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- Урок по английскому языку на тему What is Jane going to do?
Урок по английскому языку на тему What is Jane going to do?
</ Тақырыбы: «What is Jane going to do?»
Б. Өткен тарау бойынша өткен тақырыптарды қалай меңгергенін тексеру, білімін арттыру .
Д. Оқушылардың сөзжұмбақ, логикалық тапсырмалар беру арқылы ойын дамыту.
Т. Оқушылардың ақыл-ой еңбегін қалыптастыру, шетелдік мәдениетке үйрету, тәрбиелеу.
Сабақ көрнекілігі: плакаттар, сөздіктер, суреттер.
Сабақтың жоспары
1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі
2. Фонетикалық жаттығу
3. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру
4. Жарыс.
5. Бағалау
6. Үй жұмысын беру
7. Қорытындылау.
І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі.
- Good afternoon, pupils!
- Good afternoon, teacher!
- Thank you, sit down!
- Who is on duty today?
-I am on duty today.
- Who is absent?
- … is\ are absent. (All are present.)
- What date is it today?
- Today is the 1 st of February.
- What day is it today?
- Today is Wednesday.
ІІ. Фонетикалық жаттығу.
At first I'll read the poem. Then you must repeat after me all together.
Swan swam over the sea-
Swim, swan, swim;
Swan swam back again-
Well swum swan.
Clap, clap, clap your hands.
Clap your hands together.
T: Now pupils repeat after me.
T: Who wants to read?
T: Very good, sit down! Who else?
ІІІ. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру.
Т: What was your home task for today?
P: Our home work was ____________
T: Well, thank you! Sit down, please! Let's check up your home task. Open your copybooks, please!
IV. Жарыс.
T: Ok, pupils, today we have What is Jane going to do? so we will compete. At first let's divide our class into 2 command. Now, the first command is called as Kazakhstan, and second command is called as England.
Our jury are: _____________________ . Juries please estimate points of 2 commands.
1. Apple tree. Let's begin our 1st turn, which is called " Apple tree". In this turn we must to answer the question. The questions are about last themes, and last vocabulary. This is apple tree. And these are apples. In these apples there are new words, and you must answer them and to stick to tree. Point of 1 apple is 10.
2. Crocodile. In this turn we'll show the words to own command in 5 minute, but we can't say. Own command must find words in 5 minute. Point of 1 word is 5.
Words to Kazakhstan:
A book, a pen, a telephone, an apple, a computer, a school, a car, a paper, a tiger, a boy.
Words to England:
A cat, a dog, a car, a table, a telephone, a blackboard, a book, a pen, a girl, an apple,
Ex 1p117 Read and match the sentences and the words.
Carol is going to take a shower at 8 o'clock.
Ann is going to play tennis at 4 o'clock.
Jenтifer is going to watch TV at 6 o'clock.
Jane is going to read a book at 10 o'clock.
Jane is going to have lunch at 10 o'clock.
Jane is going to cook a meal at 10 o'clock.
Ex 3 p 118 Talk to your partner.
- What time is Jane going to do?
- He is going to listen music.
- What time is Dulat going to do?
- He is going to play computer games.
- What is Dmitry going to do at 5 o'clock?
- He is going to read a book .
- What is Asel going to do at 3 o'clock ?
-She is going to play tennis.
Ex 7p119 Write the words in the right column check them and read.
[ei] [ʌ] [ʃ ] [ ɔ] [ju:] [ ә] [ai] [u]
Game, take, lunch, shower, watch, computer, have, ride, cook.
Ex 8p119 Read the text and complete the chart below.
I am going to the village where my grandfather lives. I love him. I am going to help him to work in the garden. At 9 o'clock next Sunday I am going to the bus station and I'll be in the village at 12 o'clock. I am going to see my friends at 3 o'clock.
I am going to do my homework at 6 o'clock. At 9 in the evening I' m going to watch TV.
Ex 9p119 Talk to you classmates and complete the chart.12:00 noon
9:00 pm
1. Crocodile. In this turn we'll show the words to own command in 5 minute, but we can't say. Own command must find words in 5 minute. Point of 1 word is 5.
Words to Kazakhstan:
A book, a pen, a telephone, an apple, a computer, a school, a car, a paper, a tiger, a boy.
Words to England:
A cat, a dog, a car, a table, a telephone, a blackboard, a book, a pen, a girl, an apple,
T: Our jury will add up the score of the game.
V. Бағалау
Pupils you were so active today. I'll put you marks. Your marks are:
Excellent (5) …
VI. Үй жұмысын беру
Pupils your home tasks for the next lesson will be ex 11 page120. Write. What are your plans for the next week ( month, year)
I'm going ……. next week
next month
next year.
And to learn all new words .
VII. Қорытындылау.
Today's our English lesson is over. Stand up! You are free! Good bye.