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  • Разработка урока – соревнования Grammar – Lexical Competition'

Разработка урока – соревнования Grammar – Lexical Competition'

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предварительный просмотр материала

Қазақстан Республикасының білім Министерство образования и науки

Және ғылым министрлігі. Республики Казахстан.

Мемлекеттік оқу білім басқармасы Государственное учреждение образования

«А. С. Пушкин атындағы №41 көпсалалы «Многопрофильная гимназия № 41

гимназия» имени А. С. Пушкина»

Grammar - Lexical Competition.

Разработка урока - соревнования.

Подготовил: учитель английского языка Аманкулова Н.Т.

Тараз 2015


(Интерактивный урок английского языка)

Аманкулова Н.Т.,

учитель английского языка первой категории

многопрофильной гимназии №41, г.Тараз

Level: Upper-Intermediate

Theme: Grammar-Lexical Competition.

Lesson type: Revision Lesson.

Method: Interactive


  • Educational - to test students' grammar and lexical knowledge;

  • Developing - to develop students' memory and the ability to identify and practice using homonyms, antonyms, countable and uncountable nouns, plural form of nouns, define English sounds;

  • Teaching - to work in groups, to carry out labor upbringing.

Equipment: grammar tables, a computer, puzzles, felt - tip pens, emblems, sheets of paper with quotations ("Learning a foreign language is very useful", "English takes you around the world", "Grammar doesn't have to be boring", "English spelling isn't easy", "Teaching grammar is necessary") are on the walls.


-T: Good morning, dear students. I am glad to see you at our competition. It is devoted to English Vocabulary and Grammar. I'm sure you've learnt English Lexics and Grammar very well, you've got useful information from Grammar References.

Two teams will take part in this competition: the first team is «ABC» (Active Brilliant Command) and the second team «Knows - All».

Let's greet the members of our teams. This competition will show your achievement and knowledge of the matter. I wish you success. Good luck!

  1. «Way of pronouncing "OU" »

The letter - combination "OU" is pronounced in many different ways.

Underline the word with the different pronunciation.

A your court neighbour pour

B would should shoulder could

C accountant country count fountain

D drought ought bought thought

E enough cough rough tough

F anonymous mouse enormous furious

G trouble double doubt country

H through group soup though

  1. The second task is «Sounds and spellings».

a) Put the circle around the symbols that matches the vowels underlined in the words. All the words begin with the letter W.

Team 1 Team 2

A won't / ou / / ai / / oi / want / o: / / o / / ou /

B walk / o / / ai / / o: / work / ә: / / o / / o: /

C wonder / ^ / / ou / / u / wander / ai / / ^ / / o /

D woman / u / / i / / u: / women / i / / i: / / u /

E warm / o / / o: / / ^ / worm / o / / o: / / ^ /

F word / o: / / ә: / / ә / ward / o: / / a: / / ei /

G wear / eә/ / ai / / ei / weary / eә / / ei / / ai /

H weight / eә/ / ei / / ai / weird / ai / / eә / / ei /

b) In the following groups of words, three words rhyme. Underline the odd one out.

A done phone won son

B would should good blood

C move love prove groove

D though through throw sew

E weak break ache shake

F flower power tower lower

G worth birth north earth

H hate wait weight height

I fear near pear clear

J share prayer mayor layer

3) Read the poem «Sounds and letters don't agree». Write the number next to the correct sound.

When the English tongue we speak,

Why does (1) break not rhyme with (2) weak? /i:/ /ei/

Won't you tell me why it's true

We say (3) sew, but also (4) few? /u:/ /әu/

And the maker of a verse

Cannot rhyme his (5) horse with (6) worse? /o:/ /з:/

(7) Beard is not the same as (8) heard. /з:/ /i/

(9) Cord is different from (10) word, /з:/ /o:/

(11) Cow is cow, but (12) low is low, /au/ /әu/

(13) Shoe is never rhymed with (14) foe. /u:/ /әu/

Think of (15) hose and (16) dose and (17) lose, /u:z/ /әuz/ /әus/

And think of (18) loose and yet of (19) choose, /u:z/ /u:s/

Think of (20) comb and (21) tomb and (22) bomb /om/ /u:m/ /әum/

(23) Doll and (24) roll and (25) home and (26) some. /ol/ /ul/ /^m/ /әum/

And since (27) pay is rhymed with (28) say /ei/ /ei/

Why not (29) paid with (30) said I pray? /ei/ /e/

Think of (31) blood and (32) food and (33) good; /u/ /u:/ /^/

(34) Mould is not pronounced like (35) could. /ud/ /әuld/

Why is it (36) done, but (37) gone and (38) lone / әu / /^/ /o/

Is there any reason known?

To sum up, it seems to me

That sounds and letters don't agree.

4) «Correct stress»

Take the cards with words, read them paying attention on the stress and translate them. Where is the stress when the word is used as a noun and as a verb?


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