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  • Урок по английскому языку на тему 'What are you good at?'

Урок по английскому языку на тему 'What are you good at?'

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Методическая разработка урока с использованием технологии КУД - коллективная учебная деятельность.

Тема: What are you good at?

УМК «Английский язык» 7 класс, под. редакцией Кузовлева В.П.

Грамматический материал: Present Perfect, степени сравнения наречия


Учебные - совершенствовать навыки устной речи , чтение, аудирование, грамматические и лексические навыки

Развивающие - развивать речевые способности , развивать психологические функции (память, внимание) развивать умение общаться

Познавательные - приобретать знания о культуре , людях, страны изучаемого языка

НП: таблицы степени сравнения наречий и прилагательных, the Present Perfect

Задачи урока:

1)Закрепить пройденный грамматический материал:

Present Perfect, Degrees of comparison

2) Обсудить в чем ты хорош?

3) Работа в группах по заданию

4)Контроль домашнего задания в форме аудирования.

5) Чтение

6) Составить доску почета

Ход урока

I. Организация начала урока

Hello boys and girls. I'm glad to see you

I hope you are not tired. How are you?

What is the weather like today?

Have you heard the weather forecast?

So let's begin our lesson

What shall we do today ?

The topic of our lesson is What are you good at?

We shall talk about your abilities, achievements skills.

The grammar material is the degrees of comparison of adverbs and adjectives, the using of Present Perfect

II. Повторение грамматического материала

Now let's review our grammar material

First the Present Perfect Tense is formed :

Verb «have» and the third form of the verb (ed

Examples : I have Tried


Taken part in

Next Degrees of comparison. Rule ( таблица)

At the blackboard Task: Fill in the blanks missing adverbs

_____ _______ most carefully

fast _________ __________

_______ worse ___________

Slowly (more slowly) (most slowly)

Little (less) (least)

III. Oбсуждение "What are you good at?"

You are already in the seventh form and l think you have already learned a lot.

So tell me please what you are at and how you've got your results.

You can talk about your good results not only in studying but also in participating in different clubs.

Some students are good at their subjects, others at various activities

P1 - p2

IV. Работа в группах.

Your class is divided into four groups.

Now I propose you to work in groups.

First task

You have read a lot about famous people.

They have different professions but all of them worked hard to get good results

I propose you some cards with professions

( раздаются каждой группе карточки с разными названиями профессий )

Your task is to define how the representatives of different professions achieved their results

How to become the best (talented) sportsman, chess player, actor/actress, photographer etc.

I give you 3 minutes

So well done! Clever of you!

Second task

British and American children write to different magazines about activities they are good at or not good and they ask for advice it they have some problems

Give them advice how to organize work.

( см. учебник Кузовлева В.П. стр 34-35 письма учеников)

Каждой группе раздать по 1 (2) письма

Идет обсуждение в группах

Примерy ответы стр.34 у. 1.2)

Don't forget to use comparative adverbs

V. Проверка домашнего задания

(этот этап может быть проведен после повторения грамматического материала )

Now let's check up your home task

Your home task was to describe one of your classmates, his achievements Each group will read the description, others will listen to and try to guess who is this passage about.

VI. Чтение. Текст Братья Райт (Brothers Wright)

(этот этап может быть исключен если не хватает времени)

Before reading this text about brothers Whrigt I'd like to give you some information about them

(from LCG)

Answer my questions

How did they become famous?

What did they invent?

VII. Заключительный этап

Составление доски почета ( данного класса )

Board of Fame

I think you are not worse than brothers Wright May be some years later we will hear about some of you and we'll proud of you.

I'd like to finish our lesson by creating the Board of Fame of 7 А At your group you will write about your classmates who are the best at various activities who deserves to be the best then you put your sheets on the Board of fame

(Группам раздаются по несколько карточек они их заполняют и наклеивают на общий плакат на доске )



Board of Fame







VIII. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок

(каждой группе раздается лист с выражениями)

Смотрите приложение

Expressions (Глагол + наречие)

Try hard

Work hard

Work much

Work well

Work attentively

Write neatly

Behave wisely correctly

Behave emotionally

Think through problems carefully

Work fast

Write programs brilliantly and quickly

Achieve much

Do things brilliantly

Study seriously

Listen carefully

Present work regularly and neatly

Study properly

Follow instruction carefully

Practice much

do brilliantly

do experiments excellently

act well

play brilliantly

organize work propevly


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