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  • Прогтамма проведения недели английского языка

Прогтамма проведения недели английского языка

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предварительный просмотр материала

The first day, Monday. Forms 2-4

  1. Merry -go- round (a game)

Aim: to check the knowledge of reading words

A paper "merry - go- round" is hanging on the blackboard. On the teacher's table there are cards with words and small cards with children's faces. The pupils in turn come up to the table and take a card with a word and a card with a face. If he/ she reads the word correctly, he/ she puts "the child" on the merry -go- round. If he/ she is wrong, then the two cards are put away.

The winner is the pupil who reads well and puts more "children" on the merry -gо- round. The words for reading are following:

Cat, face, mark, pig, dog, name, dirty, boy, rose, farm, pupil, duster, girl, thin, short, pen, tree, hen, stick, frog, toy, good, luck, form, nine, my.

The world of animals

Aim: to learn new information about animals.

The pupils are divided into 2 teams.

  1. The teams write down the names of the animals which they know.

The teams must tell the names in turn; the winner is the team to name the animals last.

  1. The teams are given a poem. They read the poem, then act the poem out.

Four little monkeys Four little monkeys

Sitting in a tree; Jumping in the air;

Teasing Uncle Crocodile, Heads up, tails up,

Merry as can be. Little do they care.

Jumping high, jumping low, Jumping up, jumping down,

Jumping left and :

:Dear Uncle Crocodile, "Poor Uncle Crocodile,

Come and take a bite". Aren't you hungry, dear?"

  1. The teams are given a poem. They read it, then think of music and sing it, as if it is a song.

My pet dog

I have a little pet dog Sam,

He is humble as a lamb;

I like his whiskers curling fine,

A set of teeth all in a line.

He is funny little chap,

The milk he drinks in a lap.

He has two eyes, one nose, two ears,

He also has so many fears.

Each day I take him for a walk

And we go we have a talk.

About the sun, the moon and stars,

About the sky and planet Mars.

  1. Write the names of the animals correctly:

God, nolie, greti, nomeyk, omuse, rabe, rahe,xof.

Answer: dog, lion, tiger, monkey, mouse, bear, hare, fox.

  1. Do the puzzle.

The pupils must fill the boxes with the names of the animals, so that in the horizontal line they get a word "elephant"

  1. Guess the riddles.

  1. Long - ears, long - ears,

Hop, hop, hop!

Long - ears, long - ears,

Never stop.

They like carrots,

They like hay.

They grow longer

From day to day. (rabbit)

  1. My slender legs

Are swift and fast,

I gallop,

Or I trot,

Or walk,

Or run-

Oh, it's great fun! -

Let's run a race!

Why not? (horse)

c) Who is the king of the animal world? (lion)

d) It is a domestic animal. It likes fish. (cat)

e) There came a poultry - maid

In a red coat

To count the poultry. (fox)

f) It's grey, but it's not a wolf,

Long -eared, but not a hare,

With hoofs, but not a horse.

What is it? (donkey) (hoof -копыта)

  1. Finish the sayings:

  1. As brave as…( a lion)

  2. As busy as…(a bee)

  3. As cunning as…(a fox)

  4. As fast as… (a hare)

  5. As fat as… (a pig0

  6. As heavy as …(an elephant0

  7. As quiet as …( a mouse)

  8. As slow as… (a tortoise).

  1. True or false.

  1. Frogs cannot live in the sea. (T)

  2. Some frogs live in Antarctica. (F)

  3. Some tropical frogs have red eyes. (T)

  4. Monkeys roar when they see a group of other monkeys. (T)

  5. Elephant can pick coins with his tongue.(F)

  6. The cleverest domestic animals are dogs and horses. (T)

  7. Crocodiles can hold their breath for more than an hour. (T)

  8. The Nile crocodile is the largest crocodile in the world. (T)

The second day, Tuesday. Form 3.

Jungle calls.

Класс делится на две команды: хищники и травоядные ( meat- eaters and grass -eaters). Деление происходит следующим образом: на столе лежат картинки с изображением животных, перевернутые картинкой вниз. Каждый ученик берет по картинке и в зависимости от того, кто на ней изображен, становится либо хищником, либо травоядным.

1 конкурс: « Do you know animals well?»

Каждая команда получает набор карточек, на которых написаны названия животных. За определенное время каждая команда должна разложить эти карточки по группам:Zoo animals

Cards: a cat, a cow, a lion, a dog, a duck, a viper, an iguana, a turtle, a pig, a tiger, a turkey, a parrot, a llamas, an owl, a monkey, an Irish Setter.

Побеждает команда, правильно разложившая карточки по группам.

За каждое правильно выполненное задание команда травоядных получает банан (вырезанный из картона), а хищники получают кость.

2 конкурс: « Write down in figures»

Каждая команда получает карточку с текстом. Учащиеся должны прочитать текст и записать числительные цифрой.


Old Mc Donald has five ( ) pigs, four ( ) cows, eight ( ) ducks, seven ( ) turkeys on his farm. Ann has two ( ) cats and one ( ) dog. Ten ( )vipers, six ( ) tigers, three ( ) iguanas and nine ( ) turtles live in the zoo.

3 конкурс: «Have got or has got»

Каждая команда получает по карточке с предложениями:

1 команда читает предложения, в которых употребляется конструкция «have got»; 2 команда -« has got».


  1. Old Mc Donald --- got many farm animals.

  2. they --- got a big house.

  3. Mike --- not got a dog, he --- got a cat.

  4. My sisters --- got a turtle.

  5. Tigers --- got long tails.

  6. Tom --- got a Collie.

  7. Lucy --- not got a pig.

  8. Vipers - not got legs.

4 конкурс: «Food»

Find words.

6 конкурс: «Countable or uncountable».

Put a, an or some

-scone -porridge

-cheese - tea

- orange - coffee

- jam - chocolate

- potatoes - cucumbers

-fish - chips

The third day, Wednesday. Form 6.

Fruit and vegetables ( a game).

Aim: to consolidate knowledge of fruit and vegetables. The teams in turn name fruit and vegetables.

  1. Find the names of fruit and vegetables.A








































































































































  2. Write "a" or "an".

Potato, pepper, apple, onion, tomato, pear, orange, plum.

  1. Write the words correctly:

Crotar, cralig, garone, plape, nomel, cheap.

Answers: carrot, garlic, orange, apple, lemon, peach.

  1. Name the plural form of the words; write the words in the proper columns.

Apple, orange, peach, carrot, pea, pepper, cabbage, garlic, grape, cucumber.

Name fruit and vegetables that can be:
  1. red b) green c) yellow d) black

  1. Find a suitable fruit and vegetable to the adjectives: long, red, sweet, big. The teacher thinks of some fruit or vegetable. The teams in turn ask general questions, trying to guess it. The students can ask: "Is it big?", "Is it red?", "Does it grow on the trees?", "Is it sweet?" etc.

  2. Guess the riddles:

  1. I sit in a tree, round, as a ball, red as blood, sweet as honey (cherry).

  2. At first I am green and small,

Like a little ball.

Then grow I red and bigger still.

And when I blacken in the sun,

You say I'm ripe and eat me up (cherry).

  1. Little old uncle, dressed in brown.

Take of his coat…

How the tears run down!(onion)

  1. A hundred shirts

And all without buttons.

What is it? (cabbage).

  1. What house has many people inside, but no windows and doors? (cucumber).

The fourth day, Thursday. Form 5.

Who is the quickest? (a game)

Aim: to test the knowledge of words.

  1. The teacher names a letter, and the pupils write down the words, which begin with this letter. The winner is a pupil who has the most words.

  2. The pupils must answer the questions with the words which begin with the letter the teacher has said. For example, the teacher asks, "What is your favourite food?" and names the letter "s". The answer can be "sweets".

The questions:

What did you do on Sunday?

What toys have you got?

What do people wear in winter or in summer?

What animal lives in the forest?

What is your favourite writer?

What is your favourite sport game?

What did you eat yesterday?

What animal do you like?

  1. The teacher calls one after another the letters. The pupils must write words with this letter. The winner is the pupil who has written the longest word.

  2. The teacher reads a list of letters. Each pupil must write a message using these letters as the first letter of the word. For example, the teacher names A,C, L,H. They can make a message "A cow likes hay".

The letters are: A,P,M,L W.

  1. Restore the words.

ABELT - you sit at it (table)

LACHK - you write with it on the blackboard (chalk)

AMKR - you get it at school for your answers (mark)

CHLOOS - you go there to study, to get knowledge (school)

OPSTR - you do it to be healthy (sport)

  1. Add one and the same letter to make up new words:

Tool, port, mile, he, it (s); lock, old, all, lean, at, an (c).

  1. Find words in this "wordsnake" and write them on the right.

  2. Write down the words which have two "o" in the middle.

  1. Make up a word from these letters.

  1. e, c, i, p, t, r, u (picture)

  2. e, h, s, o, s (shoes)

  3. a, i, m, e, c, n (cinema)

  4. m, s, u, m, r, e (summer)

  5. b, k, a, c, l (black).

  1. Find the word with the opposite meaning.

1) morning a) white

2) summer b) bad

3) good c) evening

4) cold d) short

5) long e) winter

6) black f) hot

Answers: 1c, 2e, 3b, 4f, 5d, 6a.

The fifth day, Friday. Forms 8 - 9.

What? Who? When? Where? Why? ( a competition)

Aim: to consolidate knowledge about holidays.

The students are divided into two teams. The teams in turn sit down to the table and try to answer questions of different columns. The winner is the team with the most right answers.


  1. Who did young girls in Russia in old times give the first pancake to? (to a man in the street)

  2. Who is burned on the bonfire on the 5th of November every year? (a gay of Guy Fawkes)

  3. Who is the god of the Sun? (Yarilo)

  4. Who takes part in pancake races in Britain? (only women)

  5. Who is the First Foot in Britain? (the first visitor)

  6. Who invented the fireworks? (the Chinese)

  7. Who gives Britain a fir-tree every year? (people from Norway)

  8. Who made the Christmas tree popular in Britain? (Prince Albert, Victoria's German husband)

  9. Who was the first to decorate a New Year tree? (the German)


  1. What holiday is the 14th of February? (St. Valentine's day)

  2. What holiday is the 31st of October? (Halloween)

  3. What holiday is called Bonfire night? (Guy Fawkes Day)

  4. What is the symbol of Halloween? (lanterns of pumpkins)

  5. What is the symbol of Shrovetide? (a pancake)

  6. What is a traditional food for Christmas in Britain? (turkey and pudding)

  7. What are the symbols of valentines? ( red hearts, birds and Cupid)

  8. What holiday is not popular in Britain? ( New Year's Day)

  9. What do children say when they go from house to house on Halloween? (trick or treat)


  1. When is Guy Fawkes Day? (on the 5th of November)

  2. When is Halloween? (on the 31st of October)

  3. When is Christmas? (on the 25th of December)

  4. When do British people sing carols? (on Christmas)

  5. When do people wear scary masks? (on Halloween)

  6. When did Guy Fawkes and his men want to blow up the Parliament? (on the 5th of November 1605)

  7. When are first-fighting's held? (on Shrovetide)

  8. When do English families decorate their houses with holly and mistletoe? (on Christmas)

  9. When is the "Day of Pardon" on Shrovetide? (on Sunday)


  1. Where was Guy Fawkes arrested? (in the cellar of the Houses of Parliament?

  2. Where do children in Britain have Christmas presents? (in stockings)

  3. Where do British people put a silver coin? (in Christmas pudding)

  4. Where is New Year celebrated in early February? (in china)

  5. Where do people in Russia celebrate New Year's Day? (on the 31st of December)

  6. Where do people go to bed at usual time on New Year's Day? (in Britain)

  7. Where can we read "X mas"? (on Christmas cards)

  8. Where do Christmas holidays last 3 days? (in Ireland)

  9. Where do people eat herring and goose on Christmas? (in Germany)


  1. Why did Guy Fawkes and his people want to blow up the parliament? (King James I made the life of Catholics difficult)

  2. Why was an Ireland bishop Valentine burned at the stake? (he married young people secretly)

  3. Why do children hang stockings on their beds on Christmas? (for presents)

  4. Why do young girls give the first pancake to any man in the street? (to know the name of their future husband)

  5. Why did people spread ash on Shrovetide in old times/ (in hope to good harvest)

  6. Why do people climb pole on Shrovetide? (for a gift)

  7. Why do British people put a silver coin in a pudding? (to have a wish)

  8. Why must the First Foot in Britain be a man and not a woman? (a man brings luck)

  9. Why must the First foot bring food, drink and coal? (he wishes people to be warm, to have to eat and to drink in the coming year)

The sixth day, Saturday. Form 7.

An Hour of Triumph. (game)

Aim: to consolidate knowledge about sport games.

The pupils have cards with the names of sport games: water polo, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, boxing, cycle racing, football, ice hockey, judo. On the blackboard there are pictures of these games. The teacher reads the descriptions of the games; the pupils show the card with the name of the game. This is the first stage of the game. Each pupil gets a small star for a right answer. At the end of the stage the pupil with the least right answer leave the game.

1. Each team may have up to eleven players, only seven of whom are allowed to play at the same time. One team should wear blue cups, the other - white. Players must not splash water into an opponent's face. (water polo)

2. The two contestants must bow to each other at the start of only contest. They should wear white clothing. Contestants must only attack the arms and legs of their opponent. They should not get overexcited. (judo)

3. The game can be played by two or four players. The players should not wear white clothing. The players must change positions after each game. The ball must touch the table on both sides of the net each time it is hit. (table tennis)

4. Competitors should wear a crash hat. They must not stop another competitor from overtaking. They are not allowed to help each other. They may eat and drink during the event. (cycle racing)

5. Each team may have up to ten players, only five of whom can play at the same time. Players are not allowed to leave the court without permission. The ball may be thrown but it must not be carried or kicked. A team must try for a goal within 30 seconds of getting possession of the ball. (basketball)

6. Each team must have eleven players. The two teams should wear different colours. Only goalkeeper is allowed to play the ball with his hands or arms. (football)

7. Each team must have six players. The server may hit the ball with his hands or any part of his arm. He must release the ball from his other hand before hitting it. Players must not touch the net. (volleyball)

8. Each team may have up to seventeen players, only six of whom are allowed to play at the same time. Players must wear skates and numbered shirts. (ice hockey)

9. Contestants are weighed before the contest. The contestants, assistants must leave the ring before the fight begins. Contestants must wear gloves and must not hit an opponent behind the neck. (boxing)

II stage. Match the sport with the location.

  1. golf 1. rink

  2. boxing 2. pool

  3. tennis 3. stadium

  4. swimming 4. field

  5. football 5. court

  6. athletics 6. ring

  7. ice - skating 7. Course

Answer: a7, b6, c5, d2, e4, f3, g1.

III stage.

The pupils name numbers from 1 to 26, which correspond letters. The pupils should have 10 letters and make up the game of some sport game. Two players are the winners. If they need some other letters they use their stars. They get 1-2-3 letters more, but at the time they have 1-2-3 less stars.

IV stage.

Two winners make up as many words as possible out of the word "basketball". In 2 minutes they must name in turn the words. The winner is the students with the most words left. The words can be: basket, ball, skate, take, tell, sell, ask, tall, talk, bake, late, best, al, at.


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