- Учителю
- Урок по английскому языку по теме 'Education'
Урок по английскому языку по теме 'Education'
ГУ «Совхозная средняя школа»
Education. Control of reading.
Ефимова Елена Витальевна
Date/ дата: 18.12.2015
Grade/ Класс: 8 «Б»
Theme/ Тема: Education. Control of reading.
Type of the lesson/ тип урока: комбинированный
Aim/ Цель: Создать условия для развития коммуникативных способностей учащихся.
Провести контроль чтения.
Совершенствовать навыки чтения, говорения, аудирования и письма.
Активизировать навыки работы с лексическим материалом.
Развивать память, внимание, мышление.
Совершенствовать навыки работы в группах.
Прививать интерес к изучению английского языка.
Materials/ Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал
Lesson Plan:
Organization moment/орг. момент
T: Good morning, students! How are you? Are pleased to have guests today? Let's turn to them, greet them and begin our lesson.
I want to divide you into 3 groups.
(уч-ся делятся на группы)
Flp.1 c.1, 2
Colored cards with words
Warm up/ Речевая разминка
Running dictation / бегающий диктант
T: I prepared for you the poem about school. But there is copy for each group on the wall. One student runs to the text, reads them and comes back to his/her group and begins to dictate the text. Then runs other student. Winner is group which writes all text. Then check
"The School".
The school has doors that open wide
And friendly teachers wait inside
Hurry, hurry, let`s go in,
For soon the lesson will begin.
Books and pencils I will need,
When I start to write and read,
Lots to learn and lots to do
I like to go to school, don`t you?
Flp.1 c. 3
Copy with the text "The School"
Speaking Practice/ активизация лексического материала
T: Some people say school is fun, others suppose school is a bore. What is school for you? Do you like to go to school? What do you like and don't like at school? Look at the screen and choose an answer.
S.: I Like/dislike ..
to become smarter
to study interesting subjects
to learn new things
to make a lot of friends
to take part in school activities
to enjoy school life
to get up early / to be tired
to do a lot of homework
to have no time for watching TV
to have many tests/ to get bad marks
(уч-ся говорят, что им нравится в школе, а что нет)
T.: Why do you go to school?
S.: I go to school
because we must get education ;
because secondary education is compulsory;
because it is interesting to study;
because I like to take part in social life;
because knowledge is power;
because I want to get an interesting profession;
because I want to enter a University after leaving
because I want to succeed in life.
(уч-ся объясняют, почему они ходят в школу)
T.: Thank you. I see you don't like going to school sometimes, but you have to.
What are reasons why you go to school? Look at the screen. Please read and give your opinions which the most important factors are and which the less important are.
S.: School…
introduces you to different people,
helps you to make your own decisions,
helps you to understand yourself better,
teaches you to be polite.,
helps you to get knowledge,
prepare for a future profession,
teaches you about countries, culture and the world,
teaches you to be honest, clever and educated person.
(Учащиеся читают предложения , выбирают наиболее важные причины, но потом делают вывод, что все причины одинаково важны)
Flp.1 c. 4
Flp.1 c.5
Flp.1 c.6
Vocabulary revision/ Повторение лексического материала
1) T: I'll give you cards with the words definitions - you should write there words
(уч-ся получают карточки, на которых нужно соединить дефиницию со словами)
2) T.: Find the continue to each sentence
(уч-ся должны соединить начало и конец предложения)
flp.1 c. 7
flp.1. c.8
Control of reading/ контроль чтения
T: But now you should work with text. After reading you should make task to check your understanding of these text.
(уч-ся читают самостоятельно текст, делают задание на понимание прочитанного)
Flp.1 c.9
Sheets with text for each student
Conclusion/ Заключение
T: Thank you, students. Now I'd like to sum up our lesson. Have we achieved our goals? Today we revised vocabulary, developed your skills in speaking, reading and thinking. I'm pleased with your work today. Can you guess your marks?
Home task: remember the proverbs about education and school.
Cards with proverbs