
eyes like Sasha because blue is my favourite colour.
Pupil 4.
The hight of the students is from 140 to 165. Look at the blackboard!
The shortest girl is Tolstikova Anya.
The tallest girl is Tolstikova Dina.
Kalmykov Denis is the shortest in our class and he is much shorter
than Philippov Lyosha.
An interesting information: Soya's height is as tall as Olya's.
Philippov Lyosha
Tolstikova Dina
Yetkaryova Soya
Yakhunkina Olya
Tolstikova Anya.
140 Kalmykov Denis
Pupil 5.
I want to tell you about my friend. Guess please. What is her name? She is
good-looking. She is much taller than me. She has got a fair hair. It is as short
as my. Her face is pretty. Her eyes are green. Her nose is turned up. She is
very kind. She often does me a favour, we take care of each other. That's why we are good friends. But she is not in our class.
Ask Olya some questions about this girl please.
-What class she is in?
- Is her hair curly or wavy?
- What is her build like? Is she thin or fat?
- What clothes does she usually wear?
- Is she Tanya?
(Учащиеся получают дополнительную информацию о внешности подруги и
догадываются кто это).
Физкультминутка: под музыку поют песню «Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together. (Twice).
Wink, wink, wink your eyes,
Wink your eyes together. (Twice)
Wash, wash, wash your face,
Wash your face together. (Twice) III. Практическое закрепление знаний по теме.
I think it is important to look great. People should take care of their appearance and worry about what they look like. There are many Russian proverbs about that. Find out English equivalents. Work in pairs.
На доске написаны пословицы.
Внешность обманчива. Tastes differ.
Не всё то золото, что блестит. Appearances are deceptive
Одежда красит человека. All is nоt gold that glitters.
О вкусах не спорят. Clothes make the man. Teacher.
And now listen to the song "Looking good." But first look at the blackboard. There are some new words on it.
in a hurry - в спешке
forgot to comb - забыл причесаться
wrinkled - помятый, морщинистый
holes - дырки
toes - пальцы
(Прослушивают песню).
Have you understood the song? There are 2 pictures on the blackboard but only one is about the boy from the song. Listen to it again and write the number of the picture in your test list.
Open your books on P.21, Ex. 5 (для сильных учащихся - составить 4 предложения на употребление степеней сравнения прилагательных).
Напиши степени сравнения прилагательных (для слабых учащихся).
dark big
thin small
tall long
( Работы учащихся собираются).
IV.Подведение итогов урока:
вывод урока:
Teacher: -Children! What do you look like?
Pupil: There are pupils with different colours of eyes, and
hair style in our class. Some of us are taller, some are
shorter. And we wear different clothes. We all care about
our clothes and help each other. We are kind.
2) выставление оценок;
3) домашнее задание: P 21, ex. 6 (прочитать текст и найти его
основную идею).